Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection. Josephine Cox

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Название Classic Bestsellers from Josephine Cox: Bumper Collection
Автор произведения Josephine Cox
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007577262

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      John didn’t care much for that idea and said so. ‘Once I’ve tidied the site and made at least one building good enough to work in, I intend starting the business and making money hand over fist. Why should I put my hard-earned profits in a bank that wouldn’t give me the time o’ day when I needed help?’

      Archie could see the reasoning behind it. ‘I never thought o’ that.’

      John quickened his steps. ‘Harriet will advise me, I’m sure,’ he said hopefully. ‘After all, she’s a businesswoman in her own merit.’

      ‘So she is,’ Archie agreed loyally. ‘So she is.’ In fact, the more he thought about it, the more Harriet went up in his estimation.

      They were entering the alley when Archie sent up a cry. ‘Look there!’ Calling John’s attention to the ragged figure bent over the midden, he declared angrily, ‘Filthy devil! What’s he up to?’

      As they approached, they saw how the man was discarding the contents of the midden, obviously looking for food because now, he snatched at a chunk of what looked like bread and rammed it in his mouth. Intent on filling his belly, the tramp didn’t see how John approached him, while Archie stayed back.

      ‘Don’t eat that filth,’ John said quietly. ‘Go and buy yourself a decent meal.’ Laying a handful of coins on the ground, he stepped away when the man stopped and stared, his mouth stuffed with blackened bread, and his eyes bulbous with fear.

      ‘It’s all right,’ John assured him gently. ‘I don’t mean to frighten you.’

      Now, as the man backed away, John held out his arms in frustration. ‘I only want to help you.’

      The tramp continued to study him, his face smudged with dirt and his eyes still open wide, fearful and curious – and deep in the scrutiny there flickered a glimmer of recognition.

      Seeing that flicker, which he took to be fear, John said: ‘Have you no work?’

      Suddenly, the tramp snatched up the coins and continued to back off, inching his way down the alley, minute by minute widening the distance between himself and John.

      Watching him retreat, John was curious; in that moment when the tramp stared into his face, there was a reciprocal stirring of recognition; a deep-down feeling that he knew this man from somewhere. It was unnerving.

      There was something about the tramp that made John want to talk with him, to find out more about him.

      Now, as the man clumsily stumbled from the alley, John called after him, ‘I can give you work if you want it. Do you know the derelict site by the canal? You’ll find me there most days from now on.’ His voice echoed off the narrow walls. ‘Don’t forget to come and see us. My name is Hanley. Hanley!

      ‘He’s gone.’ Archie came up beside him.

      ‘Do you think he heard me?’ John asked worriedly.

      Archie shrugged. ‘Who knows? And even if he did, who can say whether he’s prepared to work? Some o’ these vagabonds are too damned lazy to do anything but scrounge.’

      ‘Did you see how he stared at me?’ John was still disturbed by it.

      Archie had seen, but wasn’t unduly concerned. ‘I expect the poor devil’s mad as a hatter. Most of ’em are.’

      The chance encounter played on John’s mind all the way back to Harriet’s lodging-house. ‘I can’t help feeling I know him from somewhere.’

      Archie had the explanation. ‘Well, o’ course you do!’ he said. ‘He’s the same fella who spoke to us the other day at the Sailor’s Rest Hotel.’

      When John frowned, he went on: ‘We were minding our own business, having a conversation about me not being able to do my work on board ship, when he butted in, said as how the sailors would likely throw me over the side if I didn’t feed ’em.’ He gave a cursory glance up the alley. ‘Cheeky bugger. What’s it got to do with him anyway?’

      John lapsed into deep thought.

      ‘Hey!’ Archie gave him a nudge. ‘Have you gone deaf or what?’

      John was still thinking about the tramp. ‘I can’t help feeling I’ve met him before, not at the inn, but somewhere else.’

      Shrugging, Archie pointed ahead. ‘We’re back,’ he said, ‘and you can put that fella outta your mind, ’cause you don’t know him from Adam. What’s more, you wouldn’t want to neither.’

      On seeing Harriet at the door waiting to greet them, John brought the conversation to an end. ‘Happen I’ll have it out with him when he turns up at the site,’ he remarked hopefully.

      Archie laughed out loud. ‘I’ll bet a pound to a penny you’ll not clap eyes on that one again – unless it’s to see him rummaging about in middens and such. If you want my advice, you’ll steer well clear. He looks a bad lot to me, straight outta prison I shouldn’t wonder – else why would he be tramping the streets, when he looks fit enough to be earning a wage, tell me that, eh?’

      Harriet called to them. ‘Get a move on! Lord knows, I’ve been waiting long enough for you to get back! What happened at the sale? Is it good news or bad?’ She opened her tin of snuff and applied a pinch to each nostril, to help hide her emotion. She knew well enough what the news was, but they didn’t know that, and they never would, if she had her way.

      So, when John broke the thrilling news to her, she feigned great excitement. And neither he nor Archie were any the wiser.

      Not too far away, in the Sun public-house, Emily’s estranged father was also imparting news, but of a different nature. ‘I’ve just seen a ghost,’ he told those who would listen. ‘Fair shook me up, it has.’ Fumbling in his pocket for one of John’s coins, he handed it to the landlord.

      ‘I’m not surprised,’ the landlord replied with a wink at his other customer. ‘If you will keep roaming the streets at twilight, you’ll see all manner o’ ghosts. That’s when they come looking for your kind.’

      ‘That’s right enough!’ the other customer remarked. ‘You wouldn’t catch me out after midnight, I don’t mind telling you. That’s when the witches and werewolves go on the prowl. I’ve heard tell how some of your kind get snatched off the streets, never to be seen again.’ His voice dropped to a whisper and his eyes grew wider with every word. ‘Vampires, too. They’re never far away, or so I’m told.’

      For a minute the tramp wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not; until he saw the smile and a wink pass between him and the landlord. He grinned at them through his unkempt beard. ‘Go on with you! I’m not that easily taken in.’

      ‘It’s your own fault,’ the landlord laughed. ‘You left yourself wide open for a joshing, with your talk of seeing ghosts and such!’

      Throwing another coin on the counter, the tramp ordered a refill of ale. ‘I didn’t mean that kind of ghost,’ he explained. ‘I meant a ghost from the past … some man I recognised.’ Taking the ale, he swigged it back. Seeing John had given him a real turn.

      The landlord saw how shaken up he was and said as much. ‘From the way you’re trembling, I’d say it was somebody you owe money to.’

      Michael glared at him. ‘Well, you’d be wrong!’ he said, growing more confident with every gulp of the potent brew. ‘If you must know, it was a young man who lived not far from my farm.’

      Seeing the other men look from one to the other with disbelieving expressions, he told them. ‘Oh, aye! There’s more to me than what you see in front of you.’

      ‘If you’ve got a farm, what the blazes are you doing wandering the streets round the docks?’ That was another customer, a slight fellow with a drooping moustache.

      ‘Because I choose to, that’s why!’ When the memories came flooding