Voice of the Heart. Barbara Taylor Bradford

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Название Voice of the Heart
Автор произведения Barbara Taylor Bradford
Жанр Историческая литература
Издательство Историческая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007395583

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for Confidential, so you don’t have to worry about little old me.’

      ‘I’m not,’ Katharine replied, a frosty note edging into her voice. ‘And Victor and I really are only good friends, that’s all. Oh, thanks, Joe,’ she added as the drinks materialized in front of them.

      Joe moved away, and Estelle picked up her mimosa. ‘Skol!’

      Katharine said, ‘Cheers, Estelle.’ She took a small swallow and gave the journalist a long look that was quizzical. After a short pause, she asked cautiously, ‘What made you mention Confidential} That’s an awful magazine, devoted to exposés of movie stars and celebrities. There’s nothing to expose about me. Or Victor for that matter. Or the two of us together, I might add.’ The second this last sentence left her mouth, Katharine silently chastised herself. I’ve said too much, she thought.

      Estelle had detected a mixture of concern and genuine puzzlement in Katharine’s manner, and she said in a confiding whisper, ‘I guess you didn’t know, but Arlene Mason is suing Victor for a divorce. I understand she’s the bitch of all time. Anyway, she seems out to make trouble and is demanding a fortune. And I mean a fortune. Under California law she might just get it too. Community property and all that. It seems she has a lot of juicy things to say about Victor’s extra-marital love affairs with a number of delectable ladies, and I do mean juicy! She’s babbling away to all and sundry who will listen, particularly journalists. As I said, most of us think she’s a bitch on wheels, and that she’s out to embarrass Victor by creating a public scandal. But he does happen to have a lot of loyal friends in the press, so she won’t get to first base. But you might warn him that Confidential seems to be paying attention to her. In fact, I heard on the grapevine that they’re looking for a journalist to do a piece on him and his romantic activities in merry old England.’

      Although Katharine knew Victor was having trouble with his divorce, she was both taken aback and troubled by this additional information. However, uncertain of Estelle’s motives, she concealed her reaction behind a bland façade, and said, after a slight hesitation, ‘I knew about his divorce, but not the details. And I must say, it’s very nice of you to pass on the information about the magazine. I will warn Victor. I’m sure he’ll be most appreciative.’

      ‘My pleasure,’ Estelle said, lifting her drink and glancing about, looking star struck, as indeed she was.

      There was a soft disarming smile on Katharine’s lovely face as she regarded Estelle, but her mind was working with icy precision. She was considering the journalist with great objectivity at this moment. Was Estelle sincere in wanting to warn Victor? Or was she dissembling to cover her own tracks? Estelle might very well be working for Confidential herself. Suddenly, instinct and her well-honed perception, told Katharine otherwise. She had already discerned that Estelle was a flatterer, and unctuous, and, very transparently, a sycophant who preferred to make the famous her friends rather than her enemies. She was also a bit dim. Without deliberating further, Katharine made a snap judgment and decided to take a chance on Estelle. It also struck her that if possible she ought to find a way to totally neutralize her, whilst making use of her if she could. Girls like Estelle, who fed off their associations with the famous, were often invaluable, and they never really minded being used. The flatterers feel flattered, Katharine thought sardonically. It appeals to their diminished egos. Makes them feel important.

      Shifting her position on the bar stool, and crossing her legs, Katharine drew closer, pinning the other girl with her hypnotic gaze. She said, in a voice as sweet as honey, ‘You know, Estelle, I’ve been thinking about the things you’ve just told me, and perhaps you ought to talk to Victor yourself.’ She paused, and improvising quickly, went on, ‘He’s giving a small supper this coming Sunday. I know he would be delighted if you came with me. Also, you might meet some interesting people you can write about.’ Katharine did not know who these would be, since she had only just thought up the idea of the supper, but she would worry about the guest list later.

      Estelle positively glowed. ‘I say, that’s really great of you, Katharine. I’d love it.’ Her dark and avid little eyes glittered like chips of jet. ‘Actually, I think I should write a story about you. I heard somewhere that you’re an American. Is that true? You don’t sound as if you are.’

      ‘Oh, but I am,’ Katharine assured her. ‘It’s nice of you to want to write about me, but I have a lot of other commitments just now. Perhaps in a few weeks.’ Seeing the crushed look on Estelle’s face and deeming it necessary to appease, she suggested hurriedly, ‘But listen, why don’t you interview Victor? He’s about to remake Wuthering Heights. I could arrange an exclusive for you, if you want, Estelle. Since Victor hasn’t made any announcements about the film as yet, it could be quite a coup for you. A scoop,’ she finished with a gay laugh.

      ‘Hey, that’s a terrific idea!’ Estelle fished around in her bag and brought out a card. ‘Here’s my number. Do let me know about the dinner party. What time is it, and where, and all the other details – ‘ She stopped, staring at the entrance to the club, and then said, ‘I think your lunch date has just arrived. At least, the girl standing over there is looking this way.’

      Katharine turned and spotted Francesca near the door. She waved, slipped off the stool and went to meet her. Francesca stepped forward, smiling broadly.

      ‘There you are, Francesca dear!’ Katharine cried, her face lighting up with pleasure. They clasped hands warmly.

      Francesca said, ‘Hello, Katharine. I’m sorry I’m late.’ She was out of breath and flushed.

      ‘Oh, that doesn’t matter. I’ve not been here very long anyway. Now do come and meet Estelle Morgan, a very dear journalist friend of mine. Estelle, this is Lady Francesca Cunningham.’

      Estelle, who was preening at being termed a dear friend, grabbed hold of Francesca’s outstretched hand and pumped it. ‘Delighted to meet you,’ she purred. ‘Well, I see my own date has arrived at long last, so I’ll be on my way. Thanks for the drink, Katharine. See you Sunday.’

      Katharine guided Francesca to the stool Estelle had vacated. ‘I’m having a mimosa. It’s very refreshing. Would you like one?’

      Francesca said, ‘Yes, thank you. It sounds very festive and just what I need.’ She perched on the stool and looked across at Katharine, smiling, and then she caught her breath, startled yet again by Katharine’s extraordinary loveliness. She thought: Hers is exactly the kind of unforgettable beauty that has inspired great poets and artists for centuries. It’s romantic and mysterious and heart-stopping in its poignancy. No one could remain unmoved by it for very long, she decided. And once again Francesca found herself entirely captivated by her new friend.

      After Katharine had ordered from Joe, she touched Francesca’s arm lightly, affectionately, and her face was happy and radiant as she told her, ‘I’m so glad you could make lunch today. I was dying to see you again, and talk to you.’

      ‘Yes, so was I,’ Francesca responded with warmth and the same eager enthusiasm. Now her eyes roamed around the club, taking in the elegant décor. She grinned and said, ‘This looks like a rather nice place. I usually go to a grotty greasy spoon for a revolting sandwich when I’m at the BM. Obviously it’s hardly as smart as this.’

      Katharine asked with some curiosity, ‘What’s the BM?’

      ‘The British Museum. My home away from home, as Kim calls it.’

      ‘Oh yes, of course. Were you there this morning?’

      ‘Yes. I was doing some digging into the background of Gordon’s siege at Khartoum this morning, when I suddenly bogged down in the worst way.’ She sighed. ‘The more research I do the more I realize what a monumental task I have ahead of me. Hundreds of documents to sift through and read, masses of material to analyse and evaluate.’

      ‘But Kim told me you have been researching for almost eight months already, and every day!’ Katharine exclaimed, an eyebrow lifting in amazement.

      ‘Yes, I have.’ Francesca grimaced. ‘And