The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 6, June, 1862. Various

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Название The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 6, June, 1862
Автор произведения Various
Жанр Политика, политология
Издательство Политика, политология
Год выпуска 0

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produced upon me. 'To deal frankly with you,' continued the General, 'you are poisoned, and the Indian poison that is now coursing through your veins has no antidote. Ten minutes, and your strength will begin to fail; two hours, and your earthly career will end. If you do not at once give me your keys, I shall force the lock.' These words, which he doubtless thought would crush me, filled me with boundless rage, and for a few moments revived my sinking energies. I started to my feet, and seized my revolver.'

      '''The devil! it seems the dose was not strong enough,' exclaimed my assassin, taking flight; 'but I will return, be sure of that.''

      'The doctor soon arrived. At the first glance at the patient, he knit his brow, and his countenance became overcast.

      ''How long have you been ill?' he inquired.

      ''I was poisoned, about an hour since.'

      ''Ah! you know you have been poisoned?'

      ''Yes, doctor, and also the man who poisoned me. Tell me, I beseech you, how long I have to live? Speak! you need have no fear; I am prepared for the worst.'

      'The doctor hesitated, and then said: 'I fear, my dear sir, another hour is all you can hope for.'

      ''I thank you, doctor, for your frankness. No antidote, then, can save me?'

      ''None. The poison you have taken, which the Indians call 'Leche de palo,' is deadly. Your present sufferings will soon cease, and gradually you will sink, peacefully and painlessly, into the sleep of death.'

      ''Send instantly, then, for a magistrate. I at least will be revenged on my murderer,' said Arthur, 'let me at once make my statement.'

      ''You will only be wasting your dying moments,' interposed the doctor; 'day after day, I am called upon to witness the ravages of this insidious poison, but never yet has the scaffold punished the assassin. My dear friend, think not of your murderer; eternity is opening to receive you; in its solemn presence, mere human vengeance shrinks into utter nothingness.'

      ''Doctor, you speak wisely as well as kindly. Poor Adéle,' murmured Arthur, and his eyes closed, though his lips still moved.

      'After the doctor's departure, I sent to the American Legation, urgently requesting some official to return with my messenger. I took a chair beside the bed, while Donna Teresa knelt in the adjoining room, and prayed and sobbed with much fervor. In a short while, Arthur rallied from the stupor into which he had fallen. His features became calm, his breathing regular though feeble, and the tranquil, almost happy, expression of his eye made me for a time half doubt the fearful prediction of the physician.

      ''Do you feel better?' I inquired.

      ''Much much; I am in no pain.'

      ''Let us hope, then, for the best. I will send for another doctor.'

      ''No, that would be useless. My lower extremities are swelling, and I can feel the hand of death clutching at my vitals. The doctor was right; death is not racking me with torture, it is gently embracing me. But I want your assistance; sit down.'

      'I resumed my seat, and Arthur continued, in a feeble tone, but perfectly calm:

      ''How mean a thing is life! Good God! so mean, that at this moment I can not explain to my own soul why man should cling to it. What do we meet during our short career? Deceit, hypocrisy, and treachery. Ah! death reveals the hollowness of life.'

      ''My dear friend, you are exhausting yourself. Did you not say you wanted my assistance? Rely on my zeal, my fidelity, and my discretion.'

      ''Rely on you! How can I tell? You are only a man; perhaps avaricious and treacherous as your fellow-mortals. No matter; though you should forswear yourself; I, at least, will do what is right. Feel beneath my pillow, there is a key; take it, open my desk. In the small drawer on the left is a package of letters. Have you them? Good. Next to that there is a sealed letter. Now, read aloud the direction on each.'

      ''Papers to be burnt after my death,' said I, obeying his injunction.

      ''Well, what do you intend doing with them?'

      ''Can you for one moment doubt?' I replied.

      'What if I should tell you they contain the entire secret of my opal-mine!'

      'I made no reply; but struck a match against the wall, and setting them on fire, resumed my seat.

      ''I could hardly have believed it; but you still have Pepito; from him you hope to learn the secret,' said the dying man.

      ''Shall I bind myself by an oath not to seek him?'

      ''No; I leave you at liberty. Act as you think best. I burned those papers because they were bought with blood, for no other reason.'

      ''Bought with blood?' I exclaimed.

      ''Yes; ten months ago, General Ramiro died at New-Orleans, by poison—poison administered by Adéle. Do you wonder life has lost all charm for me? Oh! life is the bitterness, not death.'

      'His voice momently grew fainter. I leaned closer, to catch his fading tones, till he ceased to speak. I gazed intently at his glassy eyes; the lids closed for a moment, then partially opened, the jaw fell, and he was no more.'

      'I know not how long I had stood beside his lifeless body, pondering over the uncertainty of life, and the mystery of death, and the conflicting presentiments he had uttered: that he should live to achieve success, yet die without again seeing her who had lured him to his wretched end, when the door of the chamber suddenly opened, and five or six dragoons entered, accompanied by an officer in undress uniform.

      ''What! you here, General?' I exclaimed.

      ''Why not?' was the cool reply, 'I am in search of a deserter named Pepito, who, I was informed, was concealed here. I see he is not here; but doubtless by searching among the papers contained in this desk, I shall find some clue to him.'

      ''Your search, General, will be fruitless. The unfortunate young man whose corpse lies here, instructed me, before he expired, to burn all the papers in his possession, and I have obeyed his injunctions.'

      ''Curses on his infernal obstinacy!' exclaimed General Valiente, 'but look you, Señor, I tell you I will search this desk.'

      ''By what right?'

      ''By the right of might.'

      'Taking my stand in front of the desk, I was protesting against the lawless act of violence, when the Secretary of the American Legation fortunately arrived. Finding his plans defeated, Valiente, with commendable prudence, decided on beating a retreat, and with his followers, took rather an abrupt departure.

      'The ordinary formalities of attaching the seals of the Legation having been performed, and having secured a faithful person to take charge of the remains of the unfortunate Livermore, I sallied forth to make arrangements to leave, as soon as possible, for Toluca.

      The first person I met was Pedro. It is impossible to express the horror I felt of this villain. My hand was on my weapon before he had reached my side.

      ''Have you heard the news, Caballero?' said he, in a low, mysterious tone.


      ''I was not fortunate enough to release Pepito; when I arrived with his master's letter, he had already escaped from the barracks.'

      ''Tell me frankly, Pedro, did not General Valiente send you, this morning, for that letter?'

      ''Why? What makes you ask?' inquired Pedro, quite disconcerted by the abruptness of my question.

      ''Because Señor Pride is dead, and General Valiente has twice been to his rooms.'

      ''Dead! Señor Pride dead!' echoed Pedro, in unfeigned astonishment. 'Caballero, I must be off.' And he instantly turned away, and was soon lost to my sight.

      'Before another hour had passed I was on horseback and on the way to Toluca. The road was infested by gangs of robbers, but my pockets were empty, and my brain was full, so I gave those gentry not even a passing thought. The evening was fast closing in, and as the shadows gathered round me, the tragic event which I had just witnessed gradually receded from my mind. As I journeyed on, it grew more and more distant, until at last it faded into a dim memory of the past; and