Смотреть и видеть. Эми Герман

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Название Смотреть и видеть
Автор произведения Эми Герман
Жанр Самосовершенствование
Серия Думай и Решай
Издательство Самосовершенствование
Год выпуска 2015
isbn 978-5-17-100117-9

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Rachel Zarrell, This Artist Turns Her 2-Year-Old’s Doodles into Gorgeous Paintings, BuzzFeed, 07.09.2014.


      Daniel L. Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, & Daniel M. Wegner, Psychology (New York: Worth, 2011): 125–171.


      Don DeLillo, In the Ruins of the Future: Reflections on Terror and Loss in the Shadow of September, Harper’s Magazine, 12/2001.


      Sob – рыдание (англ.)


      Holland Cotter, The Beast in the Human, and Vice Versa, New York Times, 25.04.2013.


      Allison Meier, Apartheid Subversion in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Hyperallergic, 01.05.2013.


      Marion Dreyfus, St. John and the ‘Divine’ Art of Jane Alexander, American Thinker, 02.06.2013; Sarah Roth, New Installation Brings South Africa to St. John the Divine, Columbia Daily Spectator, 22.04.2013.


      Alex and Ben, St. John the Divine, Snap It. Taste It. Blog It., snaptasteblogit.com/st-john-the-divine.html.


      Jess Bidgood, At Wellesley, Debate over a Statue in Briefs, New York Times, 06.02.2014; Keerthi Mohan, Near Nude Statue of Sleepwalking Man ‘Freaks Out’ Students; Should the Statue Be Removed? International Business Times India, 08.02.2014.


      David A. Fahrenthold, Sculpture of Near-Naked Man at Wellesley Has Its Critics, Washington Post, 05.02.2014; Jaclyn Reiss, Realistic Statue of Man in His Underwear at Wellesley College Sparks Controversy, Boston Globe, 05.02.2014.


      Vinoth K. Ranganathan et al., From Mental Power to Muscle Power: Gaining Strength by Using the Mind, Neuropsychologia vol. 42, № 7 (06/2004): 944–56.


      Tori Rodriguez, Mental Rehearsals Strengthen Neural Circuits, Scientific American, 14.08.2014, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mental-rehearsals-strengthen-neural-circuits/.


      John F. Kihlstrom, The Cognitive Unconscious, Science vol. 237 (18.09.1987): 1445–1452.


      Daniel Reisberg, Cognition, 3rd ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 2005): 469–71.


      Pacific Standard Staff, There’s a Name for That: The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, Pacific Standard, 22.07.2013.


      David Dunning & Emily Balcetis, Wishful Seeing: How Preferences Shape Visual Perception, Current Directions in Psychological Science vol. 22, № 1 (02/2013): 33–37.


      Guido M. van Koningsbruggen, Wolfgang Stroebe, & Henk Aarts, Through the Eyes of Dieters: Biased Size Perception of Food Following Tempting Food Primes, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology vol. 47, issue 2 (03/2011): 293–99.


      Emily Balcetis & David Dunning, Wishful Seeing: More Desired Objects Are Seen as Closer, Psychological Science, 12/2009; Kohske Takahashi et al., Psychological Influences on Distance Estimation in a Virtual Reality Environment, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience vol. 7 (18.09.2013): 580.


      David G. Wittels, You’re Not as Smart as You Could Be, Saturday Evening Post, 17.04.1948, 24.04.1948, 01.05.1948.


      Graham Davies & Sarah Hine, Change Blindness and Eyewitness Testimony, Journal of Psychology, 07/2007.


      Brain Games, season 2, episode 11, National Geographic Channel, braingames.nationalgeographic.com.


      Natalie Angier, Blind to Change, Even as It Stares Us in the Face, New York Times, 01.04.2008.


      Посмотреть фотожурнал Марка Хирша, а также купить его книгу об одиноком дубе можно на сайте http://thattree.net; Также см. ‘That Tree’: Photographer Mark Hirsch Becomes One with an Oak Tree in Lovely Documentary Project, Huffington Post, 29.05.2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/29/that-tree-photographer-mark-hirsch-becomes-one-with-an-oak_n_3347786.html.


      Mark Hirsch, How a Tree Helped Heal Me, CBS Sunday Morning, 16 09 2013.


      Bill Weir, Apollo Robbins: King of Thieves, Nightline, 12.07.2013, ABC.


      Faith Karimi, Steve Almasy, & Lillian Leposo, Kenya Mall Attack: Military Says Most Hostages Freed, Death Toll at 68, CNN, 23.09.2013.


      Michael Pearson & Zain Verjee, Questions Linger After Kenya Mall Attack, CNN, 23.09.2013; Source: Store in Besieged Kenyan Mall Run by Attackers or Associates, CNN, 27.09.2013; Dashiell Bennett, Tragic and Heroic Stories from Survivors of the Kenyan Mall Attack, Atlantic Monthly, 27.09.2013.


      History of Shootings at Malls Worldwide, KGW-NBC Portland, 12.12.2012; John Swaine, Al-Shabaab Mall Threat ‘All the More Reason’ to Avoid Shutdown, Says Homeland Security Chief, Guardian, 22.02.2015.


      Knowing the Risks, Protecting Your Business: A Global Study, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, 2012, www.freshfields.com.


      Hannah McNeish, Hero Helped American Family Survive Kenya Mall Terror, USA Today, 27.12.2013.


      Знаменитый американский футболист и актер О. Джей Симпсон был обвинен в убийстве своей бывшей жены и ее приятеля. В саду Симпсона была обнаружена окровавленная перчатка на правую руку, а левая подобрана на месте преступления. Суд приговорил обвиняемого к тридцати трем годам тюремного заключения.