The fables and the parables. Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova

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Название The fables and the parables
Автор произведения Tatiana Sindeeva-Burova
Жанр Книги для детей: прочее
Издательство Книги для детей: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785449347435

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think about the benefit, which I bring in an oak grove.

      I want to say you, do not judge others by yourself

      Then your head will not be swimming!”

      And Squirrel bridled up the tail and jumped up on the barrel,

      She disappeared in the leaves, only a rustle was heard.

      Wild boar tried to heave up and gazed after the Squirrel

      He pushed in earth his dirty nose, thinking about Squirrel…

      Sometimes we like to judge each other,

      We search for defects and evils.

      We praise ourselves and think that all around must look like us

      And we forget that all of us are different,

      And we’re only able to act the role, That was given to us by fate.


      Eagle and Parrot

      Eagle sat on the branch of a tree and decided to relax,

      He stretched out his wing and straightened his back

      Then Eagle lifted up his head and saw above the Parrot.

      Pretending that he doesn’t see, Eagle stretched out his wing,

      And with half an eye he looked on Parrot.

      And Parrot looked on Eagle from a height and copied all Eagles’

      manners. He pulled up and mashed a back,

      As though he flew all day and twirled as Eagle in the sky.

      Looking at this circus, Eagle said:

      “Brother, do you wish to fly with me and steam under the Sun,

      And do you want to hunt, to taste my supper, truly?

      If it’s true, let’s fly right now together

      and I’ll look what you are on a business!”

      Eagle threw up and straightened wings and Parrot followed him,

      He was like Eagle, strong and brave, the proud and free bird.

      Eagle flies to the sun. But Parrot loses forces and even goes behind

      An eagle caught sight a hare that went at a jog-trot

      He swooped down, tearing skies, to catch enormous booty

      Eagle went down near the hare and grasped him by his pounce

      And Parrot strangled in the sky, but imitates the Eagle.

      In fact, he’s Eagle, isn’t he? And he did the same trick

      But Parrot fell like a stone; he did not see the aim.

      He dropped as if he had been shot he was tired so much

      Parrot did not catch the hare and lost forces from loading.

      He lies and stretches his wings on the field.

      He’s more dead than alive…

      Sometimes we copy our friends, sometimes we emulate.

      We want to be in other place but not on our own.

      We act against our essence and go against Nature

      We make a laugh doing it and lose our delight…


      Donkey and two Goats

      Once in the light day, a dispute was made by two not young Goats.

      The first tells to another and presses him by horn:

      “You see my horns are very strong, how much force I have.

      I’ll overcome you, foolish Goat!

      The second Goat replies: “What are your horns! Look at my hoofs!

      I will give on your sides by them; you’ll fly with horns in a ditch!”

      A day ends, but Goats don’t stop. Donkey passed by,

      He saw two debutants and he wanted to help them

      “Why do you press each other, Goats, you’d rather calm down.

      You, on the right hand, press down stronger, I will look!

      But you press incorrectly!

      And you, that on the left, move your hoof stronger!

      My Brother, quarrel by yourselves. I am tired and bored

      Shake a beard stronger, beat by hoof…

      that’s all for you, my Brother

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