Историческая библиотека. Том 8. Отсутствует

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Название Историческая библиотека. Том 8
Автор произведения Отсутствует
Жанр Старинная литература: прочее
Издательство Старинная литература: прочее
Год выпуска 1879

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can you tell her I need to see her? It’s urgent.’ The CCRC were investigating Raven’s appeal and needed to speak to Maggie.

      She shook her head at the thought that Raven was now claiming that he was unlawfully arrested and imprisoned. The worst thing was he may have grounds for that appeal after all. She was under a lot of pressure both at work and at home. With her second divorce looming, her head was a mess. Her only saving grave was that she’d never had children with either of her husbands. She couldn’t think about that now. Instead, Raven’s situation and the predicament her team currently found themselves in had to take priority.

      Abigail was torn between viewing Raven as a potentially dangerous offender and needing to keep an open mind that he could be acquitted and released.

      She loaded up the details on her computer and began to trawl through the original statements taken by Maggie. She had no doubt that Maggie did everything by the book, and as the Crown Prosecution Service, or CPS as they are better known to those in the criminal justice services, believed there had been enough evidence to charge and convict Bill Raven, she had no cause to be concerned. At least she hoped she didn’t. But she also knew that if Maggie let her obsession with Raven continue, it could lead the whole department into a nightmare.

      She was startled by a knock on her door and nearly jumped out of her seat. Seeing Nathan, she smiled.

      ‘Sorry, ma’am. Maggie texted to say she’s meeting up with some of her old colleagues from the DAHU – sorry, Domestic Abuse and Homicide Unit – and then heading to the Crown Courts to speak with someone in the CPS.’

      ‘Did she say who? Or why?’ Abigail frowned.

      ‘Sorry, ma’am. She didn’t. Do you want me to get back to her and ask?’

      ‘No. That’s fine. I’ll speak to her.’

      Although Maggie needed some time to readjust, Abigail wouldn’t tolerate having her instructions ignored. Their DCI was already on the warpath for reasons yet unknown to her and he’d come down on her like a ton of bricks if she didn’t keep her team in line. The Chopper case had almost destroyed Maggie the first time around, and Abigail wouldn’t let it happen again. Reaching for her phone, she dialled the only person at the CPS she knew to have any influence and hoped that Maggie got the message.


      Maggie arrived at Markston train station with plenty of time before her planned meeting with PC Mark Fielding and Probation Officer Lucy Sherwood. As annoying as it could be to take public transport, it also helped clear her head.

      Mark still worked with the domestic abuse team, but Maggie knew he was spending more and more of his time at the haven Lucy had set up for victims of domestic abuse after her own personal experiences the year before. Maggie loved the name – SAFE – it stood for Strength. Acceptance. Freedom and Empowerment. Maggie still shuddered at the thought of what Lucy had endured.

      She missed working with the domestic abuse team, even if it had been draining. Walking through town, Maggie headed in the direction of Costa. She ordered a cappuccino with an extra shot, grabbed a table outside and enjoyed the feel of the sun on her face. She pulled out her mobile and began scrolling through the news on the internet. When she saw the headline ‘Raven’s Appeal Makes a Mockery of the Police’ and read the section outlining her incompetency, she wished she had not bothered. All the papers seemed to follow along the same theme. Maggie bet that Raven was feeding them information, as none of what she read had been discussed in the press conference.

      Looking around, she saw two figures she instantly recognized. Maggie waved as they approached the table.

      ‘Hello! It’s so great to see you both.’ Maggie stood and hugged Mark and Lucy before sitting back down.

      ‘Are you okay for a coffee, Maggie?’ Mark pointed to her half-drunk cup on the table.

      ‘I’m good for now, thanks.’

      ‘What are you having, Lucy? I’ll get these in and you two can have a catch-up.’ Mark smiled and affection glowed in Lucy’s eyes.

      ‘Cappuccino, please.’ Lucy pulled up a chair, so she could face Maggie.

      As Mark walked away, Maggie grinned. ‘So, is there something I should know?’

      Lucy waved her hand. ‘Don’t be silly. Mark and I are just friends.’

      ‘You do remember I am a detective, right? I won’t interrogate you, this time …’

      ‘I like Mark. I’m not going to lie, but I’m just not ready at the moment. Not after … well, you know.’

      Maggie placed a hand gently over Lucy’s. ‘I was just teasing. For what it’s worth, I think you and Mark would make a great couple. Just promise you’ll let me know when it does happen.’ Maggie winked and saw the corners of Lucy’s mouth turn up in a smile.

      ‘Right then, here’s your cappuccino.’ Mark took a seat beside them. ‘So, what’s been happening since we last saw you, Maggie? The Chopper’s appeal sounds like a nightmare.’ Mark placed his coffee on the table.

      Maggie didn’t want word getting back to DI Rutherford that she was still following up on things outside of the current investigation. ‘It looks like Lorraine might have been held captive for nearly two years. The other women could still be alive, too.’ Maggie took a sip of her cappuccino. ‘Raven has a clever solicitor trying to make a name for himself, and he managed to convince the CCRC that Raven was not of sound mind when he confessed. We have about six weeks until his next appeal hearing. With the latest murder, the conviction may well be overturned. There’s obviously more to the story, but that’s the basics.’

      ‘Holy shit. The other women, the ones he also claimed to have murdered, might still be captive somewhere? So, Raven does have grounds for his appeal? But you’re not convinced, are you?’

      ‘The CCRC are going through everything with a fine-tooth comb. I’d rather not talk about it. What’s been happening at the unit. How’s everyone?’

      ‘Well Kat is looking to become a detective. She signed up to the accelerated programme and seems to be enjoying it. She’ll need to watch that mouth of hers though. Her brutal honesty will be her downfall if she’s not careful.’ Both Maggie and Lucy nodded agreement.

      ‘What about DS Hooper? He must be close to retirement now.’ Maggie recalled how keen the DS had been to leave the police after his years of service.

      ‘As he reminds us every bloody day with his countdown calendar. He’s saving up his annual leave and I think he only has a month or two left. Lucky bastard.’

      ‘I thought you liked working for the police?’ She looked him in the eyes, knowing she would see the truth no matter what came out of his mouth.

      ‘I do. But sometimes I just want a change. And with Hooper leaving, God knows who’ll replace him. Lucy did the right thing when she left her full-time position with Probation. At least with the agency work, she gets to pick and choose her hours.’

      The quick glance over at Lucy was not lost on Maggie.

      Mark continued, ‘I’ll carry on in the unit but keep my options open.’

      ‘Definitely the right thing to do. How’s Dr Moloney?’ Maggie hoped no one would notice the heat rising in her cheeks.

      ‘Busy but OK, I guess. A little stressed, what with all the profiles she is putting together on our nominals. Have you not seen her?’ Mark caught her eye.

      ‘Uh … no. Why?’ Maggie swallowed.

      ‘Just thought you might have, what with all that Raven stuff going on.’ Another look passed between Lucy and Mark.

      ‘You pair want to tell me what is going on? I can see the looks, you’re sitting right in front of me.’ Maggie sat back in