The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3). Christopher Marlowe

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Название The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3)
Автор произведения Christopher Marlowe
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 0

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drunk with gladness, to the door she goes;

      Where seeing a naked man, she screeched for fear

      (Such sights as this to tender maids are rare),

      And ran into the dark herself to hide

      (Rich jewels in the dark are soonest spied).

      Unto her was he led, or rather drawn,

      By those white limbs which sparkled through the lawn.

      The nearer that he came, the more she fled,

      And, seeking refuge, slipt into her bed;

      Whereon Leander sitting, thus began,

      Through numbing cold, all feeble, faint, and wan.

      "If not for love, yet, love, for pity-sake,

      Me in thy bed and maiden bosom take;

      At least vouchsafe these arms some little room,

      Who, hoping to embrace thee, cheerly swoom:

      This head was beat with many a churlish billow,

      And therefore let it rest upon thy pillow."

      Herewith affrighted, Hero shrunk away,

      And in her lukewarm place Leander lay;

      Whose lively heat, like fire from heaven fet,35

      Would animate gross clay, and higher set

      The drooping thoughts of base-declining souls,

      Than dreary-Mars-carousing nectar bowls.

      His hands he cast upon her like a snare:

      She, overcome with shame and sallow36 fear,

      Like chaste Diana when Actæon spied her,

      Being suddenly betray'd, div'd down to hide her;

      And, as her silver body downward went,

      With both her hands she made the bed a tent,

      And in her own mind thought herself secure,

      O'ercast with dim and darksome coverture.

      And now she lets him whisper in her ear,

      Flatter, entreat, promise, protest, and swear:

      Yet ever, as he greedily assay'd

      To touch those dainties, she the harpy play'd,

      And every limb did, as a soldier stout,

      Defend the fort, and keep the foeman out;

      For though the rising ivory mount he scal'd,

      Which is with azure circling lines empal'd,

      Much like a globe (a globe may I term this,

      By which Love sails to regions full of bliss),

      Yet there with Sisyphus he toil'd in vain,

      Till gentle parley did the truce obtain

      Even37 as a bird, which in our hands we wring,

      Forth plungeth, and oft flutters with her wing,

      She trembling strove: this strife of hers, like that

      Which made the world, another world begat

      Of unknown joy. Treason was in her thought,

      And cunningly to yield herself she sought.

      Seeming not won, yet won she was at length:

      In such wars women use but half their strength.

      Leander now, like Theban Hercules,

      Enter'd the orchard of th' Hesperides;

      Whose fruit none rightly can describe, but he

      That pulls or shakes it from the golden tree.

      Wherein Leander, on her quivering breast,

      Breathless spoke something, and sigh'd out the rest;

      Which so prevail'd, as he with small ado,

      Enclos'd her in his arms, and kiss'd her too:

      And every kiss to her was as a charm,

      And to Leander as a fresh alarm:

      So that the truce was broke, and she, alas,

      Poor silly maiden, at his mercy was.

      Love is not full of pity, as men say,

      But deaf and cruel where he means to prey.

      And now she wish'd this night were never done,

      And sigh'd to think upon th' approaching sun;

      For much it griev'd her that the bright day-light

      Should know the pleasure of this blessèd night,

      And them, like Mars and Erycine, display38

      Both in each other's arms chain'd as they lay.

      Again, she knew not how to frame her look,

      Or speak to him, who in a moment took

      That which so long, so charily she kept;

      And fain by stealth away she would have crept,

      And to some corner secretly have gone,

      Leaving Leander in the bed alone.

      But as her naked feet were whipping out,

      He on the sudden cling'd her so about,

      That, mermaid-like, unto the floor she slid;

      One half appear'd, the other half was hid.

      Thus near the bed she blushing stood upright,

      And from her countenance behold ye might

      A kind of twilight break, which through the air,39

      As from an orient cloud, glimps'd40 here and there;

      And round about the chamber this false morn

      Brought forth the day before the day was born.

      So Hero's ruddy cheek Hero betray'd,

      And her all naked to his sight display'd:

      Whence his admiring eyes more pleasure took

      Than Dis,41 on heaps of gold fixing his look.

      By this, Apollo's golden harp began

      To sound forth music to the ocean;

      Which watchful Hesperus no sooner heard,

      But he the bright Day-bearing car42 prepar'd,

      And ran before, as harbinger of light,

      And with his flaring beams mock'd ugly Night,

      Till she, o'ercome with anguish, shame, and rage,

      Dang'd43 down to hell her loathsome carriage.



      I present your ladyship with the last affections of the first two Lovers that ever Muse shrined in the Temple of Memory; being drawn by strange instigation to employ some of my serious time in so trifling a subject, which yet made the first Author, divine Musaeus, eternal. And were it not that we must subject our accounts of these common received conceits to servile custom, it goes much against my hand to sign that for a trifling subject on which more worthiness of soul hath been shewed, and weight of divine wit, than can vouchsafe residence in the leaden gravity of




Some eds. give "shallow."


In the old eds. this line and the next stood after l. 300. The transposition was made by Singer in the edition of 1821.


Old eds.—"then … displaid," and in the next line "laid."


Old eds. "heare" and "haire."


Old eds. "glympse."


Pluto was frequently identified by the Greeks with Plutus.


Old eds. "day bright-bearing car."


Dinged, dashed. Some eds. give "hurled."—Here Marlowe's share ends.


This Epistle is only found in the Isham copy, 1598.