Chief Customer Officer 2.0. Jeanne Bliss

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Название Chief Customer Officer 2.0
Автор произведения Jeanne Bliss
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119047643

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ne Bliss

      Chief Customer Officer 2.0

      More Praise for Chief Customer Officer 2.0

      “Jeanne focused our leadership team on embedding her five competencies into how we do business. Using the content described here, she united us in redirecting how we develop and grow our business and customer relationships.”

– Doug Holte, President, Irvine Company Office Properties

      “I guarantee that you will dog-ear this book and refer to it repeatedly to achieve success in your customer experience transformation and leadership role.”

– Gavan Duff, Chief Customer Officer, MSA, The Safety Company

      “It's wonderful to see Jeanne Bliss come out with another great book. Chief Customer Officer 2.0 is full of sound, practical advice for leaders who want to help their organizations become more customer-centric. I highly recommend it for anyone who cares about customer experience.”

– Bruce Temkin, Managing Partner of Temkin Group, Co-Founder, Customer Experience Professionals Association

      “Jeanne Bliss was the first to bring the chief customer officer role and customer leadership to us. With this book she continues to be a guardian and beacon to customer experience executives around the world.”

– Kerry Bodine, Coauthor of Outside In: The Power of Putting Customers at the Center of Your Business

      “Jeanne's five competencies in this book gave us a clear and concise path for improving client experiences and uniting our leadership team.”

– Dan Schrider, CEO, Sandy Spring Bank

      “If you believe, like I do, that companies in today's increasingly commoditized world need to be customer-driven and experience-focused, then grab Jeanne Bliss's Chief Customer Officer 2.0 off the shelf, read, and absorb it. Create such a position dedicated to developing a growth engine around the individual, living, breathing customers of your company, fulfill that position, or align with that person. Or, you know, be commoditized.”

– Joe Pine, Coauthor, The Experience Economy and Infinite Possibility

      “This is simply the most important book on your reading list right now to help you drive your customer experience transformation.”

– Joe Wheeler, Executive Director, The Service Profit Chain Institute

      There is no one more qualified to write this book than Jeanne Bliss, a visionary and leading light in the search for what customer-centric leaders must do to propel their organizations to greater success. Read Chief Customer Officer 2.0 to capitalize on Jeanne's decades of experience as a practitioner and coach, and learn how to truly embed customer-centric competencies into your organization.

– Bob Thompson, CEO of CustomerThink Corp. and author of Hooked On Customers: The Five Habits of Legendary Customer-Centric Companies

      “Make this book first on your reading list! Jeanne Bliss's thought leadership and ability to unite a leadership team and clarify this work takes years off your customer experience transformation.”

– Yves Leduc, President, Velan, Inc.

      “No matter your role in business, run to the cash register with this book. In Chief Customer Officer 2.0, you are provided a model, set of filters, tangible game plan, and the tools you will need to enjoy rewarding and sustainable growth that comes from delighting your customers. The book you are holding is approachable, transformational, and in keeping with the incredible thought leadership Jeanne Bliss has offered throughout her customer-obsessed career!”

– Joseph Michelli, New York Times bestselling author of Leading the Starbucks Way, The Zappos Experience, and The New Gold Standard

      This book should be a reality show because almost every company needs a makeover to make customers a priority again. Chief Customer Officer 2.0 is the best guide for your own successful makeover!

– Jeffrey Hayzlett, primetime TV and radio host, speaker, author, and part-time cowboy

      “Jeanne Bliss has the experience and wisdom to guide you through the process of creating a customer-driven organization.”

– Shep Hyken, customer service expert and New York Times bestselling author of The Amazement Revolution

      Chief Customer Officer 2.0

      How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine

      (Completely Revised and Expanded)

      Jeanne Bliss

      Copyright © 2015 by Jeanne Bliss. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      ISBN 9781119047605 (Hardcover)

      ISBN 9781119047629 (ePDF)

      ISBN 9781119047643 (ePub)

      Cover design: Wiley

      For All the Leaders Who Grow Their Businesses by Improving Customers' Lives


      I've been doing this work for so long, that sometimes while I'm waxing on, a Chief Customer Officer (CCO) client will ask, “Can you write that down?” I don't often do that, because my goal in coaching CCOs and leadership teams is for them to find their own united voice. To help them emerge as customer leaders. We unite the CCO and executive team in focusing their organizations on customer-driven growth. On replacing reactivity and survey score addiction with embedded competencies that became part of the business engine. My job is behind the scenes to ensure they don't