Twitter Power 3.0. Comm Joel

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Название Twitter Power 3.0
Автор произведения Comm Joel
Жанр Зарубежная образовательная литература
Издательство Зарубежная образовательная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119050070

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design: Matt Clark @TweetPages (another creative smile by ImageDesigns)

      Copyright © 2015 by Infomedia, Inc. and Dave Taylor. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Comm, Joel.

      Twitter power 3.0: how to dominate your market one tweet at a time/Joel Comm, Dave Taylor. – Third edition.

      pages cm

      Revision of the author's Twitter power 2.0.

      Includes index.

      ISBN 978-1-119-02181-0 (paperback: alk. paper); ISBN 978-1-119-05007-0 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-119-05011-7 (ebk)

      1. Twitter. 2. Internet marketing. 3. Business communication. 4. Online social networks. I. Taylor, Dave, 1962- II. Comm, Joel. Twitter power. III. Title.

      HF5415.1265.C646 2015

      658.8′72 – dc23



      I started on Twitter in August 2007 after exhortations from some friends. At first I didn't get it: “Why do I care if LonelyBoy15's cat rolled over?” The light went on when I started searching for my name, people I knew, and topics that interested me.

      Seven years later, I've connected with people from all over the world. I have 1.4 million followers and have tweeted 132,000 times. Sometimes I tweet when my dog rolls over, too. Twitter has become a fantastic tool for me.

      You don't need to spend seven years and 132,000 tweets to learn how to use Twitter because Joel Comm and Dave Taylor have written Twitter Power 3.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time. Lucky you! I wish it had been that easy for me.

      This book will give you a big head start toward mastering Twitter from two people who already have. So buy this book, read it, and then go forth and tweet up a storm!

– Guy Kawasaki, chief evangelist for Canva


      It seems like just yesterday that my publisher asked me to write the first edition of Twitter Power. With just more than 5,000 followers to my name in 2008, I was an early adopter of the now-ubiquitous social media site known for 140-character posts.

      It thrills me that the first and second editions of Twitter Power have become the top-selling books in the world on the subject of using Twitter! I knew that Twitter was onto something, but I never imagined that it would become such a significant part of our culture.

      The hashtag is now a part of our discourse and has influenced many other social media sites to include hashtag support on their service.

      The Twittersphere's ability to discover and broadcast breaking news faster than any of the major networks makes every member a potential man or woman on the street.

      The connection we feel with musicians, celebrities, politicians, athletes, and authors has never been greater because Twitter has allowed us to interact with some of the people whom everyone knows.

      And businesses are discovering that Twitter is an incredibly powerful branding tool useful for engaging with prospects and customers, as well as providing top-quality customer support.

      With more than 250 million monthly active Twitter members and a member base exceeding 1 billion accounts, the Twitter hashtag and well-known @username appear on television shows, in film promotions, on billboards, in magazines, and in a variety of other promotional materials.

      Twitter is everywhere, and it is here to stay.

      And although the 140-character limit hasn't changed, much has evolved since the release of Twitter Power 2.0 in 2010.

      Lists for organizing those you follow, the ability to embed photos and images in your tweets, an official Twitter advertising system designed to help businesses engage and drive followers to take specific action, and a better understanding of how Twitter members like to engage are just some of the new things covered in this book.

      One of the other changes to this completely updated and revised third edition is the addition of a coauthor, Dave Taylor (of A prolific author of many business and technical books, Dave has been a good friend of mine for many years. Because of his involvement in the social space, I thought it would be fun for us to coauthor this book. To avoid confusing you, the reader, as to who is speaking, we refer to ourselves in the third person throughout the book.

      So, whether you are a seasoned Twitter user, someone who has dabbled in tweeting from time to time, or a complete newbie to Twitter, you are in for a treat. Dave and I believe this is the best edition of Twitter Power yet, and we're excited for you to jump in and discover how to make your Twitter experience as great as possible!

      If you use Twitter to connect with friends or family, or if you manage a Twitter account for your own small business or as part of a large corporate team, the pages that follow are dedicated to helping you leverage the power of Twitter like never before.

      Who knew 140 characters could be so powerful?

– Joel Comm



      Once upon a time, anyone could be a media publisher. All you needed was several million dollars, a team of editors and writers, a printing press capable of shooting out a dozen copies a second, and a distribution network that would put your publication in stores across the country.

      Unless, of course, you wanted to go into radio or television. In that case, things were just a little harder.

      The result was that information