The History of Troilus and Cressida. Уильям Шекспир

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Название The History of Troilus and Cressida
Автор произведения Уильям Шекспир
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 0

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Indeed, she has a marvell's white hand, I must needs


        CRESSIDA. Without the rack.

        PANDARUS. And she takes upon her to spy a white hair on his


        CRESSIDA. Alas, poor chin! Many a wart is richer.

        PANDARUS. But there was such laughing! Queen Hecuba laugh'd


          her eyes ran o'er.

        CRESSIDA. With millstones.

        PANDARUS. And Cassandra laugh'd.

        CRESSIDA. But there was a more temperate fire under the pot of


          eyes. Did her eyes run o'er too?

        PANDARUS. And Hector laugh'd.

        CRESSIDA. At what was all this laughing?

        PANDARUS. Marry, at the white hair that Helen spied on Troilus'


        CRESSIDA. An't had been a green hair I should have laugh'd too.

        PANDARUS. They laugh'd not so much at the hair as at his pretty


        CRESSIDA. What was his answer?

        PANDARUS. Quoth she 'Here's but two and fifty hairs on your


          and one of them is white.'

        CRESSIDA. This is her question.

        PANDARUS. That's true; make no question of that. 'Two and fifty

          hairs,' quoth he 'and one white. That white hair is my


          and all the rest are his sons.' 'Jupiter!' quoth she 'which


          these hairs is Paris my husband?' 'The forked one,' quoth he,

          'pluck't out and give it him.' But there was such laughing!


          Helen so blush'd, and Paris so chaf'd; and all the rest so

          laugh'd that it pass'd.

        CRESSIDA. So let it now; for it has been a great while going


        PANDARUS. Well, cousin, I told you a thing yesterday; think


        CRESSIDA. So I do.

        PANDARUS. I'll be sworn 'tis true; he will weep you, and 'twere


          man born in April.

        CRESSIDA. And I'll spring up in his tears, an 'twere a nettle

          against May. [Sound a


        PANDARUS. Hark! they are coming from the field. Shall we stand


          here and see them as they pass toward Ilium? Good niece, do,

          sweet niece Cressida.

        CRESSIDA. At your pleasure.

        PANDARUS. Here, here, here's an excellent place; here we may


          most bravely. I'll tell you them all by their names as they


          by; but mark Troilus above the rest.

      AENEAS passes

        CRESSIDA. Speak not so loud.

        PANDARUS. That's Aeneas. Is not that a brave man? He's one of


          flowers of Troy, I can tell you. But mark Troilus; you shall



      ANTENOR passes

        CRESSIDA. Who's that?

        PANDARUS. That's Antenor. He has a shrewd wit, I can tell you;


          he's a man good enough; he's one o' th' soundest judgments in

          Troy, whosoever, and a proper man of person. When comes


          I'll show you Troilus anon. If he see me, you shall see him


          at me.

        CRESSIDA. Will he give you the nod?

        PANDARUS. You shall see.

        CRESSIDA. If he do, the rich shall have more.

      HECTOR passes

        PANDARUS. That's Hector, that, that, look you, that; there's a

          fellow! Go thy way, Hector! There's a brave man, niece. O


          Hector! Look how he looks. There's a countenance! Is't not a

          brave man?

        CRESSIDA. O, a brave man!

        PANDARUS. Is 'a not? It does a man's heart good. Look you what

          hacks are on his helmet! Look you yonder, do you see? Look


          there. There's no jesting; there's laying on; take't off who

          will, as they say. There be hacks.

        CRESSIDA. Be those with swords?

        PANDARUS. Swords! anything, he cares not; an the devil come to


          it's all one. By God's lid, it does one's heart good. Yonder

          comes Paris, yonder comes Paris.

      PARIS passes

          Look ye yonder, niece; is't not a gallant man too, is't not?


          this is brave now. Who said he came hurt home to-day? He's


          hurt. Why, this will do Helen's heart good now, ha! Would I


          see Troilus now! You shall see Troilus anon.

      HELENUS passes

        CRESSIDA. Who's that?

        PANDARUS. That's Helenus. I marvel where Troilus is. That's

          Helenus. I think he went not forth to-day. That's Helenus.

        CRESSIDA. Can Helenus fight, uncle?

        PANDARUS. Helenus! no. Yes, he'll fight indifferent well. I


          where Troilus is. Hark! do you not hear the people cry


          Helenus is a priest.

        CRESSIDA. What sneaking fellow comes yonder?

      TROILUS passes

        PANDARUS. Where? yonder? That's Deiphobus. 'Tis Troilus.

      There's a

          man, niece. Hem! Brave Troilus, the prince of chivalry!

        CRESSIDA. Peace, for shame, peace!

        PANDARUS. Mark him; note him. O brave Troilus! Look well upon

