King Henry IV, Part 2. Уильям Шекспир

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Название King Henry IV, Part 2
Автор произведения Уильям Шекспир
Жанр Драматургия
Издательство Драматургия
Год выпуска 0

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of exclamation? Are you not

          ashamed to enforce a poor widow to so rough a course to come


          her own?

        FALSTAFF. What is the gross sum that I owe thee?

        HOSTESS. Marry, if thou wert an honest man, thyself and the


          too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt goblet,

      sitting in

          my Dolphin chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire,


          Wednesday in Wheeson week, when the Prince broke thy head for

          liking his father to singing-man of Windsor – thou didst swear


          me then, as I was washing thy wound, to marry me and make me


          lady thy wife. Canst thou deny it? Did not goodwife Keech,


          butcher's wife, come in then and call me gossip Quickly?


          in to borrow a mess of vinegar, telling us she had a good

      dish of

          prawns, whereby thou didst desire to eat some, whereby I told

          thee they were ill for green wound? And didst thou not, when


          was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity


          such poor people, saying that ere long they should call me


          And didst thou not kiss me, and bid me fetch the thirty

          shillings? I put thee now to thy book-oath. Deny it, if thou


        FALSTAFF. My lord, this is a poor mad soul, and she says up and

          down the town that her eldest son is like you. She hath been


          good case, and, the truth is, poverty hath distracted her.


          for these foolish officers, I beseech you I may have redress

          against them.

        CHIEF JUSTICE. Sir John, Sir John, I am well acquainted with


          manner of wrenching the true cause the false way. It is not a

          confident brow, nor the throng of words that come with such


          than impudent sauciness from you, can thrust me from a level

          consideration. You have, as it appears to me, practis'd upon


          easy yielding spirit of this woman, and made her serve your


          both in purse and in person.

        HOSTESS. Yea, in truth, my lord.

        CHIEF JUSTICE. Pray thee, peace. Pay her the debt you owe her,


          unpay the villainy you have done with her; the one you may do

          with sterling money, and the other with current repentance.

        FALSTAFF. My lord, I will not undergo this sneap without reply.


          call honourable boldness impudent sauciness; if a man will


          curtsy and say nothing, he is virtuous. No, my lord, my


          duty rememb'red, I will not be your suitor. I say to you I do

          desire deliverance from these officers, being upon hasty

          employment in the King's affairs.

        CHIEF JUSTICE. You speak as having power to do wrong; but

      answer in

          th' effect of your reputation, and satisfy the poor woman.

        FALSTAFF. Come hither, hostess.

      Enter GOWER

        CHIEF JUSTICE. Now, Master Gower, what news?

        GOWER. The King, my lord, and Harry Prince of Wales

          Are near at hand. The rest the paper tells. [Gives a letter]

        FALSTAFF. As I am a gentleman!

        HOSTESS. Faith, you said so before.

        FALSTAFF. As I am a gentleman! Come, no more words of it.

        HOSTESS. By this heavenly ground I tread on, I must be fain to


          both my plate and the tapestry of my dining-chambers.

        FALSTAFF. Glasses, glasses, is the only drinking; and for thy

          walls, a pretty slight drollery, or the story of the

      Prodigal, or

          the German hunting, in water-work, is worth a thousand of


          bed-hangers and these fly-bitten tapestries. Let it be ten


          if thou canst. Come, and 'twere not for thy humours, there's


          a better wench in England. Go, wash thy face, and draw the

          action. Come, thou must not be in this humour with me; dost


          know me? Come, come, I know thou wast set on to this.

        HOSTESS. Pray thee, Sir John, let it be but twenty nobles;

          i' faith, I am loath to pawn my plate, so God save me, la!

        FALSTAFF. Let it alone; I'll make other shift. You'll be a fool


        HOSTESS. Well, you shall have it, though I pawn my gown.

          I hope you'll come to supper. you'll pay me all together?

        FALSTAFF. Will I live? [To BARDOLPH] Go, with her, with her;


          on, hook on.

        HOSTESS. Will you have Doll Tearsheet meet you at supper?

        FALSTAFF. No more words; let's have her.


        CHIEF JUSTICE. I have heard better news.

        FALSTAFF. What's the news, my lord?

        CHIEF JUSTICE. Where lay the King to-night?

        GOWER. At Basingstoke, my lord.

        FALSTAFF. I hope, my lord, all's well. What is the news, my


        CHIEF JUSTICE. Come all his forces back?

        GOWER. No; fifteen hundred foot, five hundred horse,

          Are march'd up to my Lord of Lancaster,

          Against Northumberland and the Archbishop.

        FALSTAFF. Comes the King back from Wales, my noble lord?
