Winds of Change. Alan Greatluck

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Название Winds of Change
Автор произведения Alan Greatluck
Жанр Биографии и Мемуары
Издательство Биографии и Мемуары
Год выпуска 0

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      „I have given them life instead of death, freedom instead of the cords of superstition, beauty and truth instead of corruption and exploitation. The old bad days are over for them, the Light of the Aton has risen, and they can dwell in peace and harmony freed from the shadow of fear and oppression.“

Agatha Christie

      Who are we – people without a right to live with dignity? Condemned to poverty but dreaming of wealth and freedom, will we have enough power to change ourselves and to change our country?

      The boundless fields are covered with odorous cones of wheat. Golden colors of this cereal breed stretch far for the horizon, gently caressing a look of any human who feels a connection with nature. Easy, the gentle breeze blows these thin cones, creating yellow sea, as vortex raging on the earth. Quiet noise of these ears flies on serenity wings through wide fields towards to eternity through legends of ancestors.

      Somewhere far away the wheat field meets clear blue, almost transparent sky, creating the blue-yellow ensign, which is calmly waving on a breeze. It seems that nature has created this symbol especially for Ukraine, striking the nation with the indescribable beauty forcing to beat millions of patriotic hearts. Marvelous grace fascinated by its simplicity and deep meaning embedded in this image by generations. Eyes of many great thinkers, poets and philosophers admired the allure of wild, almost untouched nature, noticing deep originality in each small detail, which belongs to its people…

      The sudden bell of alarm clock interrupted his dreams, forcing him to wake up and wipe sleepy eyes. Late autumn comes to the room with bright beams of the sun, caressing the pale skin of his face. A new day could not bring anything, except routine. The sleep had ended and now he had to face reality, that closely surrounding his person. However, there was one smaller thing greasing action of the world around – dream. Whether is it possible to survive in a stream of rough everyday life, without thinking of something pleasant or so desired to your heart? How can we walk without essential target with name „dream“ through cruel reality?

      He lowered his feet from a bed and propped up his head by hands, thinking – when hopes could be embodied in such illusive reality. Of course, it was silly to dream about accomplishments in such behindhand in development country. The experience of his trips abroad opened his eyes onto his soul, having shown a picture of beauty that captivated his imagination, but it could not show the road to the planned top. There, over the ocean, he had been able to earn several thousand dollars a month as simple labor, and satisfies himself with the received money, meeting simple desires. Came back to the native land, he could not find the way to achieve the similar income. The small enterprise, which he began with his friends on the financial market, reaped the fruits, leaving him a small stock of money but quickly leaked away in connection with the unpredictable events. Working when his moral work would be usurped by the administration and wouldn’t bring fair remuneration – it seemed the last option adjoining with madness. There was only the last hope – his book.

      He had been working on it for a half a year already, creating his own literary work – the novel devoted to the 2 World War. Almost all his thoughts were occupied with the composition of its plot and selection of the facts from widespread sources, data of many words in one story that was impregnated with sense and the tragedy. Scenes of great battles, columns of the receding people and the simple human drama that unfolded against the backdrop of large-scale hostilities appeared in his imagination. He was burning in hope to achieve success with this book, to climb to the literary Parnassus and to gain laurel of the winner, having published the book. However, it was only dreaming and he had to write a lot, and, even more, to live through. His eyes were not able to see cruel life being under the misty of the dream.

      The door of his room suddenly opened and figure of his mother passed inside to interrupt a thread of his dreams. He returned to the fatherly house after the fiasco on the financial market, had left the rental apartment to the new owner. His hearing instantly caught familiar words:

      – Oh, you already woke up. Go to eat, breakfast is curdling.

      These routine words brought him in a certain condition of awakening when the person recovered after a dream. He had to get out of bed and meet the new day, which didn't promise any achievements.

      He woke up on his feet and his body slowly walked into the bathroom, where he took the daily procedure. While he was brushing his teeth and looking at himself in the mirror, his thoughts flew in a whirlwind of a creative process, reborn the intriguing plot in his imagination. Something exiting and great must come from human mind if he or she decides to make it. However, we are too great in our imagination and too lazy in it embodying. People love to dream and do not like to work and this is the main problem of the modern world.

      The young person which appearance exposed twenty-year age looked at him from the glass mirror. His figure was slender, but long years of workout postponed on it the print of easy relief appeared through a night t-shirt. His face shrank in a gloomy grimace, very clearly exposed recent awakening from sleep. Deep wrinkles of discontent cut up a wide forehead, drifting together with fat lines on its center. Dark hair hung down near the ears as slovenly haystacks, adding negligence in his portrait. Blue eyes looked in a mirror with a tired gaze, not peculiar to young nature. Unknown indestructible grief froze in these two crystalline lenses of blue glass, pouring over his congeal soul by an elusive breath of the wind of life. Beautiful eyes were sparkling with sad indifference to his future. It was the uncertain track of the sadness of new generation trying to find its way in the cloudy reality of human being.

      Plate with food stood on the wooden table, fluttering on a small kitchen with a pleasant smell. He sat down at the table and moved up the plate to himself and slowly begun to eat its contents, blowing his thoughts on the political future of the country. However, there was a reason for it, which soared over the heads of Ukrainian people as an invisible aura. That day, the summit of European Union must be held in Vilnius where the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych had to sign association with the EU. That fatal day was November 29. That event influenced the destiny of each person living in the country, which was exhausted in the torment of last century, dreaming of passing into a new era of prosperity. Ukraine, having a high potential for growth in different branches of human activity, suffered fail because of damnations of human soul – avarice, vanity, and defect that possessed souls of almost all officials. The country that was one of the biggest in Europe had more than thirty percent of world reserves of the black earth lay near the feet of insignificant the small people who were tearing it apart with bloody claws. The avarice that precedently directed Judas to betray Jesus Christ, Gobsek who was dying in the cold house but had millions on his bank accounts and Rockefeller who supplied German army with oil in World War II had lodged in the souls of these moral profligates now.

      Scrap of the miserable humans who sold their souls for the blinding gloss of gold had no business to the people, which were decaying every day and vegetating in bitter poverty. Nevertheless, officials had to make a choice: to give a chance to the people for worthy existence and to reduce their appetites to government money, or to destroy the hardly smoldering hope of millions of Ukrainians. November 29 was a usual date that marked this day, which should be outlived differently. Hearts of people beat in unison, creating a general resonance of the faith and forming an illusion of bright future. Each of the hoping men waited for that summit where politicians would decide the destiny of the whole nation, in a desire to know the result. That can be called magic because faith and hope could make truly amazing things.

      Chewing the breakfast, he continued to reflect on the state of affairs beyond him, gradually recovering after sleep and being filled with energy. Images of the state symbolic mixed with stars of the European Union flashed in front of his eyes, reflecting with golden alluvial on the blue background. However, despite all his hopes, an inner voice prompted to him that the president wouldn't sign long-awaited association. Declarations of the government on the eve of the summit and the essence of the officials proved that the European standards of life were not necessary to them. For politicians that strongly hold for their state appointments, the destiny of the people and the European values of life did not represent any weight. The main thing that played the defining role of a choice of governing elite was the opportunity to launder money in unlimited scales. The social