In grass, in word, in stone. Victor Gryaznov

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Название In grass, in word, in stone
Автор произведения Victor Gryaznov
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785447486198

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cafe there is a young guy, a strong constitution, in a t-shirt without sleeves, with beefy bicepses, with a tattoo on a forearm. «Belomor» smokes a cigarette

      Enok – That the brother you miss?

      Valery – Yes it is boring!

      Enok – What happened? Problems? We will go on a glass of beer we will drink and life will more cheerfully go.

      Valery – And you who such? It is visible not local.

      Enok – Geologists, is more faithful than geophysics. We are engaged in search of minerals. Here we will carry out works.

      Valery – And what salary at you? And that I have financial problems, transferred to work in depot as the mechanic of the second category…

      Enok Shurik – Should listen to his sad story and when reaches standard, to ask on Kolchak’s gold.

      Shurik – You give Valery drink beer. Takes a bottle of vodka out of a briefcase and adds to beer.

      Valery – History my sad, suffered for humour, for a joke.

      And business was so. I worked as the driver of an electric locomotive. We with the assistant conduct structure, we drive up to small station, I speak to the assistant – «Idi Vasili in a compartment, whether check everything as it should be»

      When it leaves, I contact on a handheld transceiver the station-master and I speak to it- Hello Ivan Ivanovich. I have a problem. The assistant went crazy, goes on an electric locomotive with a sledge hammer, to himself talks. Cause team of psychiatrists.

      – All right Valery, will be enough to tell nonsenses. I know your jokes. You don’t annoy me, and here I will report that on instance. Will put a reprimand that didn’t litter air with any nonsense.

      At station stopped. I speak to the assistant – «Go Vasili to the station-master, asks, the help. Take a sledge hammer. The old friend, it is impossible to refuse».

      Vasily took a sledge hammer, jumped off from an electric locomotive and went to the wooden two-storeyed building. I walked upstairs on the second floor. Opens a door. Holds a sledge hammer on a shoulder. At a table the elderly gray-haired man in a black railway form that – that writes

      – What here you have a father?

      At Ivan Ivanovich points slowly rise by a forehead, hair bristled.

      – Guard!

      Ivan Ivanovich runs about the room, tries to open windows, anything it is impossible. I took three detours. At last – that one frame opens, he jumps out in a window.

      Told well – tell Thanks that didn’t prosecute. Sent to depot the second category mechanic with a salary 70 rubles a month. Shame. Houses scandal.

      Shurik – We will establish you a salary of 300 rubles a month, plus a dry ration. I agree?

      Valery (shouts) – Yes, children, of course!

      Chapter 13

      Treasure-hunters go outside.

      Enok – And what here sights, Valery?

      Valery – Ukovsky falls, downstream the Uda River of 18 kilometers, Powerful caves in 70 kilometers to the east, in them is a grotto where temperature constant always 0 degrees Celsius – water doesn’t freeze, ice doesn’t thaw. In 17 km the dark-coniferous taiga in spurs of East Sayan Mountains which in the books «On Chunsky Thresholds» and «Ridges Sayansk» were described by the writer Sergey Sartakov to the south begins. There are places very beautiful, on similarity of your Columns Krasnoyarsk. It is no far from the city on Zastryank Canal there is a town, Chernyaev call meadows.

      Shurik – From where such poetic name?

      Valery – in the Fall all black – is black from a bird cherry…

      Enok – Valera, you 2 the category to work not as the mechanic in depot, and the guide.

      Valery – It is just necessary to like the native country. So on what stopped?

      Enok – In caves it is cold – won’t go, in a taiga still of berry – mushrooms didn’t keep up, a bird cherry – too still green. I vote for falls!

      Valery – Then now we will organize the boat…

      Enok – It is necessary to buy food and forward on picnic!

      Valery – It is possible to organize girls, women of easy virtue so to speak…

      Enok – Priestesses it isn’t necessary yet, we will have a serious conversation under a shish kebab…

      Ukovsky falls

      Chapter 14

      Here falls. It three-level. From twenty meters water is overthrown. A beautiful show, from splashes of falls the rainbow is visible. Further the rivulet flows in a canyon. From two parties steep basalt rocks about 40 meters high. Length of a canyon is 400 meters. Then the small river Uk flows into Uda. Our heroes found a glade, made fire. Fry shish kebabs. Valery took a guitar and sings the song:


      Good luck —

      Sixth transfer.

      We look for a treasure —

      We will find,

      We will perfectly heal!!!

      We rush

      As wind,

      We play a roulette…

      To achieve success —

      It is necessary to shoot straight!!!

      I press on gas,

      Again bend,

      I hear the jazz,

      In eyes mirage!!!

      Your guardian angel,

      Slightly I lag behind,

      Suddenly something burst,

      You got to a corkscrew!!!

      Here that you remembered word prayers

      And mothers shape,

      I flashed only hardly!!!

      Lives difficult cancan,

      For a grand piano of villages Schuman,

      Search of a treasure deception,

      In White dews – fog…

      For a grand piano of villages Schuman

      In White dews – fog…

      Shurik – Valery, and what is audible about Kolchak’s gold here?

      Valery, the braided language – Where incurred you.

      Enok – Yes it out of idle curiosity. So conversation on historical events of the last years. Interest in history…

      Valery – it is clear. Generally it is known that soldiers stopped a gold echelon on an entrance to Nizhneudinsk in 30 kilometers. Under the village of Kamenka. There were we teenagers there, saw overgrown entrenchments and a blindage. There was a fight there. And soldiers carried away part of gold in a taiga, but much after all on horses you won’t take away, each box tell kilogram on 50. The horse with a cart on a taiga won’t pass. Therefore according to the logic of things it somewhere there was dug.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
