In grass, in word, in stone. Victor Gryaznov

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Название In grass, in word, in stone
Автор произведения Victor Gryaznov
Жанр Приключения: прочее
Издательство Приключения: прочее
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785447486198

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the wood, there is nobody to ask, gave me ceramic shop. We decided to return to Krasnoyarsk. The shop didn’t manage to be sold, you won’t find operation. Took out glazes which in a consequence managed to be sold for good money.

      The epic ended and not absolutely, the house managed to be sold only in five years. Anyway, generally lived well, children grew, went to school. Fresh air, natural supply. Whom we only didn’t hold. Cow, calfs, pigs, sheep, goats, geese, ducks, chickens, rabbits…

      Here we and in Krasnoyarsk. In our apartment there lives the uncle Zhenya (mothers the brother) with the wife and the son Igor. A rent don’t pay. From relatives don’t take. Nobody took an interest, as a financial position. Here so relatives… It was necessary to pawn a wedding ring… Here so accepted.

      Krasnoyarsk. Predmostnaya Square in the evening

      Plants in Krasnoyarsk are closed one by one. All trade, who than. Ice cream, clothes, manufactured goods, low-quality alcohol… Where to be put? To whom to address? All old acquaintances in case of affairs. To whom do I am necessary? I solved nobody to look for to anybody not to address. Where be to be stuck initially, to look narrowly, and there it will be visible…

      Promotion agent

      The beginning of a way – is always difficult

      I don’t know why, I got a job in advertizing agency in case of one of newspapers, known in the country, – the advertizing agent. In a month I began to earn good money. The beginning was the truth difficult. Four days I walked on the different

      to the organizations, I persuaded that gave advertizing in the solid newspaper – don’t want. Day I walk, two I walk, three, four. Result – «zero». I became exhausted, I became sad. For the fifth day I persuaded one client. I went to office with the score to the director. Calculation directly the cash – 20% of the contract. I ran in shop on pleasures. Then business went, developed system, began to understand clients. Salary of 2 million rubles. For comparing the truck driver in Krasnoyarsk earned at that time 1 million rubles.

      Reporter, journalist

      In our newspaper some passions at that time boiled – there was a race for power. As I understood, my chief decided to move away the old editor. Journalists broke into two camps. There was a cock-a-hoop. And at this time the new editor asked me to write article. I wrote. That praised. I wrote the second, and vulgarly put. Plus the fee from advertizing. 3 million rubles a month. I accumulated money for car repairs. I walked on any exhibitions, presentations, briefings for journalists. Time was rough. On these meetings to cognac will pour, salami on snack. One advertiser laid the table at restaurant. I wrote articles under the order. Another business woman in accounts department called me, addressing to the accountant: «This our gold pen». The aunty praised. Thanks! I lifted my self-assessment. Drive money, and I in an evening will write article to you on any subject. Nearly I entered into Alliance of journalists R. F. Vot where incurred. I collected already there were recommendations, executed all formalities. But on what that, I thought again. 3 million are decent money. But time such that it is necessary to tear and throw is not a limit. A family big – three children. To feed, dress, put, learn… It is necessary to look for, something another.

      Commerce (or godsend)

      The case didn’t keep itself waiting. At one exhibition I saw the portable physiotherapeutic device «Ultraton» of the Altai vendor. The instrument portable, for house application. Treats catarrhal diseases, skin, inflammatory diseases of internals of currents of low frequency. Bribes the client the high-speed performance. In five minutes cures cold, a headache, peaking of osteochondrosis.


      I bought a small lot. I made a margin – I sold. Sales went successfully. Piece new, the market isn’t saturated. There is a perspective. I took away from the village to Marín. Together at us business went. Bought new clothes to themselves, bought children. Bought the tape recorder, a carpet, the vacuum cleaner, the TV set «Sleepyheads», a video camera, etc. Repaired the apartment. Bought giving in the country, two garages. Acquired a St. Bernard puppy from a family tree. Before half a year fed it with one meat. Generally the new epic – trade began. Which captured us for the whole eight years. In civilized countries of such workers call direct-sales representatives, and at us in Russia – «fans», but we not in offense. As don’t call, we live financially well. The main thing in the house prosperity. On plant you won’t return, gradually after long agonies – I collapsed. And 14000 people worked at it neither more nor less. Products were bought by boxes, boxes. Fish of deep freezing I buy (humpback salmon) in a box – 40 kg. We fry, we soar. Our dog eats the fish heads with pleasure. On kitchen under the desktop there are two boxes of dry Cabernet red wine.

      Those years in Krasnoyarsk the following plants were closed: Plant of heavy excavators, bus, RTI. televizorny, ship-building, ship-repair, Man-made fiber, Sibtyazhmash, kombaynovy, Sibstal, medical preparations, LDK, LPK, DOCK. furniture factory, margarine, meat-processing plant. Silk combine. These are large which I remember, and how many the small… Hundreds of thousands people were thrown out on the street. How many occurred tragedies… About it I write not accidental in order that the reader understood, to what city I returned and as started adapting to new life …In Krasnoyarsk we protorgovat half a year, till deep winter. What firms exist, bypassed everything. Sold devices on КRAZ much. Then the geography of trips had to be expanded. Have a rest in the winter and as now I remember by an electric train went to Kansk with two boxes. In a day sold out, then in March already went by the machine. At night a frost on the street under minus 30 Celsius, and in the afternoon already warmly. All 1996 we go on the Krasnoyarsk region: Achinsk, Minusinsk, Abakan, Yeniseisk, Lesosibirsk, Sharypovo, Shushenskoye, Ermakovskoye, Karatuz… Visited all districts. Everywhere, where there are roads where it is possible to pass. The gravel road – it isn’t terrible, the main thing result Two days at dacha we have a rest. Truly to tell we are engaged in improvement, we build the concrete track, beds for flowers and so on. Since Monday «on horses»

      There was a thought to buy a stall, pavilion and to trade in products, not to go through towns and villages. But me not really to liking such idea. Perspective I felt that to our business there will come the end not soon. Came across same as we are «fans», but with other goods. And if to take a stall, it is necessary to recruit sellers and to control process, you will let matters drift – you will burn through. Therefore the course decided not to change.

      It is necessary to tell still what not in all organizations let direct-sales representatives, protection vigilantly serves, it is necessary to go on any cunnings to get to the organization, to advertize the goods…

      I will bring a couplet from the song, it into a subject:

      The cities will start gleaming,

      I will always remember,

      Small river Uk and falls ……

      You will answer inattentively…

      Generally 1996 across Krasnoyarsk Krai. Towards the winter already went to the Irkutsk region, were in Nizhneudinsk. There purchasing power of the population the low.

      1997. The geography of trips extends. Different regions, different cities and villages. Big and small, all is twisted, as in a kaleidoscope. Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo, Altai, Omsk region, Kurgan, Tyumen… In the Omsk region a standard of living rather high. There we worked one and a half months. Lived in hotel in Omsk. In the 6th mornings rise and on march. At 8.00 we already in what be the district. Till a lunch we trade, we use a lunch to reach to other district, and these are 40 –