Mission 777 Possible. Marina Sprouz

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Название Mission 777 Possible
Автор произведения Marina Sprouz
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006433045

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limits. If she likes someone, she just goes in and takes him.

      Marianna imagined this scene in her head: a girl bursts through a door, a handsome guy is sitting on a chair in the room; the girl unzips her fly and sits on him; the guy just looks surprised and submissive. I can’t do that, I have complexes and no apartments in Kyiv. Yes, if you’re rich, then everything else seems trivial, no, more than that: you have the courage to subordinate others, not to be afraid.

      – You are also here alone… like me, – Marianna.

      – My husband wanted to go skiing, but I wanted to swim and sunbathe. So he went north, I went south, and we’ll meet at home later.

      – Aren’t you jealous… I mean, he could find someone there…

      Lucia smiles: – If he wants, he can even buy a woman, he is a wealthy man.

      Marianna nodded understandingly. Logical… these are open relationships, no one is tied to anyone. There are people who live completely different lives, they are “different”; they spend their time differently and maybe look down on others, because they have a different life, they live differently…

      – I like it here: I get up at five in the morning and go swimming, – said Lucia, – This morning I saw such a huge fish, it swam right next to me, can you imagine… In the morning, when no one is around, there are exotic fish, they are not scared by anyone.

      – The sea is cold in the morning, – Marianna.

      – You’ll find out yourself… when you go, – smiles Lucia: – The sea is warm.

      Why would I go to the beach at five in the morning… never in my life…

      Then Lucia brought drinks, and it seemed Marianna started to get tipsy. It became insanely fun, Marianna now saw only dancing people and heard cheerful music. Marianna remembered going to the dance floor with those people.

      I think I’m getting drunk… There were still flashes of consciousness… I barely drank anything.

      – Let’s go! – Lucia. We reached the exit from the dance floor, where the stairs led to the rooms. Lucia had to go down, and I had to go left. We stopped by the stairs.

      – Let’s go to my room, continue the fun evening! – Lucia.

      Marianna felt that if she didn’t stop now, she would completely lose control.

      – Oh… I don’t know, this is probably the end.

      – What kind of end… what kind of end do you want? – maybe this one? – Lucia pointed to a small mound of earth nearby, covered with grass.

      – No… – Marianna recoiled.

      – Come to my room! – Lucia said gently.

      – I think I’ll go to my room – Marianna said, as if in a fog.

      – Can you make it there yourself? – Lucia asked.

      Marianna nodded, turned around, and, trying to walk straight and not fall from the amount she had drunk, headed towards her room. Marianna didn’t remember how she got to her room, or how she got into bed. Her mind was blank…

      The next day, Marianna saw Lucia in the lobby, near the reception desk. Lucia was sitting with one arm draped over the back of the sofa and her leg crossed, clearly having noticed Marianna sitting on another sofa.

      Marianna approached Lucia:

      – Hi.

      – Oh… hi, – Lucia smiled, looking deeply into Marianna’s eyes.

      – I thought you wouldn’t make it… – Lucia said. Marianna noticed that the look from Lucia’s blue eyes made her insides churn, it felt like fear, as if she was being seen with all her thoughts and insignificant weaknesses.

      – You were something else last night…

      – What did I do?

      – You were wild…

      Marianna imagined herself participating in some incredible bacchanal. Oh God… what did I do, it’s embarrassing to say I don’t remember anything.

      – Yeah, well… you were amazing, I remember… – and Lucia started laughing.

      I must have been crazy last night, I better not ask any more, Marianna thought.

      Lucia was scrolling through her phone.

      Marianna took out her phone and opened the photo folder:

      – Which one do you think I should post on Instagram6, this one or this one? I don’t think I look great in this swimsuit.

      – Let me see! – Lucia said, scrolling through the photos and giggling: – Imagine if all your photos ended up on the internet. That happened to me once, everything I had written, all my photos, got posted on social media, just a glitch in the phone, all the information was uploaded. My friends laughed their heads off.

      – No way, I don’t want that. There’s so much on my phone… – Marianna said.

      It was interesting to talk with Lucia. Marianna didn’t realize it herself, but she was drawn to this woman, and in the evenings or just when entering the restaurant, Marianna would catch sight of Lucia and approach her.


      Marianna, already in her room, lying on the bed, found the association of psychologists on Google. She scrolled through the names of the members but did not find Lucia’s last name. This must be some kind of secret organization, underground, of course I won’t find this Lucia Lyashinskaya, but I will write down the name on a piece of paper, really, tomorrow I won’t remember with my memory.

      In the middle of the night, Marianna woke up several times in a cold sweat, listening to her pounding heart. She would open her eyes, look at her small icon, then at her phone screen, and whisper: – Alex, you are with me, I know, and it will be easier for me…

      Doctor Badya

      Marianna lingered on the beach. Sharm El Sheikh. As usual, not a single cloud in sight, the Egyptian heat is relentless. She wrapped a pareo around her head like a turban. It felt like her whole body had warmed up under the sun. Time to head back to the hotel, and with the breeze of Sharm, Marianna walked along the asphalt path, the long ruffles of her dress fluttering in the wind. She glanced up at the sea and the sun. Stopping, she looked up at the sun. Marianna felt a burning heat inside, like the fiery lava of the sun was within her, in her chest. What’s happening to me? Everything is fine… even the Kazan icon is nearby, but the lava wouldn’t go away, it was a piece of fiery plasma inside. Marianna pulled out a mirror and looked into her eyes: in her eyes were two blazing hot suns, the same lava that was inside, fire, a crazy all-consuming fire. Marianna was brought back to reality by a voice:

      – Do you want a photo… a photo…

      – You look great.

      It was an Arab photographer; Marianna recognized him.

      – No, thank you, – she declined and quickly tried to walk past him, moving further along the path.

      She reached the hotel lobby.

      I’m trembling… my hands are shaking, everything inside is shaking, I feel awful…

      Marianna walked past a table where the guides were sitting. An Arab guide, who was encouraging people to go to Israel, was standing by the table facing Marianna. Another guide was sitting at the table, looking down. What to do… one thought. Marianna quickly approached the guide:

      – I feel


Extremist organisation banned in the Russian Federation. hereinafter