The Azuin university: Professor’s exam. Darine Zoyar

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Название The Azuin university: Professor’s exam
Автор произведения Darine Zoyar
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785006425835

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(as it turned out, not in vain: I more than met his expectations by taking up the agmarates), and got me a job. No, not the current one, don’t think about it. A simple assistant in the department. And I was elected to the position of dean much later, like everyone else, by a teacher’s vote (well, I do not rule out that the old man had an influence, but he did not drag me up the ladder, that’s for sure). In short, Tahoni wasn’t just a boss, but rather a beloved uncle, so I was worried.

      He looked at me for a long time with his warm brown eyes, twirled an empty cup in his hands, sighed, but still did not start a conversation. I was the first to make up my mind:

      «Archibald, are you well? You look haggard and…»

      He interrupted me, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

      «Me? Come on, girl. I’m as healthy as an ox,» he puffed out his chest and flashed his eye, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly in a smile, «no, don’t worry. A little tired, that’s right. And how not to get tired here… Just… you’re in serious trouble, Zulina.»

      My eyes bulged out and I muttered awkwardly, too surprised by this turn.

      «Oh, dear, and how did we get into this?»

      Shaking my head, I finally froze, recovering from the first shock, and clarified:

      «Am I in trouble? Really? But what happened? I swear to you, I don’t…»

      «Oh, it’s not about you,» he waved vaguely, rubbed the bridge of his nose, then looked at me more intently. «It’s just that the decisions we made weren’t very successful.»

      I didn’t interrupt, letting him finish telling what was going on, even though my fingers tingled and my palms suddenly got wet.

      «That’s it, girl… You know about the theft. How not to know, eh? Christophe also talked to you – he’s an old acquaintance of mine, by the way, a very meticulous guy – and to everyone at the university. Inspected everything… In general, there are different versions, so far there are few specifics: this crook did not leave any evidence. Clean work. But here’s the thing,» he hesitated, «you had high hopes for this new professor of yours… Mavinus…»

      I flinched, but I could only say nothing, nodding.

      «Yes… I see it. He is a star… prospects… Your garden… But he played a dirty trick on us, of course.»

      A scene in a dusty closet stood before my eyes. «Help…’, «Do not take it on faith…’. Huh, that’s an asshole.

      «What?» I could only exhale, already seething with indignation.

      «He was searched. His home. Like many. I’ve got it, you’ve got it.»


      «No, unfortunately. On the other hand, Wolfrock’s men found a collection of books and manuscripts, reports and studies on dragons in general, on artifacts and the Emerald Azuin in particular.»

      «Oh, he’s a bastard!» I couldn’t contain my emotions.

      «Of course, he said that it was a coincidence, that he explored various aspects of monsterology in these collections, and not at all our symbol. But damn it, it’s a strange coincidence,» the rector snorted loudly.

      «Oh, yes. But I…»

      «Yes – yes, you have nothing to do with it… directly. But this will affect the entire university, your faculty, and your plans. Trust and finances are always difficult to deal with, you know.»

      «Jinx!» I jumped up and down the room. «He’s going to ruin my project! My project! I shouldn’t have relied so much on his ranks. I’ll fire him today…»

      «Don’t do that!»

      I stared at Archibald, pausing for a moment.

      «But at least to mitigate the consequences…»

      «That’s the thing, girl,» he chewed his lip as he chose his words, «that’s why our situation is so difficult. No charges have yet been filed against Dr. Mavinus. All evidence is circumstantial. He had, indeed, the right to study all these treatises. Their mere presence in his home does not prove that he was involved in the theft. Although, as I said, it’s still a coincidence.»

      «But how…»

      «If he is fired now, he himself can accuse us of the illegality of our actions, of bias, of deprivation of the right to work… And then, there’s a chance that he’s really not involved.»

      «Yeah,» I snorted. «Got closer… earned his trust…»

      «Don’t jump to conclusions, Zulina. Just be on your guard, here. I just wanted to warn you, to prepare you. Also, I think, after a bit of reflection here, that if he’s involved in any way, it’s not directly. That is, he did not steal the artifact. There has to be someone else, it just has to be, I feel. So be careful for that as well. Who knows what kind of thugs the professor might have messed with?» He shook his head and sighed again. «I’d like to believe he’s out of business…»

      «What if he escapes?» My brains started working in a practical direction. «How will this affect the university?»

      «Don’t worry about that, by the way,» Tahoni smiled broadly for the first time in the meeting. «Wolfrock had it in mind and took care of it. Mavinus was given a tracking seal.»

      I opened my mouth in amazement.

      «He was indignant, of course, but he didn’t resist. But he can be not in the mood, don’t be afraid. That’s all right. That’s the way the world wags. I wanted you to know, honey. It’s about your faculty.»

      «Thank you, Archibald. I appreciate your concern. Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will clear up and Azuin will be found.»

      «If only we could do it before it was opened,» he said, looking up at me, and in them I read the real reason for his worries.

      «Yes, if only we could make it in time.»

      Chapter 6

      The «dragonbone» flared up like a mesh in the texture of the universe, revealing a passageway.

      The «bone» is not part of the skeleton of magical reptiles at all, as you might think, it is another plant that I am seriously engaged in cultivating.

      Visually, it and agmarat are complete opposites: «bone» is a low tree, thin-skinned and snow-white after drying, agmarat is an herbaceous shrub with dark green fleshy stems and leaves. But, by a strange whim of nature, they are very close in purpose. Both are used for locomotion – agmarat essence to stabilize the body during teleportation, «dragonbone» powder to enter the Dark World.

      Well, I also need to explain what the Dark World is.

      To put it simply, it is a world parallel to the Core World, that is the world we are accustomed to, where we live our lives. Parallel, not in the sense of a «distorted copy», but existing alongside, behind an invisible veil, touching it, but never merging with it. Oh, well, it’s hard to imagine, really. It’s just that when you grow up with this knowledge, this whole structure is perceived naturally.

      And yes, it’s not Hell. Neither it nor Paradise exists. Although, it can be said that the Dark World is their inseparable unity.

      The Core World is inhabited by humans and mages… predominantly.

      The Dark World is filled with demons and angels, ghouls and witches, fairies and unicorns, dwarves, dracomen, chimeras, water elves, flower elves, and the like.

      By the