The Wronged: No parent should ever have to bury their child.... Kimberley Chambers

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Название The Wronged: No parent should ever have to bury their child...
Автор произведения Kimberley Chambers
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9780007521753

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about his other family – as per usual.

      ‘I don’t want you to just have a chat with Daniel, Michael. I want you to punish him and set some boundaries for the future. He is going to go off the rails if you don’t sort him out, and I will not have him ending up like Little Vinny. Daniel reminded me so much of him when he was insolent earlier, it really did frighten me.’

      Michael sighed. Like most women, Nancy could make a crisis out of the smallest of dramas. ‘Look, I’ve said I’ll talk to Daniel, OK? Give me a break, Nance, for Christ’s sake. I’ve just told you that Vinny’s been re-arrested and is up on a murder charge, and all you can do is moan about Dan wanting to watch Rainbow rather than play in the fucking garden. As if I haven’t got enough on my plate right now, what with trying to sort out somewhere for Little Vinny to live and getting the club reopened this weekend. Money is running low and we can’t live on shirt buttons.’

      ‘Little Vinny is not living here, so don’t even bother asking me that one. As for you reopening the club, if Vinny ends up in prison, does that mean you will be working all hours? I barely see you as it is and the boys need their father around more now they’re getting older.’

      ‘Nance, I have not even been in twenty minutes and you have done my swede in already. Nag, nag, nag. You should record yourself and listen to it sometime. You might teach yourself a thing or two.’

      When Nancy started to cry, scream and shout, Michael stormed out of the house.

      Back in Whitechapel, Queenie and Viv were discussing Pervy Pat. Both were in agreement that he needed to be dealt with.

      ‘There you go. Drink it in one,’ Queenie ordered, handing her ashen-faced sister a brandy. ‘I wish I knew where that dirty bastard lived now. I’d go straight round there with me meat knife and chop that diseased todger of his off. Bad enough he assaulted that poor girl, but fancy offering you a portion of helmet pie an’ all. He’ll rue the day he ever uttered those words, we’ll make sure of that. Vinny’ll sort it if he gets bail and if he don’t, Michael can do the honours. Did you actually see his, you know?’

      ‘It was dark down that alley, but I did sort of see it. Big and slippery like a fucking snake. I feel sick even thinking about it. I don’t wanna talk about it no more today. I need time to get over the shock. Tell me about Bren.’

      Brenda had only just turned up to pick up her children and Queenie had given her daughter a right earful.

      ‘I can’t believe she reckons this geezer is the one, Viv. Got to be something mentally wrong with her. She only met him yesterday.’

      ‘She’s always been one to dive in head first, hasn’t she? I wonder if he’s a looker?’

      Queenie shook her head in despair. ‘He’s in his forties if he’s a day, Viv. I saw him. Looked a proper pisshead, he did – reminded me of Albie. Why the silly cow would want to take up with someone like her useless father, I do not know. I’ll have to get Michael to find out who he is and have a quiet word in his ear. The silly little mare was even talking about moving in with him. Reckons he’s got a big house. Probably a poxy old bedsit somewhere by the looks of him. I swear, pound signs is all my Brenda sees these days.’

      ‘Did he look bedraggled?’

      ‘No. He was suited and booted, but I know a plastic gangster when I see one,’ Queenie replied, snatching at the phone on the very first ring. ‘OK, Michael. Yep, I’ll be there, don’t you worry. All right, pick me up at nine. What did the brief say about his chances of getting bail again?’

      Vivian hated one-way conversations. ‘Well?’ she asked impatiently, the second her sister ended the call.

      ‘Vinny’s been charged with Bobby’s murder. He’ll be appearing at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court in the morning. His brief reckons his chances of getting bail again are practically non-existent.’

      Margo and Anthony Warwick had two major passions in life. One was mountain climbing, the other rambling, and today they were thoroughly enjoying their first-ever trip to Hainault Forest.

      Decked out in hiking boots and carrying a big stick, Anthony crouched down to examine something that had caught his eye. ‘Look, Margo, it’s a vole. Such tiny creatures, but so adorable, aren’t they? Look at its little heart, beating fast. It’s scared.’

      Margo was about to bend down for a closer look when something in the trees caught her eye. Her heart started beating faster than the vole’s. Unable to stop herself, Margo let out a deafening scream.

      It was then Anthony looked up to see the dead boy hanging from a tree.

      Little Vinny was out of his nut. Alcohol, puff and glue were all he usually indulged in, but Ben’s mum had just encouraged him to have a go at what she called ‘Chasing the dragon’.

      Because he was only smoking something brown on a bit of foil, Little Vinny had not expected it to knock him for six like it had, but he felt wonderful, as if he was floating on air.

      ‘Don’t bother searching for Ben now, Vin. It’s dark. Stay here with me for a bit. I’ve enjoyed your company today. You can search for Ben again in the morning,’ Alison said, putting a hand on Little Vinny’s thigh.

      Little Vinny nodded. He usually despised Alison, but that stuff he had smoked had made him feel so happy, he now thought she was OK.

      ‘Can I ask you a personal question, Vin?’

      Unable to speak properly, Little Vinny nodded.

      ‘You ever had a blow-job?’

      Little Vinny shook his head, then grinned when Alison put her hand inside his tracksuit bottoms. When she bent her head and put his erect penis in her mouth, Little Vinny shut his eyes. The heroin, combined with having his cock sucked for the very first time, felt like he had literally died and gone to heaven.


      Michael Butler was awoken in his marital bed by his wife kissing him gently on the lips. ‘It’s half six, Michael, and you said you wanted to be up at the crack of dawn. I’m going downstairs to make you a decent breakfast. You’re going to need it with the day you’ve got ahead. And if you want me to come to court with you, the offer’s still there. My mum can take the boys to school.’

      ‘Nah, you’re all right, babe. I’ve got to find Little Vinny, then pick my mum up by nine. I appreciate you offering though. Means a lot.’

      Nancy smiled. After their argument yesterday, she had been ready to pack some stuff and take the boys back to her parents’ house once again. But a good talking to from her mum had made her change her mind.

      ‘Nance, you know you’re always welcome here, but you can’t keep uprooting them boys every time you and Michael have a cross word. All couples argue. That’s life, and what you’ve just told me isn’t even that bad. As much as we all dislike Vinny, Michael must have a lot on his mind if his brother is facing prison. He’s got that club to run and all sorts. You should be supporting your husband, not rowing with him. Please don’t think I’m having a dig at you, love, but I do think you need to grow up a bit for the sake of your sons. That’s probably why Daniel has been playing up so much, truth be known. Poor little sod needs stability, not you moving out every other month. If you’re that unhappy with Michael, then get a bloody divorce. You can’t keep changing your mind every five minutes. Either make a go of your marriage, or make a clean break.’

      Some home truths were exactly what Nancy had needed to hear, and after a few tears, she’d immediately rung Michael at the club to apologize and beg him to come home. Michael had accepted her apology, but had told Nancy he would have to stay at the club as there was nobody else to look after his nephew. However, when Little Vinny had failed to show his face by ten, Michael had surprised her by coming home. They’d then made love.

      ‘Your breakfast is ready, Michael. Boys, time to get up now,’