Wake Up Now. Baxi Nishant

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Название Wake Up Now
Автор произведения Baxi Nishant
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9785005043337

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>Wake Up Now

      Baxi Nishant

      © Baxi Nishant, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-4333-7

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Wake Up Now


      Table Of Contents


      Chapter 1:


      Chapter 2:

      Sleep Deeper, Wake Better

      Chapter 3:

      Sleep That We Need

      Chapter 4:

      Insomniac’s Deal

      Chapter 5:

      Energy Boosts from Short Exercises

Chapter 6:Boost energy with Healthy DietChapter 7:Set your mind’s alarm clock

      Chapter 8:

      Practice meditation before sleep and after wake up

Chapter 9:Managing stress the smarter way

      Wrapping Up


      Sleep is a constantly recurring event characterized by reduced or absent consciousness. A state of relatively reduced sensory activity, Sleep is believed to be as important as being awake. It is the time where both the body and the mind recuperate from all the stress it has experienced throughout the day. Get all the info you need here.

      Chapter 1:



      In sleep, all the voluntary muscles remain inactive and involuntary muscles functions are reduced. In other words, it is like switching off a machine or placing it in idle mode to allow the machines to cool off and prevent damage. It is mostly done at night where hormone levels are at the lowest.

      How Sleep Works

      A person’s sleep can be affected by a lot of factors one of these factors include the circadian rhythm. The sleep-wake homeostasis or the circadian clock controls the sleep timing. It may have the greatest significance and greatest effect on the sleep of an individual. Sleep timing means the time you sleep and the time you wake up.

      The circadian clock is also an inner time keeper, temperature controller, and an enzyme regulator. It is the rhythm that determines the ideal time for a person’s restorative sleep and rest. It works together with a neurotransmitter called Adenosine.

      Adenosine is a neurotransmitter responsible for inhibiting bodily processes involving wakefulness. Our circadian rhythm is commonly affected by poor sleeping habits such as overnight shifts, shifting time zones like flying from one country to another,

      When a person goes to bed to rest, he or she undergoes a bodily and organized process called sleep. An individual passes through five phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

      These stages progress into a cycle from stage 1 to REM. The cycle may be repeated more than twice in one night. An individual spends about 50% of his sleeping time in stage 2 of the cycle, 20% in REM and 30% is spent on the other part of the cycle. Infants on the other hand have different percentages wherein they spend about half of their sleeping time in REM.

      Stage 1 is the stage in between sleep and wakefulness. A person’s sleep would be easily disrupted if the person is in this stage. Muscle activity is still constant and the eye movements are still observed.

      For the stage 2, the person’s sleep gradually deepens. It is harder to wake a person in this stage of sleep.

      On stages 3 and 4, a person no longer responds to environmental stimuli, Stimuli includes loud noises and bright lights. It is the stage where the person stays before progressing to REM.

      REM or Rapid Eye movement is part of the sleeping stage which a person enters approximately 90 minutes after sleep is initiated. The deepest stage in the sleep cycle and is the hardest time to wake up a person.

      Muscle activity is greatly reduced but the brain activity is noticeably highest. EEG tests confirm that a person’s brain activity during the REM stage is similar to that when a person is awake.

      Chapter 2:

      Sleep Deeper, Wake Better


      Still tossing around in bed even though you turned in a couple of hours ago? Do you feel uncomfortable and something keeps on bothering you every time you close your eyes? It may be that your circadian rhythm has been disrupted or certain factors have been affecting your sleep time.

      There are different ways for a person to be able to sleep comfortably and wake up refreshed the next day. According to the National Sleep Foundation, you have a better chance of sleeping better and deeper when you follow the following:

      Schedule, Exercise, Stimulant avoidance, relaxing before sleep, sleeping until sunlight, don’t lie in bed, room temperature control, and consultation.

      Sleeping Better

      Setting a schedule means setting your sleeping time every night and waking up at the same time every morning. Setting the time helps your body adapt to the schedule and allows your circadian rhythm to work properly. Disruption in the sleeping schedule may cause sleeping problems or lead to insomnia. Keeping the schedule up during the weekend will also be beneficial to the person because they will not have any problems adjusting to the new routine on Monday.

      Exercising has been seen to affect a person’s sleeping schedule. Exercising for about 20 to 30 minutes a day often helps people sleep better at night. Exercise has been seen to help in releasing hormones needed for sleep. It is also beneficial for a person to exercise in the afternoon or 5 to 6 hours before sleeping. However, exercising right before sleeping will no longer be beneficial for the person involved.

      Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol to have a good night’s sleep all have the same reasons. It affects the individual’s sleeping pattern. Caffeine is a substance commonly found in coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, non-herbal teas, diet drugs and some pain relievers. Caffeine stimulates the brain and when the brain is stimulated, it would be hard for the individual to be able to sleep properly. Smokers tend to sleep lightly and often wake up early in the morning due to nicotine withdrawal. Alcohol robs the individual of deep sleep and REM sleep thus making the person wake up in the middle of the night.

      Relaxing before bedtime allows the brain to slip into sleep quicker and allows deeper sleep. A warm bath, relaxing atmosphere, reading and even putting on music make it easier for the person to fall asleep. Creating a relaxation ritual paired with correct sleeping schedule will definitely allow a good night sleep. Also, sleeping until sunlight can help in the routine. Sunlight or bright lights helps the body’s biological clock reset itself every morning.

      When you are unable to sleep, lying in bed and doing nothing will not do you any good. Do something else by reading a book, listening to music, watching television until you feel tired helps. Lying in bed and not doing anything increases a person’s anxiety thus reducing the chance for a person to be able to achieve deep sleep. Controlling room temperature provides comfort. If it is too warm or too cold, you would not be able to sleep properly or deeply. Experts suggest