Сила сожалений: Как взгляд назад помогает нам идти вперед. Дэниел Пинк

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Название Сила сожалений: Как взгляд назад помогает нам идти вперед
Автор произведения Дэниел Пинк
Год выпуска 2022
isbn 9785961494587

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Walter, Elizabeth Kream, Sarah Helland, Amy Cavigli, Bridget C. Lavin, and Andrea Murina. "The demographics and rates of tattoo complications, regret, and unsafe tattooing practices: A cross-sectional study." Dermatologic Surgery 41, no. 11 (2015): 1283–89; Kurniadi, Ivan, Farida Tabri, Asnawi Madjid, Anis Irawan Anwar, and Widya Widita. "Laser tattoo removal: Fundamental principles and practical approach." Dermatologic Therapy (2020): e14418; Harris Poll. "Tattoo takeover: Three in ten Americans have tattoos, and most don't stop at just one." February 10, 2016. Доступно по адресу: https://bit.ly/35UIndU; Leigh, Harri. "Tattoo removal revenue about to hit record." Lehigh Valley Public Media, October 16, 2018; Allied Market Research. "Tattoo removal market size: Industry forecast by 2027." October 2020. Доступно по адресу: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/tattoo-removal-market; Ellison, Katherine. "Getting his tattoo took less than 20 minutes. Regret set in within hours." Washington Post, May 31, 2020.


      Markowitz, Harry. "Portfolio selection." Journal of Finance 7 (1952): 77–91; Markowitz, Harry M. "Foundations of portfolio theory." Journal of Finance 46, no. 2 (1991): 469–477.


      Forgeard, M. J. C., and M. E. P. Seligman. "Seeing the glass half full: A review of the causes and consequences of optimism." Pratiques Psychologiques 18, no. 2 (2012): 107–120; Rasmussen, Heather N., Michael F. Scheier, and Joel B. Greenhouse. "Optimism and physical health: A meta-analytic review." Annals of Behavioral Medicine 37, no. 3 (2009): 239–256.


      Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Laura King, and Ed Diener. "The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success?" Psychological Bulletin 131, no. 6 (2005): 803.


      См., напр.: Ford, Brett Q., Phoebe Lam, Oliver P. John, and Iris B. Mauss. "The psychological health benefits of accepting negative emotions and thoughts: Laboratory, diary, and longitudinal evidence." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115, no. 6 (2018): 1075.


      Greenberg, George, and Mary FitzPatrick. "Regret as an essential ingredient in psychotherapy." The Psychotherapy Patient 5, no. 1–2 (1989): 35–46.


      Bell, David E. "Reply: Putting a premium on regret." Management Science 31, no. 1 (1985): 117–122.


      Guthrie, Chris. "Carhart, constitutional rights, and the psychology of regret." Southern California Law Review 81 (2007): 877, цит. по: Hampshire, Stuart. "Thought and action" (1959).


      Guttentag, Robert, and Jennifer Ferrell. "Reality compared with its alternatives: Age differences in judgments of regret and relief." Developmental Psychology 40, no. 5 (2004): 764. См. также: Uprichard, Brian, and Teresa McCormack. "Becoming kinder: Prosocial choice and the development of interpersonal regret." Child Development 90, no. 4 (2019): e486–e504.


      Gautam, Shalini, Thomas Suddendorf, Julie D. Henry, and Jonathan Redshaw. "A taxonomy of mental time travel and counterfactual thought: Insights from cognitive development." Behavioural Brain Research 374 (2019): 112108; Burns, Patrick, Kevin J. Riggs, and Sarah R. Beck. "Executive control and the experience of regret." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 111, no. 3 (2012): 501–515. (Это исследование демонстрирует, что «поздняя манифестация сожалений… обусловлена тем, что для нее необходимо одновременно удерживать в сознании сразу два образа реальности, а это большая нагрузка».)


      O'Connor, Eimear, Teresa McCormack, and Aidan Feeney. "The development of regret." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 111, no. 1 (2012): 120–127; McCormack, Teresa, Eimear O'Connor, Sarah Beck, and Aidan Feeney. "The development of regret and relief about the outcomes of risky decisions." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 148 (2016): 1–19; O'Connor, Eimear, Teresa McCormack, Sarah R. Beck, and Aidan Feeney. "Regret and adaptive decision making in young children." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 135 (2015): 86–92.


      McCormack, Teresa, and Aidan Feeney. "The development of the experience and anticipation of regret." Cognition and Emotion 29, no. 2 (2015): 266–280.


      Rafetseder, Eva, Maria Schwitalla, and Josef Perner. "Counterfactual reasoning: From childhood to adulthood." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 114, no. 3 (2013): 389–404; Guttentag, Robert, and Jennifer Ferrell. "Children's understanding of anticipatory regret and disappointment." Cognition and Emotion 22, no. 5 (2008): 815–832; Habib, Marianne, M. Cassotti, G. Borst, G. Simon, A. Pineau, O. Houdé, and S. Moutier. "Counterfactually mediated emotions: A developmental study of regret and relief in a probabilistic gambling task." Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 112, no. 2 (2012): 265–274.


      Camille, Nathalie, Giorgio Coricelli, Jerome Sallet, Pascale Pradat-Diehl, Jean-René Duhamel, and Angela Sirigu. "The involvement of the orbitofrontal cortex in the experience of regret." Science 304, no. 5674 (2004): 1167–1170. См. также: Coricelli, Giorgio, Hugo D. Critchley, Mateus Joffily, John P. O'Doherty, Angela Sirigu, and Raymond J. Dolan. "Regret and its avoidance: A neuroimaging study of choice behavior." Nature Neuroscience 8, no. 9 (2005): 1255–1262 (данное исследование показывает, что в механизмах реального и предугадываемого сожаления задействована одна и та же нейронная сеть); Ursu, Stefan, and Cameron S. Carter. "Outcome representations, counterfactual comparisons and the human orbitofrontal cortex: Implications for neuroimaging studies of decision-making." Cognitive Brain Research 23, no. 1 (2005): 51–60.


      Solca, Federica, Barbara Poletti, Stefano Zago, Chiara Crespi, Francesca Sassone, Annalisa Lafronza, Anna Maria Maraschi, Jenny Sassone, Vincenzo Silani, and Andrea Ciammola. "Counterfactual thinking deficit in Huntington's disease." PLOS One 10, no. 6 (2015): e0126773.


      McNamara, Patrick, Raymon Durso, Ariel Brown, and A. Lynch. "Counterfactual cognitive deficit in persons with Parkinson's disease." Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 74, no. 8 (2003): 1065–1070.


      Contreras, Fernando, Auria Albacete, Pere Castellví, Agnès Caño, Bessy Benejam, and José Manuel Menchón. "Counterfactual reasoning deficits in schizophrenia patients." PLOS One 11, no. 2 (2016): e0148440; Hooker, Christine, Neal J. Roese, and Sohee Park. "Impoverished counterfactual thinking is associated with schizophrenia." Psychiatry 63, no. 4 (2000): 326–335 (психопатические личности испытывают ретроспективные сожаления, а вот предугадываемые сожаления, как кажется,