Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test. Thomas J. Farrer

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Название Essentials of the California Verbal Learning Test
Автор произведения Thomas J. Farrer
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119578451

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       updated norms for ages 16–90, using a nationally stratified sample matched to the U.S. population;

       application of a scaled score metric (mean = 10, SD = 3) over the T score and z-score metric to allow easier comparison to other measures;

       introduction of index scores (mean = 100, SD = 15) on the key memory and learning scores (Trials 1–5, total delayed recall, total recall);

       updated intrusion measures to reflect different types of memory errors;

       digital administration, recording, and scoring; and

       provision of demographic adjustments to age-adjusted scores for education and sex presented as T scores in the scoring software.

       Rapid Reference 1.4

      Changes from CVLT-II to CVLT3

       New normative sample reflective of 2015 U.S. Census data

       Increased age range to 90

       Index scores on standard score metric (mean = 100, SD = 15)

       Primary scores on scaled score metric (mean = 10, SD = 3)

       Trials 1–5 Total score computed by summing scaled scores for Trials 1–5

       Norms provided are age corrected only

       Demographic adjustments to normative scores available for sex and education, presented as T scores

       Forced-choice recognition items modified to include only concrete distractors (abstract distractors were removed)

       New measures of across- and within-trial intrusions

       New measures of intrusion error types

       New yes/no recognition scores that describe the types of recognition errors

      The CVLT3 introduces the use of demographic adjustments to norms. In addition to the age-adjusted normative scores, education, and sex adjustments are provided in the scoring software. The demographic adjustments are applied to the normative scores to produce T scores that account for education and sex differences.

       Rapid Reference 1.5

      Primary Scores Derived in CVLT3, by Condition

Learning trials Recall scores Recognition scores
Short-Delay Free-Recall Correcta Short-Delay Cued-Recall Correcta,b Short-Delay Free-Recall Correct vs. Trial 5 Correct (contrast score) Long-Delay Free-Recall Correcta Long-Delay Cued-Recall Correcta Delayed Recall Correct (standard score) Total Recall Correct (standard score) Total Recall Responses (standard score) Long-Delay Yes/No Recognition Total Hitsa Long-Delay Yes/No Recognition Total False Positivesa Recognition Discriminability (d') Recognition Discriminability Nonparametric Long-Delay Free-Recall vs. Recognition Discriminability (d') (contrast score) Long-Delay Forced-Choice Recognition Hitsa Long-Delay Free-Recall Discriminability vs. Recognition Discriminability (d') (contrast score)
Long-Delay Free-Recall Correct vs. Trial 5 Correct (contrast score)Long-Delay Free-Recall Correct vs. Short-Delay Free-Recall Correct (contrast score)Total Intrusionsa