Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning. Tormod Næs

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Название Multiblock Data Fusion in Statistics and Machine Learning
Автор произведения Tormod Næs
Жанр Химия
Издательство Химия
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781119600992

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we discuss methods with only one X- and one Y-block we will use the indices JX and JY for the number of variables in the X- and Y-block, respectively. When there are multiple X-blocks, we will differentiate between the number of variables in the X-blocks using the indices Jm(m=1,…,M); for the Y-block we will then use simply the index J. We try to be as consistent as possible as far as terminology is concerned. Hence, we will use the terms scores, loadings, and weights throughout (see Figure 1.2 and the surrounding text). We will also use the term explained variance which is a slight abuse of the term variance, since it does not pertain to the statistical notion of variance. However, since it is used widely, we will use the term explained variance instead of explained variation as much as possible. Sometimes we need to use a predefined symbol (such as P) in an alternative meaning in order to harmonise the text. We will make this explicit at those places.

      1.11 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Full Description Chapter
ACMTF Advanced coupled matrix tensor factorisation 5
ASCA ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis 6
BIBFA Bayesian inter-battery factor analysis 9
DIABLO Data integration analysis biomarker latent component omics 9
DI-PLS Domain-invariant PLS 10
DISCO Distinct and common components 5
ED-CMTF Exponential dispersion CMTF 9
ESCA Exponential family Simultaneous Component Analysis 5
GAS Generalised association study 4,9
GAC Generalised association coefficient 4
GCA Generalised canonical analysis 2,5,7
GCD General coefficient of determination 4
GCTF Generalised coupled tensor factorisation 9
GFA Group factor analysis 9
GPA Generalised Procrustes analysis 9
GSCA Generalised simultaneous component analysis 5
GSVD Generalised singular value decomposition 9
IBFA Inter-battery factor analysis 9
IDIOMIX INDORT for mixed variables 9
INDORT Individual differences scaling with orthogonal constraints 9
JIVE Joint and individual variation explained 5
LiMM-PCA Linear mixed model PCA 6
L-PLS PLS regression for L-shaped data sets 8
MB-PLS Multiblock partial least squares 7
MB-RDA Multiblock redundancy analysis 10
MBMWCovR Multiblock multiway covariates regression 10
MCR Multivariate curve resolution 5,8
MFA Multiple factor analysis 5
MOFA Multi-omics factor analysis 9
OS Optimal-scaling 2,5
PCA Principal component analysis 2,5,8
PCovR Principal covariates regression 2
PCR Principal component regression 2
PE-ASCA Penalised ASCA 6
PLS Partial least squares 2
PO-PLS Parallel and orthogonalised PLS regression 7
RDA Redundancy analysis 7
RGCCA Regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis 5
RM Representation matrix approach 9
ROSA Response oriented sequential alternation