
Все книги издательства Ingram

    The Scarlet Pimpernel - The Original Classic Edition

    Orczy Baroness

    The Scarlet Pimpernel is a classic novel, though it is hard to categorize. It is part romance, part adventure, part spy thriller, and part superhero fiction. All of these elements went into the pot and the resulting stew is extremely entertaining. <p> The book follows the adventures of Sir Percy Blakeney as he seeks to help French aristocrats escape the guillotine during the French Revolution. Since official English policy forbids this, Blakeney adopts a masked identity as the Scarlet Pimpernel to remain anonymous. The French, of course, detest this interference in their affairs and set out to trap and kill the Pimpernel at all costs. As part of his effort to deflect suspicion from himself, he plays the fool in every day life and he does it well. His own wife considers him a useless fop… and thats where the story really gets interesting. <p> I wont give away more of the plot, but she ends up following him into danger in an attempt to save him. This allows the most suspenseful section of the book to be told from Mrs. Blakeneys perspective. Her terror for her husbands fate is pure and adds to the tension considerably. If we saw it through the Pimpernels eyes, it would doubtless be far more composed and nowhere near as suspenseful. <p> In closing, The Scarlet Pimpernel is well worth buying. Its laugh out loud funny, suspenseful, romantic, and generally quite a page-turner.

    Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales - The Original Classic Edition

    Taylor Pritchett Robert

    This book presents the famous lectures of Governor Robert L. Taylor. His great popularity as an orator and entertainer, and his wide reputation as a humorist, have caused repeated inquiries from all sections of the country for his lectures in book form; and this has given rise to an earlier publication than was expected. <p> The lectures are given without the slightest abridgment, just as delivered from the platform throughout the country. The consecutive chain of each is left undisturbed; and the idea of paragraphing, and giving headlines to the various subjects treated, was conceived merely for the convenience of the reader. <p> In the dialect of his characters, the melody of his songs, and the originality of his quaint, but beautiful conceptions, Governor Taylors lectures are temples of thought, lighted with windows of fun.

    The Antichrist - The Original Classic Edition

    Nietzsche Friedrich

    Nietzches The Anti-Christ was one of the last books Nietzsche wrote before the onset of his insanity in 1888. Unlike many of Nietzsches other books, which raise tantalizing questions and examine experience from a variety of angles, some of them contradictory, The Anti-Christ is a relatively straightforward presentation of Nietzsches critique of Christianity. Contrary to what many think, Nietzsche did not advocate the general abolition of Christianity. He thought it served the needs of the majority of people quite well, but believed it had psychologically destructive effects on the minority of people in a society who were most capable of intellectual, artistic, and other achievement. <p> Mencken was one of the great American prose stylists of the Century, and, as one would expect, his translation of The Anti-Christ is an outstanding read. I happen to think it is a far better read than R.J. Hollingdales translation, which is the one most often used by scholars and students. Whether it is more or less faithful to Nietzsches original is a question I cannot answer, not being sufficiently fluent in German. <p> In any event, its great to see Menckens much-neglected 1917 translation back in print.

    On Secret Service - The Original Classic Edition

    Taft William

    24 Detective-Mystery Stories Based on Real Cases Solved By Government Agents. <p> This book reads like a James Bond novel…The author did a fantastic job with the sublte foreshadowing in all 24 stories. <p> In addition to this, the usual spy trademarks are here. You have a horrifying villain, revolting flunkies, glorious scenary, a desperate chase that almost gets the goverment agents killed and an unforgetable ending.

    Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking - The Original Classic Edition

    Unknown Unknown

    This book answers the growing American interest in Dutch cuisine. The countries traditions get a fair share of attention, and the recipes are do-able. This is always a problem when some ingredients may be difficult to obtain with other titles, but not with this one!. <p> Worthwhile general introduction to a hearty cuisine. <p> This is a great collection of Dutch recipes. Dutch cooking is not a widely known cruisine and this book will introduce it to more people. You will really enjoy it and used many of the recipes.

    Erotica Romana - The Original Classic Edition

    Goethe Johann

    The Roman Elegies (originally published under the title Erotica Romana in Germany, later Römische Elegien) is a cycle of twenty-four poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Along with the Venetian Epigrams, they reflect his Italian Journey and celebrate the sensuality and vigor of Italian and Classical culture. Written mainly after his return to Weimar, they contain poems on many sexual themes, and some were suppressed from publication during Goethes lifetime due to fears of censorship. <p> The poems are also a loving tribute to Goethes companion, Christiane Vulpius, whom he met in 1786 on his return from Italy. <p> This is a magnificent work, It is good to read something of this quality and it shows how little we have changed over the centuries. We may say things differently but the sex is as it always has been – and that is how it should be.

    Queen Victoria - The Original Classic Edition

    Browne E

    This book broke away from tradition and provided a deeper look at the Queen and all those around her by abandoning the notion of promoting a persons successess and strengths and instead paints the portrait of a human with weaknesses, motivations, strengths, and stuggles. The reader sees the Queen in relationships that become history and see the impact of personality in making decisions. <p> The book is engaging especially once Victoria moves beyond childhood and becomes Queen. The portrait of Edward and Victorias relationship is vivid. The story provides a rich understanding of places in the lives of the royal family that continue today, namely Balmoral, and give a glimpse at the royal family culture that can be seen in current events. It is more than a book about Queen Victoria. <p> Enjoy!

    The Sorrows of Young Werther - The Original Classic Edition

    Goethe Johann

    The Sorrow of Loving Too Much : It is always sad that more people do not read Goethe for pleasure alone. Yes, he was a scholarly writer but his works, although profound, are written in an easily understandable style. It could well be that many people have been needlessly scared off by Goethes monumental intelligence and his philosophy. This is too bad. His books revolve around themes that are universal, subjects to which all of us can relate: romantic love, nature, God, beauty. <p> Eighteenth-century German literature was propelled by a revolution in romanticism, and writers such as Goethe celebrated their most cherished ideals in as ornate and eloquent a manner as possible. While the tendency of American and British writers to ignore the sublime and the romantic in favor of stark realism does have its place, that does not mean that the sublime and the romantic should be casually tossed aside. <p> The Sorrows of Young Werther is the best introduction to Goethe anyone could find and a lovely novella in its own right. The Sorrows of Young Werther opens more amazingly than any book I have ever read and it is not overstating things a bit to say that Goethe gives us something profound and beautiful on each and every page. <p> The Sorrows of Young Werther is comprised, for the most part, of letters written by a hopelessly romantic young man named Werther to a friend named Wilhelm. These letters not only detail Werthers doomed love for the beautiful Charlotte, they also contain the most beautiful meditations on just about everything important in life: love, beauty, nature, philosophy, art, religion. <p> In Werther, Goethe clearly shows us the problems inherent in loving and idealizing something a bit too much. I think many readers will have a problem with the character of Werther. He is simply too romantic to be real. And then there will be those who will wonder how a man who is capable of uttering the most gorgeous and flowing words about beauty, art and nature can fall so hopelessly in love with one woman that he seems to forget all else that he holds dear. Well, Werther, in the best romantic tradition, has invested all the emotion he feels for art, beauty, religion, etc. in Charlotte. Once readers realize this, I think the ending of this novella will make sense to them. Yes, Werther is an extreme but once you come to understand him, he does make perfect sense. <p> This is certainly the best place to begin if you are just beginning your study of this monumental author or of German romanticism in general.

    A Little Princess - The Original Classic Edition

    Burnett Frances

    One of the greatest childrens stories of all time : This book was a favorite of mine in my childhood, and, when I returned as an adult to re-read it to my own daughter, I discovered it all over again. <p> This is a story about a different kind of princess than one might imagine; a princess that is an orphan – lonely, cold, hungry and abused. Sara Crewe begins life as the beloved, pampered daughter of a rich man. When he dies a pauper, she is thrown on the non-existent mercy of her small-minded, mercenary boarding school mistress. Stripped of all her belongings but for one set of clothes and a doll, Sara becomes a servant of the household. Hated by the schoolmistress for her independent spirit, Sara becomes a pariah in the household, with only a few secretly loyal friends. But through her inner integrity and strength of will, Sara Crewe maintains the deportment, inner nobility and generous spirit of a real princess. <p> It is a fabulous story of the triumph of human will, and good over evil. <p> This story is a real classic, and needs no re-writing to be as enjoyable and readable today as it ever was. Ask my 8-year-old daughter, who has already re-read it twice. This is a work of art!

    Camp Life in the Woods and the Tricks of Trapping and Trap Making - The Original Classic Edition

    Gibson W

    This book is a treasure chest of 19th century bushcraft, hunting, and trapping methods that can be and are still useful today. Some of the hunting and trapping techniques may be considered illegal today and one can make more money off of trapping today but then again in 1881 there were no income taxes and the dollar was still on the gold standard. <p> $10.00 for an otter pelt was not bad, but still, if fur companies paid for furs back then what they pay today a lot of them old time trappers would have been living in the lap of luxery. This book is an excellent look back into a era where things were a little less complicated. <p> This makes for interesting reading because it was originally published in 1881 and offers a flavor of what a trappers life was like back in the primitive wilderness. The information provided seems technically sound and not outdated; in fact it sounds like the voice of solid experience. It is mainly about trapping but also describes how to build a log cabin or a canoe, what camping suppliers should be carried and much more. <p> The traps are described in detail such that you can easily understand them. The knowledge in this book will improve the survival skills of any Outdoorsman as the ability to trap meat would be essential to extended survival. I recommend this for anyone interested in Trapping, or who has a lot of survival experience, or just interest and wants to pick up some new information that is not available in most books.