
Все книги издательства Ingram

    Whitewashing Race

    Martin Carnoy

    Fixing Men

    Matthew C. Gutmann

    Torts (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Tort law is one of the more confusing aspects of law. In short, tort cases are civil cases dealing with one person unfairly causing harm or injury to another through either negligence or misconduct. Because torts are such complicated matters, a reference guide on the subject can be of great benefit. A guide can aid an individual with understanding terms in tort cases. It can also help clarify whether or not a particular case is due to negligence or misconduct.

    Veering Right

    Charles Tiefer

    Superfoods (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Superfoods are the foods that provide numerous health benefits. They are usually plentiful, pleasant to the eye, and taste good. Superfoods may be beneficial to weight control. These foods are beneficial to specific disease control. These superfoods may reduce an individual risk for developing some cancers. They may help with blood pressure and diabetes control. There are infections that respond positive to these superfoods. Some of these superfoods are berries, orange and yellow vegetables, dark leafy vegetables, nuts, some fatty fish, lean meats, and grains, to name a few. Individuals may want to add these wonderful superfoods to their diet, for all those health benefits naturally.

    Compulsive Acts

    Elias Aboujaoude

    Statistics Equations (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Statistics equations are the formulas that are used to describe data, to figure out things like means, averages and medians, and essentially to allow us to understand our world a little bit better. Statistics give us an idea of things like election results, the prevalence of certain trends and even the likelihood of disease outbreaks. When studying statistics, a chart that allows you to keep track of the various formulas is quite handy. Not only will it give you a good reference point for the various equations, it will also help you memorize them quickly.

    Statistics (Parameters, Variables, Intervals, Proportions) (Speedy Study Guides)

    Speedy Publishing

    Did you ever want to know the average time it takes to get somewhere based on your cell tower location? Well with statistics, you can calculate things such as intervals, variables, parameters, and others by virtue of using this great math skill. Statistics is concerned with using real world data to effect change in an organization's life cycle. Having a reference guide provides you with the tools needed to solve problems related to customer service, customer retention rates, average sale interval of a particular product, or other business needs for your company.