
Все книги издательства HarperCollins

    The Royal and The Runaway Bride

    Kathryn Jensen

    Phillip, Prince of Silverdorn, was bored by never-ending soirées and fortune-hunting debs. Until, at a ball honoring the new Altarian king, Phillip laid eyes on a most intriguing woman–in a designer gown and Doc Martens.Why heiress Alexandra Connelly let Phillip believe she was a horse trainer, she couldn't say. Perhaps, like the vacation in her brother's kingdom, it was to help her forget the wedding she'd bolted from. She wanted only an afternoon of fun with the dashing prince. But then she noticed his heart-melting brown eyes, satin-sheet skin, priceless-sculpture body. The man was downright irresistible….

    The Bridegroom's Dilemma

    Lindsay Armstrong

    Nick Hunter had proposed to Skye Belmont believing her to be an independent career woman. When Skye admitted, three weeks before the wedding, that she longed for children, Nick was shocked! Faced with his reaction, Skye decided to call it off and walk away.But their relationship had been intensely passionate, and Nick was determined to get her back. There was only one thing for it–he had to convince Skye to give their love a second chance!

    Pride Of A Hunter

    Sylvie Kurtz

    TWO SCARRED HEARTSAs far as former CIA sniper Lucinda Taylor was concerned, her heart died the day she pulled the trigger that left her a widow and a single mom. Then fellow agent Dominic Skyralov came to town to hunt down a dangerous scam artist, and Luci was shocked to feel an exhilaration she hadn't felt in seven years…a feeling that made her think she and this brave, bull of a man might be more than old friends. But Dom had his own secrets about that tragic day. And now, with her family in growing danger, Luci had to decide if Dom was her last, best shot at redemption and love–or just a terrible reminder of everything she'd lost.

    Groom By Arrangement

    Susanne Mccarthy

    A perfect stranger asked me to marry him today…Why? Because he's found out that my stepfather has full control of my business until I turn twenty-five or marry – whichever comes first. I need to gain control because my stepfather is a crook. This could be the perfect proposal….Of course, it's ridiculous! I've only just met this mysterious Hugh Garratt. I certainly don't know if I can trust him – or his motives. But then, he is the sexiest, most seductive man I've ever met….

    A Texan's Honour

    Kate Welsh

    DAMSEL IN DISTRESS – ON HIS DOORSTEP!Alex Reynolds’s soul is shaped by his father’s cruelty and tortured by a mountain of regrets. A man with a heart as unreachable as his deserves to live out the rest of his days alone on his Texas ranch. Then a damsel in distress interrupts his isolation with a chance at redemption.Patience Gorham should be walking up the aisle. Instead she’s pleading with a handsome stranger to save her from marrying a brute! But the last thing Patience expects is for her rescuer to have three conditions. To honour and obey…but never to love…

    The Billionaire Bodyguard

    Sharon Kendrick

    When model Keri was stranded with dark, brooding bodyguard Jay Linur, it was clear they were from different worlds. But opposites attract…and she impulsively abandoned the fashion catwalk for a walk on the wild side. The passion that followed blew her mind….Back in reality, Keri discovered that Jay was more than he seemed: not only did he have brawn, but he also had brains and billions! And though marriage was the last thing on Jay's mind, Keri found she couldn't walk away from him–knowing that in bed, at least, Jay dropped his tough-guy guard and let his passion take control….

    Gabriel West: Still The One

    Fiona Brand

    The breakup of her marriage had been devastating, but Tyler Laine had rebuilt her life and now moved in a world of money and privilege, a far cry from the mean streets of his world. And yet Gabriel West, ex-SAS agent and her estranged husband, still haunted her nights with dreams of what might have been.Then someone decided Tyler would be better off dead, and she knew there was only one man who could protect her….For years, Gabriel had dreamed of a second chance with Tyler–so when she asked for his protection, he was more than happy to oblige. He'd found a way back into her life–now if only he could find a way back into her heart….

    The Bachelor

    Marie Ferrarella

    Event planner Jenny Hall didn't have time for men. Between organizing a bachelor auction and caring for her son, she barely had time for herself! So she was stunned when her friends pooled together the money at the auction to buy her a date with Eric Logan, billionaire playboy–and Jenny's secret crush since childhood.Even more surprising was Eric's interest in her!Eric was shocked to see how the shy girl he remembered had become a stunning and confident woman. When their dream date turned into a quiet night at home, he couldn't shake his growing attraction to her. And as Eric got to know Jenny, he found himself longing to make her his–forever.

    The Rough and Ready Rancher

    Kathie DeNosky

    The best man for the job was a woman?Hotshot horse trainer «J.J.» Adams yanked off a battered Stetson–and unfurled a cascade of tantalizing curls! Rancher Flint McCray needed a stallion tamer–not some curvy cowgirl infiltrating his masculine domain. But Jenna quickly proved a natural with Black Satin–and a vexation to Flint's control. The sensual awareness that roared between them monopolized Flint's mind–he had to douse this inferno of need! But first, a much-anticipated kiss… Now at passion's door, could Flint possibly keep his emotions reined in? Well, for an earthshattering night with Jenna, this cowboy would take the risk….

    Sweet Lies

    Catherine O'Connor

    As a vulnerable girl, Megan turned to strong, handsome Darrow for support. He'd given her sweet words of protection, and trust, and love– and then he'd left her. She was going to tell him about the baby when he came back…but he never did.Now Megan's son is a teenager and Darrow is back in her life! He believes the lie she's told about the husband she never had– she made it up to protect her son and save her pride. But why does the story anger him so much? And what was the truth behind their breakup all those years ago?