
Все книги издательства HarperCollins

    Private Lives

    Gwynne Forster

    After a bitter divorce, all cookbook author Allison Sawyer needs is some peace–and to lose herself in a kitchen, whipping up delectable meals. But the rustic retreat in the mountains offers more than seclusion. It offers one friendly and very fine neighbor.Torn between her attraction to Brock Lightner and her reluctance to get close to another man–especially one she suspects might be working for her powerful ex–Allison keeps her distance. But the remote, idyllic setting and Brock's rugged sensuality are an enticing combination.A private investigator looking to make a fresh start, Brock is intrigued by Allison. Who or what is she running from? And how can he convince her that he'll do anything to protect her…and to have the chance to love her?

    Marrying the Cowboy

    Trish Milburn

    Friends To Roommates…To Lovers?Living with the Cupid of Blue Falls, Texas – her aunt Verona – Elissa Mason should be married and pregnant by now. Or so her friends tease. But Elissa’s baby is Paradise Garden, the family nursery she’s turned into a success. Following a devastating tornado, she has to rebuild and nothing’s going to distract her. Not even her strange, new feelings for neighbor-turned-roommate Pete Kayne.Deputy sheriff Pete Kayne understands having a dream and doesn’t want to get in Elissa’s way. Especially after the tornado has taken his house, his truck, everything but his horse and his friends. All he’s got left to share is his heart. He has his own ambition—a chance to join the ultimate in law enforcement—the Texas Rangers. Elissa was his friend. That would have to be enough.…

    The Return Of Luke Mcguire

    Justine Davis

    YOU ALWAYS WANT…Luke McGuire was everything shy Amelia Blair had been fascinated by as a girl but too terrified to go near. And now here she was, the only person in the whole town decent enough to give him the time of day, caring enough to stand up for him…brave enough to get close.WHAT YOU CAN'T HAVELuke didn't need the town's nasty stares to know that Amelia was offlimits. But then, reformed or not, he'd never been one to abide by the rules. He only hoped that the quiet beauty would fall for the man he had become instead of the one he used to be.

    A Lady of Notoriety

    Diane Gaston

    DESIRED FOR HERSELF ALONE… When fallen beauty Daphne, Lady Faville, is carried to safety from a rampaging fire, she’s horrified to recognise her rescuer as Hugh Westleigh – a man with every reason to despise her!But Hugh has been blinded and Daphne must nurse him back to health. Unable to see, he is driven to distraction by her tantalising scent and gentle touch. For the first time Daphne feels truly desired for herself alone. But when Hugh finally regains his sight will she find forgiveness in his arms?The Masquerade Club Identities concealed, desires revealed…

    Mustang Wild

    Stacey Kayne

    No smooth-talking man is going to outwit her!With the deed to her land and a kid brother to protect, mustanger Skylar Daines shouldn't have tangled with the likes of Tucker Morgan. But his stolen kiss scatters her senses and, quicker than a whirling dust devil, they're wed!To her relief, Tucker's keen to fix the marital slipup–and then he tells her the deed she holds belongs to him, and him alone. Maybe she shouldn't rush to have their marriage annulled. No man, no matter how good-looking, is going to swindle Skylar out of the one thing she yearns for most–a home.

    A Deal with Demakis

    Tara Pammi

    When the devil commands…Nikos Demakis’s plan is set. With his eye firmly on the CEO position at his grandfather’s business he will finally lay his past to rest. And Lexi Nelson holds the key. She might resist, and she’ll definitely try to negotiate, but Nikos always gets what he wants.Lexi has never met anyone like Nikos. The power that he exudes is almost overwhelming. Almost. She’s determined to prove that she’s more than a match for him – but as the playing field changes from power to passion it soon becomes a battle of wills that she’s not sure she wants to win!Discover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/tarapammi

    The Last Prince of Dahaar

    Tara Pammi

    A vow to break?She’s a bullet-point on the list of things he’s agreed to do for duty. And, as it’s the only way to restore order in Dahaar and quash the whispers that name him The Mad Prince, Ayaan Al Sharif will marry Zohra Naasar.Zohra knows something of duty’s destruction – it’s stolen her freedom before and it won’t happen again. She’ll convince Ayaan not to marry her by refusing to sleep with him! Even if he does evoke a desire she’s never felt before.Ayaan might have agreed to her outrageous demand, but is this one promise The Last Prince of Dahaar can’t keep?‘The first author I look for now, love Tara’s books!’ – Sue, 48, OswestryDiscover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/tarapammi

    The Rule-Breaker

    Rhonda Nelson

    Ranger Eli Weston always does the right thing – even when it means defying orders. Now he’s back in town to help with a memorial in honour of his fallen military buddy.This time, it’s not just about what’s right. It’s about ensuring that some secrets never come to light. A secret that only he and his friend’s ex-girlfriend knows…Clothing designer Shelby Monroe has always felt an illicit something for Eli. But when the two find themselves working together to ensure the media never discovers the truth about the town’s fallen hero, temptation unfurls… hot, wicked, and irresistible.And how far can they bend the rules before they break?

    Moonlight and Mistletoe

    Louise Allen

    A sparkling Regency Christmas in a sleepy English village!Guy Westrope, Earl of Buckland, was not a gentleman used to encountering opposition to his will. But the quick-witted, stubborn and delectable Miss Hester Lattimer was proving to be more than a match for him….Local ghost stories would not scare Hester from her new house–especially not at Christmas! Though her heart told her to trust the mysterious earl, she knew she had to be wary. Even if Guy was not behind the strange events, letting him get too close would inevitably reveal her scandalous past!

    The Long Hot Summer

    Wendy Rosnau

    This lazy little town in the Louisiana bayou country was never going to be the same–at least, not if local bad boy Johnny Bernard had anything to do with it. He'd come back to turn up the heat on some of the town's most upstanding citizens–the ones who'd sent him to prison for a crime he hadn't committed…. But he hadn't counted on Nicole Chapman–and another kind of heat altogether. The beautiful blonde with the shadowed past awoke a desire that flashed through him like summer lightning. But could their passion survive the secrets of the past–secrets that could set this town on fire…?