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Randy C Dockens

The danger intensifies. Luke and his friends must decide what to do with the sixty-year-old banned artifact they have stolen from the secret vault of The Six. Luke almost regrets finding it, for it bothers him to have something which has been forbidden for so many years, but he reluctantly joins the others to try and find the answers they seek from its contents. It is supposed to give them answers to the why behind the deception of the mind manipulation, the reason for the discrepancies found in the planning of the Mars mission, and is supposed to give them direction for their future. But it seems to raise more questions than provide answers. The corruption of The Six goes even deeper than they realized, and the immunity of Luke and Sarah against the mind manipulation puts their lives, and those of their friends, in further danger. Will they gain the answers, and the truth, they seek in time to save


Helen McMahon

"The Year is 2093. The world is grey and infected, unsafe for human inhabitation. We live sheltered, under The Veil. I live a life just like yours. Until the day that all changes.Who am I? I'm Anna. But who is this man who claims to know me…who knows more about me than I do? He's shown me a glimpse beyond my world into one I have been told doesn't exist. Into a world I've been told doesn't even have the CHANCE to exist. Do I trust him? If I do it could cost me everything. My family, my friends. My life. He says he knows a different way, a better way. Do I risk everything to follow a stranger? Do I dare look with my own eyes? Do I risk being deceived? What if the life I am already living is the deception?" From the ashen past and out of the present world the few and the outcast take a stand for what they believe. For what they have seen with their own eyes— and know to be true. These few know that the world has been lied to, lulled into a dangerous sleep. They've become a drowsy people, ignorant of The Monarch's ominous design. Her memories stolen and her past rewritten, will Anna be able to lift the shroud of lies, to escape the confines of a life she has always known and accepted to be true? And if she does…will she survive to see the truth revealed?


Randy C Dockens

Amazing how a small choice can change your life forever. Luke feels he has his dream job being an astrophysicist at the Houston Aerospace Engineering Center preparing for the upcoming Mars mission. He even has a blooming romance with Sarah, a physician where he works. Life in 2089 is good—couldn’t be better. Until … until he makes that fateful choice. The decision to pick up that small piece of paper containing three simple letters plunges him into a conspiracy, forces him to face the world as he never knew it to be. He discovers he—everyone—is being manipulated by an elite few. Does he dare try to face the answers to the questions life is now throwing at him? Or does he blissfully ignore reality and go back to his fantasy world? He chooses to face the answers, and every direction he turns points him to T-H-B. What is the well-kept secret? Is it the answer, the truth, which he seeks? Will finding it bring clarity to his life and the right path for his future? Or will it make him an enemy to the entire world?

Deep Faith

Rob Reimer

Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, all who have faith in me will do the works that I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these” (John 14:12). The extraordinary promise of Jesus is that we can do Kingdom works that He did – cast out demons, heal the sick, save the lost and set the captives free. Jesus wants to advance his Kingdom through us. But this promise comes with a condition: the level of our Kingdom activity is dependent upon our faith. There are promises in Heaven that God wants to release, but they cannot be released without faith. There are miracles that God wants to do that cannot be done without faith. There are answers to prayer that God wants to unleash that cannot be unleashed without faith. There are works of the Kingdom that God wants to accomplish that cannot be accomplished unless the people of God develop deeper faith. But there is hope for all of us, because faith can be developed. Faith opens doors and creates opportunities for accessing God’s power against all odds. Faith is a difference maker, a future shaper, a bondage breaker, a Kingdom mover. In his latest book, Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to develop deep faith that can release the works of the Kingdom. Faith is not static; it is dynamic. We can and must take an intentional path toward developing our faith if we want to see the works of the Kingdom in greater measure.

Pathways to the King

Rob Reimer

The church in America desperately needs revival. The percentage of people who attend church in America today is lower than ever before. But how do we experience revival? How do we usher in God’s Kingdom on Earth and see the next great spiritual awakening? It starts with you. God wants you to draw near to Jesus and to be a carrier of His Kingdom. He wants you to experience the reality and fullness of His Kingdom, and He wants you to expand the Kingdom to others – just like Jesus did.<br /> Pathways to the King provides you with 8 Kingdom pathways that you’ll need to incorporate and internalize in order to experience and expand God’s Kingdom on Earth. These pathways are discussed in great detail, are securely rooted in biblical truths, and are illustrated by poignant examples from Scripture, from the lives of believers, and from great Christians throughout history. When you begin to walk down these pathways, you will develop intimacy, authority, and power in Christ and become a Kingdom-minded person living out the compelling life of the Spirit.

Breaking the Broken

Rob Kendall

As a country, we spend billions on Social Justice Programs, but what are the results? Life is not getting better for those in poverty. The numbers continue to rise; leaving millions of hearts, families and communities enslaved to a degrading system. In the war on poverty, poverty has won. The benefits of social justice are a myth. The experiment has failed, but God has a plan. God’s Plan offers dignity, restoration and hope. He established His Plan in the Garden of Eden and used it throughout Scripture to restore, “The least of these.” God does not call us to Social Justice, He calls us to love and heal the broken. Whether you’re in full-time, part-time or volunteer in ministry this book is for you. You will learn about God’s Plan, find examples of it in action, see the hope that it brings, and gain insight on how to implement God’s Plan in your own communities. This book will better equip you to represent Christ to the lost and heal the broken.

Soul Care

Rob Reimer

Brokenness grasps for the soul of humanity. We are broken body, soul, and spirit, and we need the healing touch of Jesus. Soul Care explores seven principles that are profound healing tools of God: securing your identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance. Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to engage in an interactive, roll-up-your-sleeves and get messy process – a journey of self-reflection, Holy Spirit inspiration, deep wrestling, and surrender. It is a process of discovering yourself in true community and discovering God as He pierces through the layers of your heart. Life change is hard. But these principles, when packaged together and lived out, can lead to lasting transformation, freedom, and a healthy soul. Soul Care encourages you to gather a small group of comrades in arms, read and process together, open your souls to one another, access the presence and power of God together, and journey together into the freedom and fullness of Christ.


Linda Seger

For decades, many of us have concentrated on personal success at the price of our spirituality. Now, Dr. Linda Seger, a successful Hollywood insider who has dealt with the competition and worldly spirit of the film and television industry, reveals how you can attain your goals and desires without compromising your relationship with God. Dr. Seger tackles these important issues: how do you identify your calling? Handle risk? Cope with praise or blame? Identify and confront evil in our work? Deal with competition? Take the Leap of Faith? Meet and overcome the Seven Deadly Sins? The book is based on her own experiences while trying to build her career as she became a world-renowned script consultant. She also interviewed over 30 people from all six continents and from the arts, the sciences, and business and reveals and identifies success and spirituality issues that have rarely been discussed before. The book won the «Enduring Light/ Inspirational» Illumination Book Award for Exemplary Christian writing.

Self Made: Confessions Of A Twenty Something Self Made Millionaire

Stefan Aarnio

What does it take to become a self-made millionaire? Many have wondered, few have succeeded. Self Made: Confessions of a Twenty Something Self Made Millionaire follows the real life story of Stefan Aarnio, award winning real estate investor and award winning entrepreneur through the struggle of starting out with zero cash, zero credit and zero experience in his pursuit of financial freedom. Inside Self Made, you will discover the 5 Secret Skills That Transform Ordinary People Into Self Made Millionaires. These skills are mastered by the rich, purposely not taught in school and are hidden from the poor and the middle class. Join Stefan on his journey as he faces financial ruin, meets his life-changing mentor and transforms his mind, body and soul to become Self Made.

Lymphedema and Lipedema Nutrition Guide

Chuck Ehrlich

Eat to starve lymphedema and lipedema by having foods that fight these conditions (and cancer) and avoiding foods that contribute to symptoms or related conditions. Lean how food choices affect both conditions and how better nutrition can improve symptoms (including pain) and delay changes associated with progression to more advanced stages. Intended for anyone with, or at risk for, lymphedema or lipedema, caregivers, lymphedema therapists, and other health care providers.
Signs of lymphedema and lipedema (painful fat syndrome) include swelling (edema), abnormal fat accumulation, pain, skin changes, and infections (cellulitis, wounds or ulcers) in affected areas. Lymphedema and lipedema are progressive conditions that can be depressing, disfiguring, disabling, and (potentially) deadly, without treatment. This guide explains why nutrition is an essential part of treatment and self-care for these conditions, what to eat, and how to change your eating pattern. It also covers vitamins, minerals, and supplements that may be beneficial.
You may be at risk for lymphedema if you have chronic venous insufficiency, other venous disorders, heart disease, obesity, a cancer diagnosis (especially breast cancer, reproductive system cancers, or melanoma), or a family history of lymphedema or swollen legs. Eating wisely and maintaining a healthy body weight can help reduce your risk of developing lymphedema symptoms.
This guide includes all the information you need for changing your eating pattern including ways to increase your motivation and build support for changing your eating pattern, meal plans and recipes for recommended foods, a shopping guide, cooking tips, suggestions for eating away from home, and much more. It also includes detailed information on lymphedema and lipedema including risk factors, signs and symptoms, treatment, other health care considerations and over 40 photos showing different stages of each condition.
The authors include experts in lymphedema and lipedema treatment, nutrition research, and behavior change. Recommendations are based on published medical research combined with the clinical experience of the authors. In addition to sharing their clinical experience, Emily Iker and Linda-Anne Kahn share their personal insights from living well with lymphedema and lipedema, respectively.
Chuck Ehrlich is a medical researcher and writer for, as well as a lymphedema caregiver.
Emily Iker, MD, specializes in treating lymphedema and lipedema at the Lymphedema Center in Santa Monica and has lower-extremity lymphedema.
Karen Louise Herbst, PhD, MD, treats people with lymphatic issues including lymphedema and lipedema, and leads the Treatment, Research and Education of Adipose Tissue (TREAT) Program, at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.
Linda-Anne Kahn. CMT, NCTMB, CLT-LANA, CCN, is a lymphedema therapist, nutritional consultant and integrative health coach at Beauty Kliniek Day Spa and Wellness Center in San Diego, and has lipedema.
Dorothy D. Sears, PhD, researches diet and behavior patterns for reducing disease risk at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine.
Mandy Kenyon, MS, RD, CSSD, is a consulting dietitian and research leader for Salk Institute and Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation.
Elizabeth McMahon, PhD, is a clinical psychologist specializing in health-related behavior change and the author of several lymphedema books including Overcoming the Emotional Challenges of Lymphedema.
Foreword by Felicitie Daftuar, founder and executive director of Lipedema Foundation and past-president of the Fat Disorders Research Society (