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As a Man Thinketh

Джеймс Аллен

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." With that simple but profound philosophy — and the right application of thought — you can overcome obstacles, reach goals, improve health, and achieve serenity.Since its initial publication a century ago, millions around the world have responded to James Allen's powerful message of positive thinking and have used it to achieve their maximum potential.Included in this edition are Allen's insightful Morning and Evening Thoughts, a collection of beautiful daily meditations that feed the mind and soul.

The Adventures of Prickly Porky

Thornton W. Burgess

There's a big mystery brewing among the animals of the Green Forest — and it's all because of a strange little creature with no head, legs, or tail that came rolling down a hill and gave Peter Cottontail the fright of his life. What could it be?Young readers and listeners will love finding out about this and other interesting goings-on in the Forest as they learn how Prickly Porky made friends, what made Old Granny Fox lose her dignity, why Old Man Coyote lost his appetite, and more.Written by master storyteller Thornton W. Burgess, this classic combines all the fun of a good story with gentle lessons about wildlife, the environment, and human virtues. It is reset here in large, easy-to-read type, enhanced by six full-page Harrison Cady illustrations that perfectly capture the mood of this charming tale.

1001 Easy Spanish Phrases

Pablo García Loaeza

The perfect companion for tourists and business travelers in Spain and Latin America, this book offers fast, effective communication. Over 1,000 basic words, phrases, and sentences cover everything from asking directions to making reservations and ordering dinner. Designed as a quick reference tool and an easy study guide, this inexpensive and easy-to-use book offers completely up-to-date terms for modern telecommunications, idioms, and slang. Its contents are arranged for quick access to phrases related to greetings, transportation, shopping, services, medical and emergency situations, and other common circumstances. A phonetic pronunciation guide accompanies each phrase.

Agnes Grey

Anne Bronte

In her daring first novel, the youngest Brontë sister drew upon her own experiences to tell the unvarnished truth about life as a governess. Like Agnes Grey, Anne Brontë was a young middle-class Victorian lady whose family fortunes had faltered. Like so many other unmarried women of the nineteenth century, Brontë accepted the only «respectable» employment available — and entered a world of hardship, humiliation, and loneliness.Written with a realism that shocked critics, this biting social commentary offers a sympathetic portrait of Agnes and a moving indictment of her brutish and haughty employers. Separated from her family and friends by many miles, paid little more than subsistence wages, Agnes stands alone — both in society at large and in a household where she is neither family member nor servant. Agnes Grey remains a landmark in the literature of social history. In addition to its challenge to the era's chauvinism and materialism, it features a first-person narrative that offers a rare opportunity to hear the voice of a Victorian working woman.

An Essay on the Principle of Population

T. R. Malthus

The first major study of population size and its tremendous importance to the character and quality of society, this polemic examines the tendency of human numbers to outstrip their resources. Pivotal in establishing the field of demography, it remains crucial to understanding modern problems with food production and distribution.Anglican parson Thomas Robert Malthus wrote his famous essay in 1798 in response to speculations on social perfectibility aroused by the French Revolution. Because human powers of procreation so greatly exceed the production of food, Malthus explained, population will always exceed available resources, and many will inevitably live at the ragged edge of subsistence. His simple yet powerful argument — demonstrating that scarcity and inequality arise even in a society purged of all unjust laws and institutions — was highly controversial in its day. Many of Malthus' contemporaries despised him for dashing their hopes of social progress, and the grim logic of his «population principle» led Thomas Carlyle to dub economics «the dismal science.» Today, Malthus' name is practically synonymous with active concern about demographic and ecological prospects, and his classic remains ever relevant to issues of social policy, theology, evolution, and the environment.

The Analects


In this excellent English translation of The Analects, or Sayings, of Confucius, readers will find a rich distillation of the timeless precepts of one of history's most influential teachers and social theorists. A Chinese philosopher who lived c. 551 to c. 479 B.C., Confucius originated and taught an ethical, socially oriented philosophy that stressed proper behavior and a sympathetic, mutually supportive attitude among individuals, their families and society. From his teachings came a system of ethics for managing society that has influenced generations of politicians, social reformers, and religious thinkers. Indeed, the effect of Confucian philosophy has been so profound that it has become basic not only to an understanding of traditional Chinese civilization, but of Western society as well. Now the essence of Confucian teaching, contained in The Analects, is available in this inexpensive volume, providing inspirational and instructive reading to anyone interested in the history of social thought, Chinese philosophy, or theories of ethical behavior.

"Easter 1916" and Other Poems

William Butler Yeats

"A terrible beauty is born," observed the greatest modern Irish poet after his country's 1916 Easter Rebellion against the British. This streak of proud nationalism, interwoven with elements of Celtic lore and mysticism, and infused with a hard-earned wisdom, makes Yeats's works resonate to this day. His career spanned five decades, earning him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923, and he is widely regarded as the finest English-language poet of the twentieth century.This volume contains a rich selection of poems from Yeat's mature work, including all the poems from The Wild Swans at Coole (1919) and Michael Robartes and the Dancer (1921). These memorable verses, embodying subtlety and objectivity in language of stark beauty and simplicity, offer a cross-section of Yeat's multifaceted poetic production.In addition to the famous title poem, the works collected here include the oft-quoted «The Second Coming» as well as «An Irish Airman Foresees His Death,» «The Wild Swans at Coole,» «In Memory of Major Robert Gregory,» «Under the Round Tower,» «Michael Robartes and the Dancer,» «The Rose Tree,» «A Prayer for My Daughter,» «A Meditation in Time of War,» and many more.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Бенджамин Франклин

Blessed with enormous talents and the energy and ambition to go with them, Franklin was a statesman, author, inventor, printer, and scientist. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence and later was involved in negotiating the peace treaty with Britain that ended the Revolutionary War. He also invented bifocals, a stove that is still manufactured, a water-harmonica, and the lightning rod. Franklin's extraordinary range of interests and accomplishments are brilliantly recorded in his Autobiography, considered one of the classics of the genre. Covering his life up to his prewar stay in London as representative of the Pennsylvania Assembly, this charming self-portrait recalls Franklin's boyhood, his determination to achieve high moral standards, his work as a printer, experiments with electricity, political career, experiences during the French and Indian War, and more. Related in an honest, open, unaffected style, this highly readable account offers a wonderfully intimate glimpse of the Founding Father sometimes called «the wisest American.»

The Adventure of the Dancing Men and Other Sherlock Holmes Stories

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Undoubtedly the world's best-known fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, with his faithful sidekick, Dr. Watson, is the scourge of London's underworld, sallying forth from his rooms at 221B Baker Street to solve crimes and bring evildoers to justice. Now four of the best Holmes stories have been collected in this volume, offering a superb sampler of the great sleuth's fascinating adventures. Included are «The Adventure of the Dancing Men,» in which the sudden appearance of mysterious stick-figure drawings proves disastrous to a country squire and his bride; «The Adventure of the Dying Detective,» in which Holmes appears to have contracted a mysterious Asian disease that leaves him at death's door; and two other celebrated stories: «The Musgrave Ritual» and «The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans.» In this inexpensive collection, these stories represent a wonderful introduction to the larger body of Holmes stories, as well as a delightful pocket-sized treat for any mystery lover.

The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy

Padraic Colum

This classic retelling of Homer's Illiad and Odyssey — written for young readers by Ireland's great poet and playwright — recalls the legendary characters of ancient Greece and their amazing adventures. Both epics are recounted here in The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy.Youngsters will travel with Achilles, who, guided by the gods, seeks vengeance on the Trojans. They'll follow Odysseus on his perilous journey to the land of the Cyclops, a race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. They'll encounter Circe, the evil enchantress who turns Odysseus's men into swine; meet the terrible sea monster Charybdis, who, with Scylla, a six-headed serpent, threatens passing ships and their crews; and confront other wicked forces that attempt to keep Odysseus from returning to his faithful wife, Penelope.Unequaled as an introduction for youngsters to the classic myths, Colum's stirring tales, enhanced with 17 delightful illustrations by Willy Pogany, offer hours of thrill-packed reading.