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Journey with Jesus

C. Franklin Brookhart

Do you want your life to be a vigorous, purposeful, and liberated journey? That is exactly what an encounter with Jesus Christ offers. This book presents a way to engage Christ through a detailed yet accessible look at the four major events of his life and provides suggestions about living out the implications of those events on a daily and practical level.

A Christian View of Money

Mark Vincent

Money touches everything in our lives. It communicates our values whether we want it to or not, often simultaneously resulting in what we prefer and what we regret. Those who wish to be thoughtful about how they reflect God's image in all things, do well to think through what they believe about earning and using money. This volume walks through a logical progression of how to think and act in regards to money, and provides scores of scenarios for discussion and application.

Practicing Imperfection

Charles T. Dupree

To know life is to look at it honestly. Practicing Imperfection is a candid exploration of one person's move from being addicted to praise and perfection to becoming more comfortable in his own skin. Through humor and a healthy dose of sarcasm, Practicing Imperfection shares the journey of Episcopal priest Charles Dupree in developing a consistent, sustainable, meditation practice. Dupree describes how the ancient practice of meditation can bring about a healthier, happier, more awakened existence, and what, for him, has been a healing balm in a busy world and demanding vocation.
Drawing from childhood experiences, a recent sabbatical, and the experiences of serving as a parish priest, Dupree examines some of life's larger questions. As an Episcopal priest, he is clearly religious, but also whole-heartedly spiritual. Uniting those seemingly conflicted qualities, he helps us see that we are all looking for the same thing: freedom from that which no longer serves us.
In our modern world, it is difficult to carve out the space to examine what is going on in our lives and minds; meditation is a way to create that space. This is a book for people who want to be released from the pressures of being better, smarter, or more successful, and those who want to lighten up and be a fuller participant in life.

A Nun, a Convent, and the German Occupation of Belgium

Rene Kollar

World War I has been recorded from many points of view: correspondent, poet, politician, and soldier. Comments from a nun living in a foreign country during the hostilities, however, can provide new insights. Isoline Jones was born in 1876 in England, and attended the boarding school at Tildonk, Belgium, run by the Ursuline sisters. She eventually converted to Roman Catholicism from Anglicanism and made her perpetual vows in 1907 as a member of the Ursuline community. Her religious name was Mother Marie Georgine. In August 1914, German forces invaded Belgium and occupied the convent and school, and her impressions of the war years are preserved in a series of letters written in the form of a diary. The siege of Antwerp, the plight of refugees, interaction with the German soldiers, and the hectic daily life of the convent were recorded by Mother Marie Georgine. Events occurring throughout Belgium did not escape her attention, and she did not avoid describing the brutality of war. Although sections of her diary have appeared in print, this is the first publication of Mother Marie Georgine's entire diary. Her impressions of World War I offer new perspectives on this tragic event.

Christian Faith in Our Time

Paul Jersild

Jersild responds to a fundamental issue in the theology of the church: what is the nature of our language in addressing the mysteries of our faith, such as speaking of God, or of the incarnation? Advocating a «modest» theology in facing the mystery of God, and acknowledging the impact of postmodern sensibilities, he lifts up the metaphorical language of Jesus as the key to a responsible theology. Jersild makes his case for a «faith-based imagination» centering on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as God's man who brings a divine, redemptive love to the human story. Theology does not give us a line in the sand that divides the saved from the lost, nor is it the truth that makes all other religions false. This is a book for seekers as well as many church members who harbor questions and doubts about the church's theology.

Study Guide for The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy by Mitch Finley

Holly Hoffman Thomas

Do you ever wonder how to be a better version of yourself? This Study Guide compliments The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy by Mitch Finley. In it you will find Sacred Scriptures and Catechism Connections sure to enhance your knowledge of each work of mercy as well as Service Opportunity ideas. The questions unique to each work of mercy make for a lively discussion. In working through this Study Guide you, indeed, will become a better version of yourself.

Hollow Gods

Charles Eric Turner

There is little doubt that we are quick in Western culture to follow after idols. Why are we so easily led astray? Could it be because postmodern thinking has masked idols so that we do not recognize them? What if you really are an idolater at heart? What can you do to remedy this cultural disease? Do you want answers? If so, then Hollow Gods offers a glimpse into the connections between postmodern culture and its rapid decline into idolatry, providing the biblical reasons and solutions to this problem for both your Christian life and church health.

Repentance—Good News!

Daniel Bourguet

Repentance. From Jesus's own adoption of repentance at his baptism and the opening word of his preaching, the theme winds its way through his ministry and into our lives. We see Peter, the exemplar of repentance, and the unfortunate Judas, caught up in remorse. We look at sins both personal and collective, and at God forgiving and healing. Above all we see Jesus taking on the sin of the whole world and bringing the kingdom of God so very close, this kingdom of love which brings us to our knees in adoration. This book tellingly brings home the wonderful, humble love of God to be found in Jesus.

Famous Stutterers

Gerald R. McDermott

Moses, Aristotle, Civil War hero Joshua Chamberlain, King George VI, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, distinguished historian Peter Brown, TV journalist John Stossel, Senator's wife Annie Glenn, ABC correspondent Byron Pitts, novelist John Updike. For all of these accomplished persons, stuttering was an enormous difficulty. None had a sure-fire remedy. Most had to blunder and stumble through. The persistence and courage they displayed tells us that there might be ways we too can survive and achieve–despite our own difficulties.

Mere Ecclesiology

J. Gregory Crofford

Too many churches limp along with no clear sense of mission. In Mere Ecclesiology: Finding Your Place in the Church's Mission, Dr. Crofford clarifies the purpose of God's people through the metaphor of spiritual respiration. «Breathing in» (worship and discipleship) leads to «breathing out» (transformative service in the world). Newcomers and seasoned believers alike will be challenged to discover their calling as the Holy Spirit sends the church out on a challenging mission to heal families, communities, and creation itself.