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The Truth about Mary

Peter S. Dillard

In recent years a powerful grassroots movement has emerged calling for the papal definition of a fifth Marian dogma declaring the Blessed Virgin Mary to be Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate. There has also been strong opposition to any such definition for various reasons. In The Truth about Mary, Peter Dillard clarifies this debate by providing a rigorous analysis of each thesis contained in the proposed dogma and determining whether a formal definition is appropriate at this time. The resulting theological and philosophical evaluation will be helpful to readers seeking a better understanding of what is at stake in a controversy that has far-reaching ramifications for the future of the Church.

Historical and Social Dimensions in African Christian Theology

Wilson Muoha Maina

African Christian theology has been developing for the last four decades. The trend has been to focus on traditional African religions as a foundation for Christian theology. While acknowledging the importance of African traditional religions to Christian theology in Africa, this study argues that African history progressively changes, and it is these changed and changing circumstances that theology is to address. This work analyzes issues affecting Africa today and shows the social and political role that Christianity has to play in an African context.
This study views enculturation as a dialogue among African Christians, their history and culture, and Christian teachings. Theological approaches such as anthropological, liberation, and historical are analyzed from the perspective of Small Christian Communities (SCCs), which are a recent development in African Christianity. SCCs are presented as a concrete hermeneutical tool in theological analyses. Further, this work acknowledges the indispensable need for an authentic African Christology in an African Christian theology. While critical of contemporary African Christology, the study also suggests issues to be considered in the development of African Christology.

Calvin's Doctrine of the State

Mark J. Larson

Contemporary treatments of Calvin's political views often imply that he embraced a theocratic civil polity and that he was committed to holy war doctrine. On the basis of the primary sources, the first half of this volume argues that neither position is correct. Calvin, in his political thought, maintained the superiority of a republic as a civil polity. In addition, he placed himself firmly within the medieval just war tradition that was established by Augustine of Hippo and later reaffirmed by Thomas Aquinas. In terms of his commitment to classical just war teaching, Calvin stood in continuity with Martin Luther, even while he distanced himself from the holy war perspective of the Zurich Reformers Henry Bullinger and Peter Martyr Vermigli. In the thinking of Calvin, a war could only be authorized by the state, not the church. War had to be prosecuted with humanity and restraint, and not in the tradition of the medieval crusade. The second half of the book sets forth what Calvin actually believed on the matter of government and war. Here we examine his teaching on parliamentary resistance to monarchical tyranny and the full dimensions of his commitment to justice of war categories. Unlike Luther and Bullinger, Calvin provided a parliamentary remedy for the perennial evil of tyranny. With Vermigli and Theodore Beza siding with Calvin on this right, a body of Reformed doctrine was established to which succeeding generations could appeal for teaching, direction, and justification for taking up arms. It is clear that Calvin's political legacy is profoundly evident in the American Revolutionary War and in the constitutional determination for a republic in the United States of America. Calvin's ecclesiastical republicanism, as it came to fruition in Presbyterian church government, was a powerful impetus toward the creation of republican institutions in civil government.

Sermons from a Southern Rabbi

Charles David Isbell

Every Shabbat in synagogues around the world and across America, sermons from the local rabbi are an important component of worship. This book brings together thirty-five sermons preached to the congregation of a typical small southern city, Lake Charles, Louisiana. Included are several sermons based upon the weekly parashah (assigned biblical portion from the Pentateuch), a series of messages brought during the high holy days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) of 2007, three funeral sermons, a special Yom ha-Sho'ah (Holocaust-memorial) address, and a short talk about freedom, given on July 4, 2008. Each message represents the author's attempt to link the concerns of the modern world back to the classical, biblical roots of the Jewish faith, thereby invoking the principles of biblical faith to serve as guidelines in the twenty-first century.

The Wisdom of Kierkegaard

Clifford Williams

Tucked away in the complicated prose that fills many of Soren Kierkegaard's books are numerous insightful declarations. They arrest the reader with their depth of understanding. They often are expressed in a lilting and lyrical manner. Encountering them makes working through the intricate prose eminently worthwhile.
The Wisdom of Kierkegaard contains two hundred fifty such passages, chosen partly because of their ability to be understood apart from their context and partly because of their ability to provoke an «Ah! That's true» response. Many of them contain a «twist» that imparts an incisive jab. Some are on themes for which Kierkegaard is well known, but many are on a variety of other significant themes. The passages are organized in alphabetical sections, which are introduced by a brief essay.

The Dying of Jesus

Owen F. Cummings

The liturgical season of Lent and Good Friday are very important for Christians as they meditate and reflect upon the dying of Jesus. These are traditions that take us back to the very beginnings of the Christian tradition. From early times, pilgrims have made their way to the Holy Land, especially Jerusalem, to walk where Jesus walked and to remember his death on the cross. Not everyone can go to Jerusalem, and we cannot stand at the foot of the cross of Jesus, but the Stations of the Cross and the Seven Last Words may take us to Jerusalem and to Calvary imaginatively.

A Far Better Life

James G. Friesen

The Sermon on the Mount is not supposed to read like a collection of standards that we should be striving to achieve. Listen to the Master's voice. It is not saying, «You should do better!» It is saying, «Let me help you do better.» Soft and welcoming, yet compelling, Jesus invites us to make Him our guide. The Sermon on the Mount is where we learn to take our first steps. A Far Better Life opens up The Sermon on the Mount with such clarity that readers can almost hear Jesus delivering it. Staying with everyday language and common sense concepts, Dr. Friesen connects Jesus' central ideas, point by point, with Christian counseling. This is one of those books that will be around for a long time, because it is both an introduction to Christian counseling and a troubleshooting volume for counselors and their clients. Here is Jesus' message: The Father eagerly wants to join you in your living space to provide healing for the wounds that keep you from living a far better life. Jesus' intent is for you to invite the Father into every area of your life, especially into the most difficult moments. He will transform them and that will entirely change the way you live.

A Time To Be Deborah

Joyce Carlin

A Time To Be Deborah is a study of the Biblical Book of Judges focusing on the account of the prophetess Deborah and the Israelite military general, Barak. It is a political and historical work that compares and contrasts today's American political scene with that of the Israelites, circa 1200 B.C., complete with pointed commentary and detailed statistics of the day. This book is a call to arms intended for contemporary Christian women supporting a need for education, activism, and a return to Christian values in our nation. Further, it is a plea for obedience to God's laws and commands coupled with a faithful desire for deliverance. This book reiterates a timeless warning that is as sobering in twenty-first century America as it was in twelfth century B.C. Israel. That warning may very easily herald the removal of God's hand from this land if historical lessons learned are not now applied. Do not consider entering the voting booth without assimilating this information and committing yourself to the prevention of the demise of this great land.

Preaching and Politics

Tim J. R. Trumper

Today's culture war raises questions about pulpit ministry; the answers to which are often assumed but rarely thought through. Drawing on his transatlantic studies of both politics and theology, scholar-pastor Tim Trumper weighs the various homiletical approaches to political engagement. In doing so, he eschews the predominant apolitical and party-political tendencies of the day, preferring a mediating biblical-political approach that upholds the sanctity of the preacher's calling and the expository method of preaching. The result is a tract for our times, one that calls for the sermonic pre-eminence of the Kingdom of Heaven and the prophetic application of its lessons to the church and to the world.

A Simplified Guide to Worshiping As Lutherans

James Alan Waddell

This book was prepared for lay people, congregational leaders, pastors, church musicians, worship leaders, and worship committees. It provides an answer for those who are asking the question: What does it mean to worship as a Lutheran in the twenty-first century?
The goal of the book is twofold:
In today's context, with so many different and confusing opinions about worship, this book provides lay people and pastors with a clear and understandable presentation of Lutheran theology for Lutheran worship. It gives positive direction and equips worship leaders with concrete practical tools to evaluate contemporary worship forms, when these forms are considered for use in the Lutheran congregation.