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Kuu kroonikad 4A: Winter I osa

Marissa Meyer

„Kuu kroonikad“ on Marissa Meyeri sari, kus uue futuristliku võtme saavad tuntud muinasjutud Tuhkatriinust, Punamütsikesest, Rapuntslist ja Lumivalgekesest.
– Kas Cinder, Scarlet, Cress ja Winter suudavad alistada Levana ja leida oma lugudele õnnelikud lõpud?
Kuu elanikud imetlevad printsess Winteri viisakust ja lahkust ning hoolimata neiu nägu rikkuvatest armidest peetakse ta ilu veelgi hingematvamaks kui ta kasuema, kuninganna Levana oma.Winter põlgab oma kasuema ja teab, et Levana ei kiida heaks ta tundeid oma lapsepõlvesõbra, nägusa paleevalvuri Jacini vastu. Kuid Winter ei ole nii nõrk, kui Levana arvab, ning on aastaid salamisi kasuema soovidele vastu seisnud. Koos küborgist mehaaniku Cinderi ja ta liitlastega võib Winteril olla isegi jõudu sütitada revolutsioon ja võita sõda, mis on juba liiga kaua möllanud.

Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition

Группа авторов

Dry Beans and Pulses The second edition of the most complete and authoritative reference on dry beans production, processing, and nutrition available Since the first edition of Dry Beans and Pulses: Production, Processing, and Nutrition was published in 2012, the popularity of pulse crops as sustainable, nutritionally-rich food ingredients for alternate meat and other food products has increased significantly beyond traditional utilization. Retaining its distinctive value-chain approach to the subject, the new edition is fully revised to provide up-to-date coverage of breeding, composition, quality, nutritional profiles, postharvest and processing technologies, food safety and security, significance to human health, and more. A team of more than fifty contributors review recent research, consumer trends, new products, and food security issues in dry beans processing and value-added practices. New chapters address Hard-to-cook phenomenon and other storage-induced quality defects, quality assessment of raw and processed legumes using innovative technologies, utilization of dry beans and pulses as ingredients in diverse food products, and the production, processing, and nutritional profile of Faba beans and chickpeas and lentils. Covering both traditional and non-traditional bean classes, this comprehensive volume: Features new topics, expanded discussion, updated references, and additional figures and tables throughout Provides in-depth information on key aspects of production technologies, value-added processing, and Culinology® Examines global production and consumption, packaging and distribution, and nutrient bioavailability of bioactive compounds Highlights worldwide efforts to improve the quality and utilization of dry beans and pulses Discusses emerging trends and new applications of antioxidant properties of dry beans as functional foods Features chapters written by experts in disciplines such as crop science, horticulture, food science and technology, food biochemistry and engineering, and nutritional and environmental sciences Dry Beans and Pulses: Production, Processing, and Nutrition, Second Edition remains required reading for food scientists, nutritionists, agronomists, researchers, food processing specialists, and food security experts, food engineers and chemists involved in dry beans processing and value-added technologies.

Digital VLSI Design and Simulation with Verilog

Suman Lata Tripathi

Master digital design with VLSI and Verilog using this up-to-date and comprehensive resource from leaders in the field Digital VLSI Design Problems and Solution with Verilog delivers an expertly crafted treatment of the fundamental concepts of digital design and digital design verification with Verilog HDL. The book includes the foundational knowledge that is crucial for beginners to grasp, along with more advanced coverage suitable for research students working in the area of VLSI design. Including digital design information from the switch level to FPGA-based implementation using hardware description language (HDL), the distinguished authors have created a one-stop resource for anyone in the field of VLSI design. Through eleven insightful chapters, you'll learn the concepts behind digital circuit design, including combinational and sequential circuit design fundamentals based on Boolean algebra. You'll also discover comprehensive treatments of topics like logic functionality of complex digital circuits with Verilog, using software simulators like ISim of Xilinx. The distinguished authors have included additional topics as well, like: A discussion of programming techniques in Verilog, including gate level modeling, model instantiation, dataflow modeling, and behavioral modeling A treatment of programmable and reconfigurable devices, including logic synthesis, introduction of PLDs, and the basics of FPGA architecture An introduction to System Verilog, including its distinct features and a comparison of Verilog with System Verilog A project based on Verilog HDLs, with real-time examples implemented using Verilog code on an FPGA board Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students in electronics engineering and computer science engineering, Digital VLSI Design Problems and Solution with Verilog also has a place on the bookshelves of academic researchers and private industry professionals in these fields.

Un casa es un cuerpo

Shruti Swamy

"Shruti Swamy es un talento poco común; Una casa es un cuerpo es un magnífico debut" (Laura Furman). «Una colección de relatos deslumbrante, exquisitamente elaborada» (Kirkus Review). "No pude dejar de leer Una casa es un cuerpo una vez que lo empecé. Me hizo amar la lectura de nuevo" (Rebecca Lee). Desde la primera página de Una casa es un cuerpo, uno comprende que está frente a una escritora inusual. Dos veces ganadora del Premio O Henry, Shruti Swamy escribe como si lo más normal fuera extraño, y lo extraordinario algo natural. Leer sus cuentos es adentrarse en una cotidianeidad misteriosa, hecha de belleza y frustración, de asombro y dolor, poblada de personas que gravitan entre la deriva y una tímida esperanza. Una víctima de violencia doméstica se atreve a confesar su padecimiento a una vecina que también lo sufre y le responden con indiferencia y negación: una joven india visita al viudo de su hermana, que ha muerto dejando a una bebita, y es arrastrada por una extraña pasión; una madre paralizada se enfrenta a un incendio forestal que amenaza su casa, mientras lidia con el vacío que dejó la reciente partida de su marido y con una crisis febril tal vez grave de su pequeña hija. En todos los casos, Shruti Swamy se acerca a sus personajes con cautela y va develando sus secretos sin pudor aunque compasivamente. Su prosa clara y sencilla, capaz de sorprendentes y variados registros, es el arma perfecta para sacar a la luz la perturbadora intimidad; su mirada distante, la mejor manera de narrar enigmáticos sentimientos. Colección de cuentos exquisita, Una casa es un cuerpo es un debut estelar.

Opa, erzähl mir!

Markus Zwerger

"Als ich zehn Tage alt war, hat mich meine Mutter verschenkt!" Arthur Dalsass erzählt seinem Enkel Markus Zwerger aus seiner Kindheit. Als Kostkind wuchs er auf Bergbauernhöfen auf und baute sich nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mühsam eine eigene Existenz und Familie auf. Zwerger ergänzt die Gespräche, die er mit seinem Opa in dessen letzten Lebensjahren führte, um eigene Überlegungen und Gedanken. «Opa, erzähl mir!» ist ein berührender Austausch zwischen Großvater und Enkel und ein inspirierender Gedankenanstoß für den Dialog zwischen den Generationen.

Wackernells Visionen

Leo Hillebrand

Norbert Wackernell (1927–2020) zählte zu den bedeutendsten Ingenieuren Südtirols. Bekannt wurde er mit unkonventionellen Vorschlägen für alpine Flughäfen, kühnen Entwürfen transalpiner Autobahntrassen und zukunftsweisenden Lösungen innerstädtischer Verkehrsprobleme. Leo Hillebrand holt das Universalgenie Wackernell, der vom Frostschutz bis zum Stahlskelettbau zahlreiche Patente anmeldete, aus der Vergessenheit. Wackernells Biografie streift 75 Jahre Südtiroler Nachkriegsgeschichte und bietet einen erstmaligen Einblick in seine Pläne und Entwürfe.

Девчонкам о важном. Все, что ты хотела знать о взрослении, месячных, отношениях и многом другом

Карен Гравел

Из этой книги юные читательницы узнают от том, как меняется тело и настроение в период полового созревания: что такое менструация, почему растет грудь, как подобрать размер бюстгальтера, что делать, если появились чувства к мальчику (и чего ни в коем случае делать не следует). Родителям книга поможет начать разговор с дочерью о половом созревании.