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Formar una nación de todas las hermanas

David Antonio Pulido García

Formar una nación de todas las hermanas rastrea la influencia de la Revolución Mexicana en la formación del movimiento estudiantil colombiano. Este libro reconstruye parte de la agenda diplomática de la legación mexicana en Colombia entre 1916 y 1920, prestando singular atención a la labor del representante de la Federación de Estudiantes de México, Carlos Pellicer Cámara, quien entabló una estrecha amistad con lo más selecto de la joven intelectualidad bogotana, dentro de la que se encontraban estudiantes como Germán Arciniegas, Augusto Ramírez Moreno y Germán Pardo García, entre otros. La correspondencia privada de Pellicer, así como la prensa estudiantil de la época y los periódicos de ambos países, fueron los insumos utilizados para recrear una épica gesta estudiantil que en poco tiempo logró conmover los cimientos enmohecidos del régimen conservador de Marco Fidel Suárez, a la vez que significó para sus protagonistas el inicio de una íntima camaradería intelectual que los uniría en las letras y en la política hasta el final de sus días.

Descentrando el populismo

José Abelardo Díaz Jaramillo

Pensar y discutir «la cuestión populista» hoy se asemeja al eterno trabajo de Sísifo: cargar la roca de reflexión del populismo una y otra vez, frente a la pendiente inalcanzable de los lugares comunes. Como la de Sísifo, la nuestra es una labor —a todas luces— interminable. Por ello, este libro no pretende saldar o cerrar el debate, sino alivianar un poco la roca de reflexión; más que descifrar la naturaleza del populismo, nos proponemos pensarlo como una categoría analítica operativa y productiva para el estudio de procesos histórico-políticos particulares tales como el peronismo argentino y el gaitanismo colombiano. Y para estos fines, este libro colectivo recoge y ofrece distintas indagaciones sobre una perspectiva sobre los populismos que llamamos «descentrada». El primer descentramiento que proponemos, pone de relieve a las experiencias políticas concretas a la hora de hablar de los populismos (en plural) y toma distancia de los modelos arquetípicos en clave anómala producidos a propósito de dos de ellas. El segundo, coloca en primer plano la pregunta por el papel que ocupan los procesos de constitución y de redefinición identitarios en los populismos latinoamericanos. El tercero, se relaciona con un particular modo de introducir el enfoque histórico en el estudio de los populismos, pues no se intenta buscar en el pasado un momento originario o esencial de constitución de una identidad popular sino visibilizar, en el transcurso del tiempo, distintos momentos de constitución del peronismo y del gaitanismo; momentos que, ciertamente, fueron resignificados o intervenidos en sus respectivos países desde la emergencia de los populismos hasta nuestros días.

Adventures of the Ojibbeway and Ioway Indians in England, France, and Belgium (Vol. 1&2)

George Catlin

The work was created as a continuation of Catlin's previous works on the life and manners of Native Americans. After several years spent with the Indians on the American planes, Catlin collected a significant number of paintings and engravings, which he brought to Europe, where he organized exhibitions and spread his affection for the culture and lifestyle of Native Americans. Shortly after his travel to Europe, three Indians visited London to give performances and familiarize Europeans with their culture. This visit lasted eight years, in which George Catlin and his western friends experienced numerous fascinating adventures.

Lachesis Lapponica: A Tour in Lapland (Vol. 1&2)

Carl von Linné

"Lachesis Lapponica: A Tour in Lapland" is a journal of one of the most important scientific explorations in history, written by scientists and the leader of expedition Carl von Linne. It was the first work to utilize Linne's ideas of nomenclature and classification practically. In the journey that lasted over six months, Linne passed over 2000 kilometers and described more than 100 earlier unknown species of plants. He also made notes on all the birds, rocks, and plats he met on his way. The memoir describes his ideas, notes on the journey, and an account of his discoveries.

History of Woman Suffrage (Vol. 1-6)


History of Woman Suffrage reflects the history of voting in the United States from its beginnings to the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. It is a comprehensive review of the most important historical events on more than 5000 pages. For decades this book has remained a significant source of primary information on suffrage movements in the United States and is a valuable source of information today. Although the work was written by leaders and members of the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA), it doesn't cover the deeds of the other women suffrage organizations. Yet, even today, the History of Woman Suffrage remains «the richest repository of published, accessible documentary evidence of nineteenth-century suffrage movements,» as researchers state.

Marius the Epicurean (Vol. 1&2)

Walter Pater

This novel is a practical guide through different philosophical teachings. A reader learns them by life examples of Marius's fictional personality, whose life sets him in other circumstances to test his changing beliefs. The story is based in Rome, where Greek philosophy and early Christianity live beside. A typical citizen could be closely familiar with Plato, Socrates, Epicurus, or Aristippus. A series of life events, the loss of a mother, studying at boarding school, disease, visiting Rome, and life at the court of Marcus Aurelius, the first acquaintance with Christianity, allows Marius to try out different philosophical teachings prove their flaws and merits. First, Marius is fascinated by epicureanism but thinks it lacks depth. Then, he is fascinated by stoicism but later sees it as too cruel. Finally, Marius comes to learn the doctrines of Christianity, which give him spiritual peace. This story could happen in Rome and is very interesting. It shows how different philosophical teachings can shape ordinary people's real-life routines and behavior now and then.

The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada

Cadwallader Colden

The History of the Five Indian Nations is a first hand account written by Cadwallader Colden. He served as the first colonial representative to the Iroquois Confederacy. Impressions he made during the service resulted in writing this book, the first one on the subject. This book brings the first information regarding the life and customs of indigenous people from the North.

With the World's Great Travelers (Vol. 1-4)


The preface of this book tells that even though voyages are called mere «trips,» distant lands didn't get more familiar. As the world became more open and voyages more often, the differences between foreign lands and continents became more evident as ever. This truth remains topical even today, 120 years after these words were put down on paper. Now «With the World's Great Travelers» lets you make a personal voyage through distance and time and see the most outstanding example of travel history in the world's literature. The book consists of essays by multiple authors, like Edward A. Pollard, a notable American Journalist; Charles Darwin, a famous scientist; Meriwether Lewis, a renowned explorer, one of the leaders of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, William Howard Russell, the most celebrated foreign journalist in America during the times of the Civil War and many others. This work gives a deep insight into how the world and traveling looked a century ago.

Farthest North (Vol. 1&2)

Fridtjof Nansen

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The memoirs by Fridtjof Nansen tell about the epoch-making attempt to reach the North Pole, which ended in the farthest northern journey in the history of his time. Fridtjof Nansen had an extraordinary idea of how to get to the North Pole by ship. After discovering that the remains of the boat, wrecked near Russian Siberia, were found in the Northern Atlantic, he presumed that there should be some drift through the North Pole. So, he developed a specifically customized ship that was frozen into an ice cube and crossed the Polar waters in this shape. The vessel did freeze successfully. Yet, the journey was too long, and Nansen left the ship to reach the Pole on skis. He and his companion Hjalmar Johansen left for the pole but didn't manage to get it. However, they were the first people to achieve the farthest north latitude of 86°13.6′N. The story tells about this challenging journey through snow and waters makes a unique record of one of the most incredible northern expeditions.