Addresses the very topical, crucial and original subject of parameter identification and optimization within multiscale modeling methods Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures presents an important and challenging area of research that enables the design of new materials and structures with better quality, strength and performance parameters as well as the creation of reliable models that take into account structural, material and topological properties at different scales. The authors’ approach is four-fold; 1) the basic principles of micro and nano scale modeling techniques; 2) the connection of micro and/or nano scale models with macro simulation software; 3) optimization development in the framework of multiscale engineering and the solution of identification problems; 4) the computer science techniques used in this model and advice for scientists interested in developing their own models and software for multiscale analysis and optimization. The authors present several approaches such as the bridging and homogenization methods, as well as the general formulation of complex optimization and identification problems in multiscale modelling. They apply global optimization algorithms based on robust bioinspired algorithms, proposing parallel and multi-subpopulation approaches in order to speed-up computations, and discuss several numerical examples of multiscale modeling, optimization and identification of composite and functionally graded engineering materials and bone tissues. Multiscale Modelling and Optimization of Materials and Structures is thereby a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs and implement them into simulation systems. Describes micro and nano scale models developed by the authors along with case studies of analysis and optimization Discusses the problems of computing costs, efficiency of information transfer, effective use of the computer memory and several other aspects of development of multiscale models Includes real physical, chemical and experimental studies with modern experimental techniques Provides a valuable source of information for young scientists and students looking to develop their own models, write their own computer programs, and implement them into simulation systems.
Privyet! Explore the Russian language with this fantastic beginner's guide With over 260 million speakers around the world, Russian remains one of the most popular and marketable languages you can learn. And for those who have no idea where to begin, Russian For Dummies is the perfect first step! In this easy-to-understand resource for Russian language beginners, you'll discover basic grammar and common expressions you might use while shopping, dining out, traveling, or conducting business. You'll also find simplified and generalized conjugation rules and a streamlined approach to grammar based on how you actually understand the language, rather than technical rules and details. This book offers: Supplemental online resources so you can hear how native Russian speakers use the words you're trying to learn Guidance on identifying Cyrillic letters from the alphabet used by Russian speakers and writers Tons of useful exercise and practice opportunities you can take advantage of to sharpen your skills Perfect for any newcomer to the Russian language trying to pick up their first few phrases, Russian For Dummies is a fantastic first foray into conversational Russian that will have you ordering meals, going shopping, and navigating other day-to-day situations with ease. Удачи! (That means good luck!)
Сборник ранних произведений автора. Будет интересен в первую очередь молодым людям, находящимся в поиске своего пути.Рассказы о добром волшебнике, о мудрых спичках, о профессоре математики, открывшем "звёздную теорему", о забавном гр. Пустякове и о прочих человеческих скитаниях в поисках своего смысла в этом мире.В конце прошлого века эти произведения публиковались автором на своём сайте. Хочется дать им вторую жизнь. Девизом моего старого сайта было: "Странствия в поисках Бога и Человека".Всем моим попутчикам – счастливого пути!
Чувства, которые текут во мне. То, что ощущал каждый из нас. В книге я поднял разные темы: про любовь, деньги и т. д.
Великой Ведьме и первому магу вновь придется встретиться, а их война возобновится, когда Анжелика раскроет тайну ведьм и активирует давно забытое проклятие. Останется ли мир целым? И что делать, когда твой враг удумал стать Богом, чтобы уничтожить твою душу? Ведьмы лишились магии, а потому нагоняют свой возраст. Великая Ведьма вот-вот умрет, и ее последний шанс – найти первого мага, вот только искать его придется на том свете – в Вечности. Вас ждут поход в загробный мир, нашествие призраков, неожиданные повороты и ответы на вопросы. Луна найдет маму, Анжелика потеряет себя, Ева вновь влюбится. А Елене придется поставить на кон все, что у нее есть… Эта история про жизнь и смерть. Надежду и разочарование. Любовь и ненависть. Но главное – искупление. Кто сумеет найти выход из мрака? И выйдет к свету?