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One Beat More

Kevin Aho

A keen athlete in his late forties, philosophy professor Kevin Aho hadn’t given much thought to his own mortality, until he suffered a sudden heart attack that left him fighting for his life. Confronted with death for the first time, he realized that the things he thought gave his life meaning, such as his independence or his ability to plan his own future, were in tatters. Aho turned to those thinkers who have reflected deeply on the meaning of life and the anxiety of living when every heartbeat might be your last: the existentialists. Armed with insights from the likes of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Nietzsche, and de Beauvoir, he found new meaning and comfort in a view of life that strives for authenticity and accepts aging and death as part of what makes life worthwhile. Existentialism asks us to face the frailty of our existence and to live with a sense of urgency and gratitude toward its manifold beauties. It is only then that we can be released from patterns of self-deception and begin to appreciate what truly matters in our fleeting, precious lives.

Reading Financial Reports For Dummies

Lita Epstein

Your personal roadmap to becoming fluent in financial reports At first glance, the data in financial reports might seem confusing or overwhelming. But, with the right guide at your side, you can learn to translate even the thickest and most complex financial reports into plain English. In Reading Financial Reports For Dummies, you'll move step-by-step through each phase of interpreting and understanding the data in a financial report, learning the key accounting and business fundamentals as you go. The book includes clear explanations of basic and advanced topics in finance, from the difference between private and public companies to cash flow analysis. In this book, you'll also find: Full coverage of how to analyze annual reports, including their balance sheets, income statements, statements of cash flow, and consolidated statements Real-world case studies and financial statement examples from companies like Mattel and Hasbro Strategies for analyzing financial reports to reveal opportunities for operations optimization Reading Financial Reports For Dummies is a can't-miss resource for early-career investors, traders, brokers, and business leaders looking to improve their financial literacy with a reliable, accurate, and easy-to-follow financial handbook.

Bitcoin For Dummies

Peter Kent

When the Clouds Come

Drew Povey

When the Clouds Come

Drew Povey

Sometimes it seems life is trying its best to knock you to your knees. Why not stay standing and strive to thrive with these proven strategies? Never before have we lived in a time of more disarray, confusion, uncertainty, and challenges. When the Clouds Come is a book that understands the stressors you face, not only in your own life, but also those that surround us in this challenging era. The tips and ideas inside can help make it all the more manageable. When the Clouds Come will give you tried and tested ideas that will truly help when you need it most. This unique book serves as a life manual to be read, reread, and kept in your library to be dipped back into whenever needed. Drew Povey’s popular coaching and leadership work have developed countless people to be able to work through the significant and sometimes shattering challenges that are an inevitable part of life. In personal and professional life alike, it’s not a question of whether or not the clouds will come— we know they will. This book will show you what you can do to ride out the storms and come out stronger on the other side. This one-of-a-kind book is full of the author’s own models for facing fears and overcoming obstacles. These strategies have been successfully utilised for years in a range of different sectors, including elite sport, business, the NHS, Police, and education. Whatever your situation, your goals, and your challenges, there is something here that can help you through. Discover strategies and techniques for coping when the sea of life gets rough Become more confident as you pursue your life’s ambitions and career goals Pick and choose the ideas that fit best in your own life Realize that you are not alone in the challenges and difficulties you face

Известия 35-2022

Редакция газеты Известия

Общенациональная ежедневная газета, которая пользуется заслуженным доверием и уважением читателей. Круг интересов газеты – политика, экономика, культура и спорт, общественная жизнь и будни армии, городские новости и светская хроника. В каждом номере публикуются эксклюзивные репортажи, аналитика и комментарии высокопрофессиональных журналистов.

Художник Алымов

Владимир Короленко

«Лодка колыхалась внизу, нос ее мне не был виден, и только на корме, в полосе света выделялась фигура рулевого, рослого, угрюмого человека в широкополой шляпе и шведской кожаной куртке, короткой и узкой. Я заметил энергичные черты, слегка тронутые оспой, и угрюмый взгляд глубоко сидевших глаз…»

Пешки. Любовь и борьба

Надежда Игоревна Соколова

Часто ли нас спрашивают, чего мы хотим? Вот и их не спросили. Пешки. Всего лишь. В игре богов. Но и пешка может стать ферзем. Собираясь на учёбу, Зоя и подумать не могла, что уже через минуту переместится в другой мир, туда, где нужно будет играть по правилам непонятных богов, принудительно выйти замуж и постараться выжить несмотря ни на что.

Оптимист и пессимист

Алексей Будищев

«Зной невыносимый. Плоская равнина у Колтуевских колодцев вся выжжена солнцем. Три колодца высоко торчат в воздухе своими долговязыми журавлями и издали напоминают собою трех пасущихся жирафов, основательно высушенных голодом. Тишина вокруг мертвая. Кажется, что все живое сгорело в лучах солнца и превратилось в блеск и зной. Из тощих кустиков красного тальника, торчащего у пыльной дороги, столбом вымахнет порою грач, но, сделав в горячем воздухе несколько неловких движений, снова комком падает в куст, точно спалив себе крылья. В поле вся рожь свернулась клубками и, согнув стебель, как горбатую спину, прячет от солнца колос. А овес беспомощно растопырил жидкую кисть и напоминает своим взъерошенным видом обнищавшего мужичонка. Сразу видно, что ему приходится донельзя туго…»