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Facial Aesthetics. Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis

Farhad Naini B.

Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis is a unique new illustrated resource for facial aesthetic surgery and dentistry, providing the comprehensive clinical textbook on the art and science of facial aesthetics for clinicians involved in the management of facial deformities, including orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons and aesthetic dentists. It aims to provide readers with a comprehensive examination of facial aesthetics in the context of dentofacial and craniofacial diagnosis and treatment planning. This aim is achieved through coupling meticulous research and practical clinical advice with beautifully drawn supporting illustrations and diagrams. Structured over 24 logically arranged and easy-to-follow chapters, Part I of Facial Aesthetics covers the historical evidence for facial aesthetic canons and concepts in depth. It incorporates all aspects relevant to the work of the clinician, including the philosophical and scientific theories of facial beauty, facial attractiveness research, facial expression and the psychosocial ramifications of facial deformities. Part II of the book then goes on to examine clinical evaluation and diagnosis in considerable detail under four sections, from the initial consultation interview and acquisition of diagnostic records (section 1), complete clinical examination and analysis of the craniofacial complex (section 2), in depth analysis of each individual facial region using a top-down approach (section 3) and finally focussing on smile and dentogingival aesthetic evaluation (section 4). An in-depth, thoughtful, practical and absorbing reference, Facial Aesthetics will find an enthusiastic reception among facial aesthetic surgeons and aesthetic dentists with an interest in refining their understanding and appreciation of the human face and applying practical protocols to their clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. Key features: Examines facial aesthetics in a clinical context Promotes an interdisciplinary approach to facial aesthetic analysis Detailed description of the systematic clinical evaluation of the facial soft tissues and craniodentoskeletal complex Detailed, step-by-step aesthetic analysis of each facial region In-depth analysis of 2D and 3D clinical diagnostic records Evidence-based approach, from antiquity to contemporary scientific evidence, to the guidelines employed in planning the correction of facial deformities Treatment planning from first principles highlighted Clinical notes are highlighted throughout Clearly organized and practical format Highly illustrated in full colour throughout

Molecular Metal-Metal Bonds. Compounds, Synthesis, Properties

Stephen Liddle T.

Systematically covering all the latest developments in the field, this is a comprehensive and handy introduction to metal-metal bonding. The chapters follow a uniform, coherent structure for a clear overview, allowing readers easy access to the information. The text covers such topics as synthesis, properties, structures, notable features, reactivity and examples of applications of the most important compounds in each group with metal-metal bonding throughout the periodic table. With its general remarks at the beginning of each chapter, this is a must-have reference for all molecular inorganic chemists, including PhD students and postdocs, as well as more experienced researchers.

Umdenken!. Clevere Lösungen für die Energiezukunft

Christian Synwoldt

Ausgereizte oder ausgereifte Argumente?: Christian Synwoldt bietet sachliche Orientierung in einer emotional geführten Energiedebatte Natürliche Ressourcen für die Energiegewinnung werden knapp – wir wissen das. Doch was tun? Sind neue Technologien und Energieeffizienz der Königsweg zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung? Können Kohlekraftwerke der nächsten Generation klimaneutral arbeiten? Ist Photovoltaik der Heilige Gral der Stromerzeugung? Oft gibt es auf diese Fragen nur einseitige, interessengeleitete Antworten. Christian Synwoldt zeigt nun in seinem Buch Umdenken: Clevere Lösungen für die Energiezukunft, Hintergründe und Details, die in der Diskussion um eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung regelmäßig unter den Tisch fallen und stellt dabei bequeme Standpunkte in Frage. Im Fokus: Ökologische, wirtschaftliche, politische und gesellschaftliche Folgen In den Mittelpunkt stellt der Autor die ökologischen, wirtschaftlichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Folgen des (unvermeidbaren) Umbaus der Energieerzeugung – und nicht etwa die (vermeintlichen) Vor- und Nachteile bestimmter Technologien. Synwoldt befasst sich neben den überaus erfolgreichen Errungenschaften auch mit den negativen Konsequenzen des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes und den Umtrieben an der Leipziger Strombörse. Ebenso geht er auf die oft verschwiegenen Probleme des Netzausbaus und die unaufrichtigen Argumente beim Kostenvergleich zwischen konventioneller und regenerativer Stromerzeugung ein. So hinterfragt er auch allseits bekannte Aussagen wie: Der Ausstieg aus der Kernenergie führt zu höheren Strompreisen Synwoldt sprengt so manche Argumentationskette In dem Kapitel Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen fragt Christian Synwoldt nach den Möglichkeiten von New Oil und New Gas, von Kohlestrom und Kernkraft. In dem Kapitel Die Zukunft hat bereits begonnen stellt er dann die Energiewende ganz in den Mittelpunkt, um im Anschluss Aspekte der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz zu diskutieren. Das Buch Umdenken: Clevere Lösungen für die Energiezukunft stellt gewohnte Ansichten auf den Prüfstand und sprengt so manche Argumentationskette. Der Autor schildert und bewertet die gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ökonomischen Voraussetzungen einer gelingenden, echten Energiewende und gibt dem Leser schlagkräftige Argumente für die Energiediskussion an die Hand.

A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation. Butterflies in the British Landscape

Roger L. H. Dennis

Winner of the Marsh Book of the Year Award 2012 by the British Ecological Society. In A Resource-Based Habitat View for Conservation Roger Dennis introduces a novel approach to the understanding of habitats based on resources and conditions required by organisms and their access to them, a quantum shift from simplistic and ineffectual notions of habitats as vegetation units or biotopes. In drawing attention to what organisms actually use and need in landscapes, it focuses on resource composition, structure and connectedness, all of which describe habitat quality and underpin landscape heterogeneity. This contrasts with the current bipolar view of landscapes made up of habitat patches and empty matrix but illustrates how such a metapopulation approach of isolated patchworks can grow by adopting the new habitat viewpoint. The book explores principles underlying this new definition of habitat, and the impact of habitat components on populations, species’ distributions, geographical ranges and range changes, with a view to conserving resources in landscapes for whole communities. It does this using the example of butterflies – the most alluring of insects, flagship organisms and key indicators of environmental health – in the British Isles, where they have been studied most intensively. The book forms essential reading for students, researchers and practitioners in ecology and conservation, particularly those concerned with managing sites and landscapes for wildlife.

Fundamentals of Ionized Gases. Basic Topics in Plasma Physics

Boris Smirnov M.

A comprehensive and readily accessible work for studying the physics of ionized gases, based on «Physics of Ionized Gases». The focus remains on fundamentals rather than on the details required for interesting but difficult applications, such as magnetic confinement fusion, or the phenomena that occur with extremely high-intensity short-pulse lasers. However, this new work benefits from much rearranging of the subject matter within each topic, resulting in a more coherent structure. There are also some significant additions, many of which relate to clusters, while other enlarged sections include plasmas in the atmosphere and their applications. In each case, the emphasis is on a clear and unified understanding of the basic physics that underlies all plasma phenomena. Thus, there are chapters on plasma behavior from the viewpoint of atomic and molecular physics, as well as on the macroscopic phenomena involved in physical kinetics of plasmas and the transport of radiation and of charged particles within plasmas. With this grounding in the fundamental physics of plasmas, the notoriously difficult subjects of nonlinear phenomena and of instabilities in plasmas can then be treated with comprehensive clarity. The work is rounded off with appendices containing information and data of great importance and relevance that are not easily found in other books. Valuable reading for graduate and PhD physics students, and a reference for researchers in low-temperature ionized gases-plasma processing, edge region fusion plasma physics, and atmospheric plasmas.

Physik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler. Band 2: Elektrizität, Optik und Wellen

Friedhelm Kuypers

Mit diesem zweibandigen Werk liegt wiederum eine erneuerte und verbesserte Auflage des bewahrten Lehrbuchs von Friedhelm Kuypers vor. Band 2 umfasst die Elektrodynamik, Optik und Wellenlehre. Unter anderem werden folgende Themen behandelt: LCD-Fernseher, Laserdrucker, CD- und DVD-Spieler, Lichtleiter, Abschirmung von Feldern, Drehstrom. Zusammenhange zwischen technischen Anwendungen, alltaglichen Phanomenen und physikalischen Gesetzen werden beleuchtet. Der Aufbau und die Aufbereitung des Stoffes sind auf eine effektive Prufungsvorbereitung zugeschnitten. Jedes Kapitel endet mit einer Zusammenfassung des Basiswissens und der wichtigsten Lernschritte. Zahlreiche Aufgaben in verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden mit ausfuhrlichen Losungen bieten ideale Trainingsmoglichkeiten.

Beispiele zur Bemessung nach Eurocode 2. Band 1 – Hochbau

Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein e.V.

As an introduction to building design according to Eurocode 2, the German Association for Concrete and Construction Technology is offering a collection of twelve fully calculated examples.

1611. Authority, Gender and the Word in Early Modern England

Helen Wilcox

1611: Authority, Gender, and the Word in Early Modern England explores issues of authority, gender, and language within and across the variety of literary works produced in one of most landmark years in literary and cultural history. Represents an exploration of a year in the textual life of early modern England Juxtaposes the variety and range of texts that were published, performed, read, or heard in the same year, 1611 Offers an account of the textual culture of the year 1611, the environment of language, and the ideas from which the Authorised Version of the English Bible emerged

Diabetes Education. Art, Science and Evidence

Trisha Dunning

Diabetes education is a process, the key to which is establishing a therapeutic relationship with the individual. The overall goal of diabetes education is to enhance the individual’s health capability, including their ability to solve problems and apply the learning to self-care. Thus, diabetes education is an interactive process of teaching and learning where information is co-generated. This innovative and thought-provoking new book explores the ‘how’ of diabetes education, rather than the ‘what’ and the ‘why’. Diabetes Education: Art, Science and Evidence helps healthcare practitioners teach diabetes effectively from diagnosis onwards and ensure people living with diabetes receive individualised support and information. It enables practitioners and educators to examine and reflect on their practice when managing the person with diabetes. Bringing together all the thinking and experience of the diabetes journey in one text, this book is essential reading for all practitioners and students involved in diabetes care. SPECIAL FEATURES: Features short stories, case studies, illustrative quotes, practice points and reflection points throughout Edited by an internationally renowned expert in the field Contributions from some of the world’s leading diabetes educators This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Assembly Language Programming. ARM Cortex-M3

Vincent Mahout

ARM designs the cores of microcontrollers which equip most “embedded systems” based on 32-bit processors. Cortex M3 is one of these designs, recently developed by ARM with microcontroller applications in mind. To conceive a particularly optimized piece of software (as is often the case in the world of embedded systems) it is often necessary to know how to program in an assembly language. This book explains the basics of programming in an assembly language, while being based on the architecture of Cortex M3 in detail and developing many examples. It is written for people who have never programmed in an assembly language and is thus didactic and progresses step by step by defining the concepts necessary to acquiring a good understanding of these techniques.