
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

Экономика России

Михаил Буров

Настоящее методическое пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов и подготовки к семинарским занятиям по дисциплине «Экономика России».

Born to Win

Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar’s Born to Win: Find Your Success Code, compresses four decades of life-changing tools and practices into one inspiring, easy-to-use format for people who want to grow and improve the whole spectrum of their lives now! Zig has always taught that “You were born to win, but to be the winner you were born to be you must plan to win and prepare to win. Then and only then can you legitimately expect to win.” Born to Win guides readers through this plan-prepare-expect strategy. You will learn that when you have the hope that things can change, and a plan to make that change possible, you can take action. In this interactive eBook, at a click of an icon you can instantly hear guest celebrity stories from Dave Ramsey, Seth Godin and many more. You’ll be amazed at who attributes their success to Zig’s teachings! Zig Ziglar’s whole-person, balanced-living approach to life has inspired millions to enjoy good health, a new depth of love and gratitude for family and friends, financial security and independence, and spiritual peace of mind. His instruction on how to live a life that leaves no room for regret or worry is the starting point for a joyful, exciting, vibrant life. It is true that when you have prepared yourself to be the right kind of person, you can do what you need to do to expect success. When you truly understand that you were born to win, you can change the world! "It’s going to be the most fun and exciting trip you’ll ever take. It’s filled with more promise of reward than King Solomon’s mines. In short, this journey to the top, which you are going to be taking, is a tremendously exciting trip." —Zig Ziglar

Против течения. Интеллектуальная история свободной торговли

Дуглас Ирвин

Теория международной торговли и ее вывод о выгодности политики свободы торговли для всех участников занимают особое место в экономической науке: их разделяет подавляющее большинство экономистов – больше, чем какую-либо другую экономическую концепцию. Дуглас Ирвин объясняет, как доктрина свободной торговли достигла такого статуса и сумела выстоять, несмотря на постоянный поток критики и теоретических вызовов, бросаемых ей на протяжении 200 лет, от времен Адама Смита до сегодняшнего дня. Автор демонстрирует серьезные аналитические и практические дефекты в критических аргументах и альтернативных теоретических позициях и показывает, почему свобода торговли принадлежит к числу наиболее стабильных и устойчивых к критике теоретических положений, которые экономическая наука может предложить для проведения экономической политики.

Уроки для молодого экономиста

Роберт Мёрфи

«Уроки для молодого экономиста» – один из лучших учебников вводного уровня по экономике, в нем рассматривается как чистая экономическая теория (введение понятий и формулирование экономических законов), так и работа рыночных механизмов – функционирование реальной экономики на основе этих законов. Продуманность логики изложения и общей структуры позволяет читателям легко усваивать последовательно вводимые понятия, формируя объемное представление о предмете. Этому также способствуют составленные для каждой главы резюме, определения основных понятий и вопросы для обдумывания. Для русского издания составлен список книг, рекомендованных для дальнейшего изучения. Дополнительные материалы, в том числе главу «Экономическая теория запретов», можно скачать на сайте sotsium.ru на странице книги в разделе «Ссылки».

Аргументы и Факты Москва 25-2020

Редакция газеты Аргументы и факты Москва

Еженедельная газета «Аргументы и Факты» – одно из самых популярных изданий в России и за рубежом. Основные темы: информация о событиях в России и за рубежом, политика, культура, экология, социальные проблемы и многое другое. В 1990 году за самый большой тираж в мире (33,5 млн. экземпляров) была внесена в книгу рекордов Гиннеса. Еженедельник «АиФ» рассчитан на широкий круг читателей.


Jared Meyer

Entire industries are being transformed, consumers have more power than ever before, and people are finding new ways to earn a living—even in today’s slow economic recovery. All of these improvements stem from the rise of the so-called sharing economy.Even in the face of these benefits, innovation is in danger of being suppressed because of overzealous government regulation that protects existing businesses—all behind the façade of consumer safety. This book chronicles Uber’s battle against the New York City taxi industry and its supporters in the government. It also shows the need to stand up for entrepreneurs and the vast benefits that they provide for consumers. As innovators tirelessly work to drive the economy forward, too often regulators function as annoying backseat drivers or roadblocks.

Who Needs the Fed?

John Tamny

The Federal Reserve is one of the most disliked entities in the United States at present, right alongside the IRS. Americans despise the Fed, but they’re also generally a bit confused as to why they distrust our central bank.Their animus is reasonable, though, because the Fed’s most famous function—targeting the Fed funds rate—is totally backwards. John Tamny explains this backwardness in terms of a Taylor Swift concert followed by a ride home with Uber.In modern times, he points out, the notion of credit has been perverted, so that most people believe it’s money and that the supply of it can therefore be increased. This false notion has aggrandized the Fed with power that it can’t possibly use wisely. The contrast between the grinding poverty of Baltimore and the abundance of Silicon Valley helps illustrate the problem, along with stories about Donald Trump, Robert Downey Jr., Jim Harbaugh (the Michigan football coach), and robots.Who Needs the Fed? makes a sober case against the Federal Reserve by explaining what credit really is, and why the Fed’s existence is inimical to its creation. Readers will come away entertained, much more knowledgeable, and prepared to argue that the Fed is merely superfluous on its best days but perilous on its worst.

The Inequality Hoax

James Piereson

The controversy over inequality has gathered steam with the publication of Thomas Piketty’s new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, a dense work of economic history that documents the rise of income inequality in recent decades and sets forth an agenda of taxation to deal with it. Piketty’s treatise has turned into a rallying point for those favoring income redistribution and higher taxes on the rich.In this Broadside, James Piereson explains how Piketty’s book is flawed and advances a narrow understanding of the market system. While misjudging the era in which we are living and misunderstanding the sources of inequality, Piketty’s book proposes solutions that will make matters worse for everyone – the wealthy, the middle class, and the poor alike.

Why Progressive Institutions are Unsustainable

Richard A. Epstein

The painful performance of the American economy in the past decade is not a function of bad luck. It is the product of flawed institutional design. Right now we are reaping the harvest of efforts to reinvigorate the progressive programs of the New Deal that stress high progressive taxes, large transfer payments, strong labor laws, and major barriers to free trade.This combination of public finance and market regulation has proved a potent force for disaster.High marginal tax rates expose the political system to strong factional strife that stifles initiative, adds uncertainty and reduces overall revenues. To these multiple ailments, Epstein argues that the best recipe is a return to the flat tax of the classical liberal tradition. The government has committed itself to substituting state mandates for voluntary arrangements in labor and real estate markets, disabling both by retarding job formation and roiling real estate markets. To these multiple ailments, Epstein argues that the best recipe is a reinvigoration of free markets that do not upset voluntary arrangements on the supposed grounds that they are unfair, one-sided or exploitive.Just change these two levers, and we can find an effective classical liberal antidote to excesses of the modern progressive age.