
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

The Quest for Self

Takeshi Iizuka

Making Capitalism Work

Mark Silk

Debt Disaster?

John F. Weeks

Radical Seattle

Cal Winslow

On a grey winter morning in Seattle, in February 1919, 110 local unions shut down the entire city. Shut it down and took it over, rendering the authorities helpless. For five days, workers from all trades and sectors – streetcar drivers, telephone operators, musicians, miners, loggers, shipyard workers – fed the people, ensured that babies had milk, that the sick were cared for. They did this with without police – and they kept the peace themselves. This had never happened before in the United States and has not happened since. Those five days became known as the General Strike of Seattle. Chances are you’ve never heard of it. In Radical Seattle , Cal Winslow explains why.Winslow describes how Seattle’s General Strike was actually the high point in a long process of early twentieth century socialist and working-class organization, when everyday people built a viable political infrastructure that seemed, to governments and corporate bosses, radical – even “Bolshevik.” Drawing from original research, Winslow depicts a process that, in struggle, fused the celebrated itinerants of the West with the workers of a modern industrial city. But this book is not only an account of the heady days of February 1919; it is also about the making of a class capable of launching one of America’s most gripping strikes – what E.P. Thompson once referred to as «the long tenacious revolutionary tradition of the common people.» Reading this book might increase the chance that something like this could happen again – possibly in the place where you live.

Труд 44-45-2020

Редакция газеты Труд

Одна из старейших общественно-политических газет (издается с февраля 1921 года). Корреспонденты «Труда» ежедневно рассказывают читателям о политике, культуре, спорте, экономике, жизни общества, самых интересных новостях дня и многом другом. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг читателей.

Труд 7 44-45-2020

Редакция газеты Труд 7

Семейный еженедельник. Последние мировые и российские новости. Интервью со звездами, новости спорта, кинематографа , культуры. Телепрограмма.