
Различные книги в жанре Экономика

Fuel for Dominance

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The book attempts to assess the role of three economic areas in creating power in international relations, i.e. energy sector, internationalization of currency and technologies with a military significance, which might potentially become “fuel for dominance” and an instrument to gain geopolitical advantages of great pow-ers. The book focuses on the policies of chosen countries (USA, China, Germany, and Russia) as well as the European Union in these three economic areas. The purpose is to research the manner and conditions in which the above-mentioned policies can cause the power to grow.

The Art of the Mensch

Leonard S. Gaby

In My Theory of Infinite Wealth, Len Gaby shares a lifetime of business experience and recounts how his decisions to follow «roads less traveled» resulted in the transition from impressionable employee to seasoned manager to corporate executive and to adventurous entrepreneur. With his wife Debbie, he built a business in which the service model was based upon what they believed were essential components…and ways they could differentiate and position their business.Len recounts the challenges and obstacles he faced and what it took to not only overcome them but find the true lessons in adversity and obstacles. He shares interesting and valuable stories (peppered with sidebars that amusing and amazing) from a lifetime in retail sales operations and explains how those experiences and choices led to the launch of a business that catapulted Debbie into the spotlight as the face and voice of a new kind of «retailer.» They were decisions and strategies that would later attract the attention of one of the largest retailers in the country… a company that would eventually buy theirs and continue the work they pioneered related to customer experience, «shopping» environment, and building a team of employees and managers that plays to win.And winning — in Len Gaby's world — was creating an experience that was so unique that it became the tipping point, the element that differentiated his company and its core values that positioned his company for a future he never imagined.

Outsourcing Technical Writing

Barry Saiff

Outsourcing stirs strong emotions. Employees associate it with layoffs, reduced quality, and plummeting morale. Managers often don't understand the potential, thinking either that it will reduce their costs by large amounts or that it will make them obsolete, too. The truth is that, when done correctly, outsourcing often does not lead to layoffs, can lead to increased quality, and can even boost morale. Although the inflated savings that some managers have been led to believe are untrue (outsourcing can rarely, if ever, reduce content development costs by more than 60 percent), outsourcing can still be a win for both a company and its employees.Outsourcing Technical Writing: A Primer provides a comprehensive introduction to outsourcing technical writing. Barry Saiff, who has had extensive experience with outsourced content development, provides a roadmap for outsourcing success along with cases studies, a sample outsourcing agreement, and a sample plan. He also connects the success of outsourcing with management excellence and process maturity.

Dead Men Ruling

C. Eugene Steuerle

The news coming out of Washington, D.C., and reverberating around the nation increasingly sounds like a broken record: low or zero growth in employment, inadequate funds to pay future Social Security and Medicare obligations, declining rates of investment, cuts in funding for education and children’s programs, arbitrary sequesters or cutbacks in good and bad programs alike, underfunded pensions, bankrupt cities, threats not to pay our nation’s growing debts, rancorous partisanship, and political parties with no real vision for twenty-first-century government.
In Dead Men Ruling, C. Eugene Steuerle argues that these seemingly separable economic and political problems are actually symptoms of a common disease, one unique to our time. Unless that disease and the history of how it spread over time is understood, Steuerle says, it is easy for politicians and voters alike to fall prey to believing in simple but ineffective nostrums, hoping that a cure lies merely in switching political parties or reducing the deficit or protecting and expanding our favorite program.
Despite the despairing claims of many, Steuerle points out that we no more live in an age of austerity than did Americans at the turn into the twentieth century with the demise of the frontier. Conditions are ripe to advance opportunity in ways never before possible, including doing for children and the young in this century what the twentieth did for senior citizens, yet without abandoning those earlier gains. Recognizing this extraordinary but checked potential is also the secret to breaking the political logjam that—as Steuerle points out—was created largely by now dead (or retired) men. BOOK REVIEWS
Great book. I could not put it down. Gene Steuerle’s Dead Men Ruling . . . documents how and why American governments at all levels . . . are crowding out discretionary spending that would allow the country to respond flexibly to challenges and opportunities and make economically and socially productive investments. This is a vital concern to those of us who study the gains possible by investing early and well in children. – James J. Heckman, Nobel Prize Laureate and professor of economics, University of Chicago
This book moves beyond the urgent to the truly important as it seeks to provide a broad theory of our problems and to chart a forward course. Anyone concerned with our economic future should carefully consider Steuerle’s arguments. – Lawrence H. Summers, former secretary of the treasury and former director, White House National Economic Council
Everyone who cares about the future of America's children should read Steuerle's book. His vision and values expose the arid debates about deficit reduction, and point to the urgency of investing in children, enhancing opportunities, and increasing social mobility. He makes a compelling case that a nation that does not invest in its children is a nation in decline. – Ruby Takanishi, former president of the Foundation for Child Development and senior research fellow, Early Education Initiative, New America Foundation
Dead Men Ruling is a must-read for anyone who believes in bringing profound change to the federal budget and restoring our ability to invest in growth and opportunity for future generations. – Jonathan Cowan, president of Third Way
I’ve witnessed first-hand Gene’s rare talent at pulling together Democrats and Republicans when others feel there is no way forward, whether for the most significant tax reform in modern history or helping a budget commission step boldly into the future. In this book he reframes our tired debates and proposes how to get . . . to a 21st century agenda focused on children, investment, and posterity. – Senator Kent Conrad (ret., ND), former chair, Senate Budget Committee

Managing People (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

Having great people skills does not happen overnight. You need an understanding of how other people think and that's something not everyone has. This visually pleasing yet information brimming study guide will take you through the basics of managing people. Through this, you should be able to improve your managerial skills and better your chances of promotion too. Buy a copy today!

Business: Management Leadership (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

Entrepreneurs are classified according to the type of leaders that they are but regardless of their classification, their management style should always reflect the needs of the business. This quick study guide on management will teach you about the different types of leaders so that you can decide which type fits your business best. Lead your business to success; grab a copy today.

Business Math Formulas (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

Are you scheduled to take a Business Math exam? Math exams can be stressful but with a little preparation you can eliminate stress. Using a Business Math Formulas study guide can help you brush up on the formulas you are rusty on. This is a great way to raise your score and reduce test anxiety. Preparation is key to doing well on one of these tests and a Business Math Formulas study guide is the tool to use for it.

Business Ethics (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing

A business ethics study guide allows one to better understand the subject by laying it out in a more bare bones mannar than one would find in class. By breaking the ethical issues down within specific categories, it's quite a bit easier for a student to see the links between various ethical issues.

Our Dishonest President

The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board

Even before Donald J. Trump reached his first hundred days in office, the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>'s Editorial Board published the first of six consecutive denunciations calling him &ldquo;Our Dishonest President.&rdquo; The paper's condemnation of Trump's lies, his authoritarian temperament, his war on journalism, and his obsession with conspiracies was as bold as it was unprecedented, as was its call to Californians to oppose the brazen acts of a man patently unfit to preside over the republic. It prompted a tremendous response: within days, the series garnered seven million page views.<p>Heyday is proud to present a paperback of the six editorials, brought up to date with an introduction by Davan Maharaj, <i>The Times</i>’s publisher and editor-in-chief, and by Nicholas Goldberg, the paper’s editor of the editorial pages. When read in sequence the arguments gain force and momentum, delivering a formidable and indispensable critique by one of America’s most important newspapers.

Changing Season

David Mas Masumoto

How do you become a farmer? The real questions are: what kind of person do you want to be? Are you willing to change? How do you learn? What is your vision for the future? In this poignant collection of essays, <i>Epitaph for a Peach</i> author David Mas Masumoto gets ready to hand his eighty-acre organic farm to his daughter, Nikiko, after four decades of working the land. Declaring that &ldquo;all of the gifts I have received from this life are not only worthy of sharing, but must be shared,&rdquo; Mas reflects on topics as far-ranging as the art of pruning, climate change, and the prejudice his family faced during and after World War II: essays that, whether humorous or heartbreaking, explore what it means to pass something on. Nikiko's voice is present, too, as she relates the myriad lessons she has learned from her father in preparation for running the farm as a queer mixed-race woman. Both farmers feel less than totally set for the future that lays ahead; indeed, Changing Season addresses the uncertain future of small-scale agriculture in California. What is unquestionable, though, is the family's love for their vocation&mdash;and for each other.