
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

Размышления о десяти божествах

Сергей Цзы

Эта книга для новичков, для людей, делающих самые первые шаги в ба цзы. Я рассказываю в ней о десяти божествах – десяти Небесных стволах и об их аналогах в двенадцати Земных ветвях, а также о двух дворцах, которые считаю такими же важными при прочтении китайского гороскопа, как и столп Месяца при определении структуры карты (о дворце Жизни и столпе часа рождения в карте). В книге в качестве примеров приведены двадцать три карты. Эти примеры даны без разборов и не всегда очевидны, но при этом хорошо демонстрируют приводимые в карте комбинации. В книге приводится значительно расширенный образный ряд божеств, который в сочетании с комбинациями НС и ЗВ из примеров поможет разобраться с теоретическим материалом и применить данные знания на практике.В оформлении обложки и книги использованы фотографии с сайта Pixabay по лицензии CC0.

Miracles of the Masters

Michael C. Irvin Irvin

A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being, a deity, a god, or a powerful cosmic force.<br><br>Informally, the word &quot;miracle&quot; is often used to characterize any beneficial event that is statistically unlikely but not contrary to the laws of nature, such as surviving a natural disaster, or simply a &quot;wonderful&quot; occurrence, regardless of likelihood, such as a birth. Other such miracles might be: survival of an illness diagnosed as terminal, escaping a life-threatening situation or &#39;beating the odds&#39;. Some coincidences may be seen as miracles.<br><br>God regularly works through created nature yet is free to work without, above, or against it as well. A true miracle would, by definition, be a non-natural phenomenon, leading many rational and scientific thinkers to dismiss them as physically impossible (that is, requiring violation of established laws of physics within their domain of validity) or impossible to confirm by their nature (because all possible physical mechanisms can never be ruled out). <br><br>Miracles of The Masters is a chronicle of a small number of the miracles connected to The Avatars Master Mitchell Gibson, and Acharya Kathy Gibson. Respectively, they are Avatars of Athens God Djanthi Thoth and The Goddess Maat. Together, they have been part of hundreds of miracles. Many of these miracles are listed in this book and are reminiscent of the power shown by the ancient masters.<br><br>As you read these words, you will witness the work of modern masters who work among us today.

Magic - Book of Basics

Rothiir Magus Magus

Who are you? And what can you do?<br><br>Uncover your true magical self.<br><br>Magic – Book of Basics is a structured learning guide for basic knowledge in magical lore and spells.<br><br>Use exercises to master your natural skills with spells and energy. Become aware of your psychic abilities.<br><br>Learn about trees, wands and other worlds. Discover the meaning of runes and grasp the basics of becoming a well versed magician.<br><br>Rothiir Magus is a magician living in a small town in the North Yorkshire Moors.

God Is Real

Carey Lillis Tinsley

God? Yes! God!<br><br>&#126;<br>This short profound poetry is shared to offer a whole view of the One known as God;<br>to help you feel & know that God is Real.<br><br>&#126;<br>Let the words transmit to you their powerfully inspired message, to open your awareness to many facets of the Divine.<br><br>&#126;<br>From simple prose to graceful rhyming, <br>this writing shows up in the perfect timing.<br><br>&#126;<br>Trust that now is your moment to receive;<br>trust that prayers are answered when you believe.<br><br>*<br>God bless you!<br><br>*<br><br>enjoy!<br><br>*<br>*Aloha*<br><br>*

Las Comunicaciones de Josef: Iluminación - Cambie; Cambie al Mundo

Michael G. Reccia

Las Comunicaciones de Josef:<br>Iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n – Cambie; Cambie al Mundo<br><br>El tiempo se est&Atilde;&#161; acabando, nuestro planeta se dirige al cataclismo. En este nuevo libro vitalmente importante, enriquecedor espiritualmente, el gu&Atilde;&#173;a espiritual, muy evolucionado, llamado Josef, revela c&Atilde;&#179;mo cada uno de nosotros puede, literalmente, cambiar el mundo… antes de que sea muy tarde.<br><br>Necesitamos cambiar y aceptar ahora nuestra responsabilidad personal, o como previene Josef s&Atilde;&#179;lo quedan tres generaciones por venir. &quot;El Campo&quot; (o la conciencia colectiva en la que vivimos) est&Atilde;&#161; tan contaminado por la energ&Atilde;&#173;a negativa de la raza humana y por las vibraciones bajas a trav&Atilde;&copy;s de los milenios, que el planeta no puede sostenerse por mucho tiempo m&Atilde;&#161;s… a menos que se introduzcan cambios en nuestro modo de pensar.<br><br>Es nuestra responsabilidad como co-creadores, de renovar el Campo infundiendo la conciencia colectiva con la Luz suficiente para corregir el equilibrio y devolver al planeta al para&Atilde;&#173;so que fue originalmente. Iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n entrega todas las &quot;herramientas&quot; para lograr tanto la iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n personal como global al entregar al lector conceptos empoderadores, meditaciones inspiradoras y modos efectivos de dirigir la Luz para transmutar nuestra negatividad y sufrimiento en armon&Atilde;&#173;a, alegr&Atilde;&#173;a, amor, paz y progreso espiritual.<br><br>Todo lo que se necesita para salvar al planeta es reconectarse a la Luz interior y enviarla hacia esta ilusi&Atilde;&#179;n que nosotros llamamos &quot;realidad&quot;, pero existe una gran urgencia en las palabras de Josef, &quot;no tenemos un n&Atilde;&#186;mero infinito de ma&Atilde;&#177;anas en las cuales rectificar las cosas. Debemos comenzar ahora&quot;.

Hidden In Plain Sight: A Study of the Revelation to John

Uchenna Mezue

The Revelation to John has been with us for about 2000 years and has been the subject of diverse attempts at interpretation. The Revelation as given is a vision of the end time work of the Son of Man and the sole purpose is to prepare humanity for that mission and offer them the chance to recognise the last Envoy of God when He does come. <br><br>It is only with this understanding in view that the Revelation can be appreciated. All the promised messages for the end-time are now available to us and I believe we are in a better position to understand the message of The Revelation. Indeed, I believe that we urgently need to understand its message. The urge and pressure amongst all striving human spirits to unravel the mysteries of The Revelation represents this need. <br><br>This study is not a substitute for The Revelation, but may be regarded as a call for a deeper study and hopefully an awakening to the need to experience the times in a more alert manner. The work is offered in the recognition that the Revelation is being fulfilled in this epoch and as such is a must read for all striving human spirits

I-Tombs & Coffins In the Cloud

Bala Subramanian

Your handbook to immortality

The Mystical Swagman

Gary Blinco

It is the 1860s and colonial Australia is no longer just a dumping ground for the pitiful throw-offs of harsh English justice. This cruel system has sent thousands off to the penal colony for the pettiest of crimes, and few will ever see their homeland again. The colony is rapidly taking on a new identity as a land of vast resources where land and opportunities abound for those who are up to the challenge.<br><br>Into this wild land of rare beauty and constant change comes a quiet young orphan boy named Brennan. He knows nothing of his origins and his only family is an old lady who nurtures him into his teenage years. When she can no longer care for him, he packs a modest swag and a little money and heads into the bush. On the track, he meets up with two old swagmen who quickly become his new family. Tramping the bush tracks around the brooding land of a million contrasts, they find many adventures. <br><br>Set against the backdrop of the beautiful bush, they experience bushfires, floods, droughts, harsh winters, blistering summers, and the kindness and sometimes cruelty of the inhabitants.<br><br>This story provides an insight into early Australian colonial history, the land, and its people, as seen through the eyes of a mystical young swagman.

Hearts Beat Strong

B. M. Fischer

We live in a world where vital truths have been forgotten. It is a world unlike what we have been told. It is a world with extraterrestrials, secret societies, and hidden agendas. It is a world where deep currents struggle just below the surface. Until now.<br><br>This is a story of one soul, manifest in three people. This is a story of conflicts between masculine and feminine energies, the future and the past, and the rulers and the ruled. This is the story of all of humanity and the one thing that can save it: True Love. <br><br>Can you learn the truth and not lose yourself along the way? Can the elites learn to embrace their working class brothers once again? Can the victims of mind control, persecution and genocide learn to forgive their oppressors? Can we face the reality that we are not, and never have been, alone?<br><br>Will humanity be faced with a dark and disastrous New World Order timeline? Or can we save ourselves and build a future in which we travel the stars as a loving and peaceful people? <br><br>Hearts Beat Strong is the story of us, and how we can and will move into the future.

With Love from the Universe

Grace Divine

A collection of spiritual poems and inspirational readings by an up and coming author from the United Kingdom.