Michael G. Reccia

Список книг автора Michael G. Reccia

    Las Comunicaciones de Josef: La Caída

    Michael G. Reccia

    Hace eones atr&Atilde;&#161;s algo sucedi&Atilde;&#179;… y &Acirc;&#161;usted estaba all&Atilde;&#173;!<br><br>Espiritualmente hablando, usted &quot;no es usted&quot;…<br><br>Existe mucho m&Atilde;&#161;s de usted de lo que pueda imaginar y por un tiempo inmemorial usted ha acarreado consigo recuerdos del cataclismo que tuvo como resultado las sociedades de hoy d&Atilde;&#173;a y el lastimado planeta que la humanidad ha heredado…<br><br>…As&Atilde;&#173; dice Josef, el comunicador espiritual altamente evolucionado quien a trav&Atilde;&copy;s de este libro busca acceder a cada aspecto de esa memoria &quot;enmascarada&quot; y reactivarla con conocimiento reconfortante y revelador al relatar eventos y efectos de La Ca&Atilde;&#173;da y entregar la incre&Atilde;&#173;ble historia de sus or&Atilde;&#173;genes y evoluci&Atilde;&#179;n.<br><br>Cada cap&Atilde;&#173;tulo no s&Atilde;&#179;lo lo ayudar&Atilde;&#161; a &quot;encontrar un sentido a todo&quot; y resonar&Atilde;&#161; profundamente sino que al llegar a la &Atilde;&#186;ltima p&Atilde;&#161;gina, muchas, sino todas, de las respuestas que hasta ahora hab&Atilde;&#173;an sido evasivas con respecto a la existencia de aquellos grandes misterios que han dejado perplejos a los fil&Atilde;&#179;sofos y buscadores de la verdad, ya no lo ser&Atilde;&#161;n.<br><br>Desde el comienzo de este universo, de los planetas, de la Tierra y su papel esencial, vital en la creaci&Atilde;&#179;n....si ha estado buscando un sentido a la vida en general y a su vida en particular, usted necesita absolutamente, definitivamente leer este libro incre&Atilde;&#173;ble.<br><br>…Su enfoque de la espiritualidad, de la ciencia y de la realidad est&Atilde;&#161;n a punto de cambiar para siempre.

    Las Comunicaciones de Josef: Su Vida Después de la Muerte

    Michael G. Reccia

    El libro que responde la PREGUNTA M&Atilde;?S IMPORTANTE de la vida… &Acirc;&#191;qu&eacute; me sucede cuando muero?<br><br>De acuerdo a Josef &ndash;el esp&Atilde;&#173;ritu, sabio y altamente desarrollado que ha vivido en una esfera de realidad iluminada &quot;m&Atilde;&#161;s all&Atilde;&#161; del velo&quot; durante miles de a&Atilde;&#177;os- existen innumerables oportunidades y maravillas que lo esperan m&Atilde;&#161;s all&Atilde;&#161; de la muerte &quot;f&Atilde;&#173;sica&quot;.<br><br>Este libro &Atilde;&#186;nico, comunicado a trav&eacute;s del respetado m&eacute;dium, Michael G. Reccia, es indiscutiblemente el relato m&Atilde;&#161;s comprensible que se haya escrito hasta la fecha sobre lo que existe m&Atilde;&#161;s all&Atilde;&#161; cuando usted deja atr&Atilde;&#161;s este mundo.<br><br>Ya sea que usted es un investigador espiritual o simplemente curioso sobre lo que viene despu&eacute;s, esta gu&Atilde;&#173;a definitiva responder&Atilde;&#161; todas sus preguntas sobre la vida eterna y ser&Atilde;&#161; una fuente esencial de consuelo e inspiraci&Atilde;&#179;n.<br><br>…l&eacute;alo y no volver&Atilde;&#161; a mirar la eternidad o esta vida, de la misma forma.<br><br>Josef: &quot;Algunos de los conceptos que trataremos son aterradores y deber&Atilde;&#173;an hacerse p&Atilde;&#186;blicos; algunos son edificantes y llevar&Atilde;&#161;n a las almas a lugares m&Atilde;&#161;s all&Atilde;&#161; de la descripci&Atilde;&#179;n f&Atilde;&#173;sica en t&eacute;rminos de belleza, amor y gozo. El libro entregar&Atilde;&#161; una base mejor sobre el tema de la muerte y de la vida despu&eacute;s de la muerte de lo que se ha entregado anteriormente en muchos libros&quot;.

    The Joseph Communications: The Fall

    Michael G. Reccia

    The Fall<br><br>Aeons ago everything changed… and you were there!<br><br>According to Joseph &ndash; the ancient, highly evolved spirit communicator who has lived in an enlightened sphere of reality for thousands of years – you are &#39;not yourself&#39;… <br><br>… there&#39;s much more to you than you imagine, and you have forgotten the cataclysm that created today&#39;s dysfunctional societies and wounded planet…<br><br>In the Fall, Joseph&#39;s new book, communicated through respected trance medium, Michael G. Reccia, he seeks to reactivate that astonishing inner knowledge, explaining and revealing your spiritual origins. <br><br>Each chapter is a eureka moment… helping you to &#39;at last make sense of it all&#39; and, by the last page, many, if not all, of those elusive answers regarding existence and the great mysteries will be elusive no longer. <br><br>From the beginnings of the universe to the essential part you take in creation and the reason you are here … if you seek meaning to life in general, and your life in particular, you absolutely, definitely should read the Fall.<br><br>…Your views of spirituality, science, and reality are about to change forever.<br><br>............................................<br><br>Joseph: The whole point of this book is to explain why you are as you are now, why you come back here, and why the Earth is a hostile and violent place of seeming lack… to give you knowledge that should resonate with your soul from a time before the Fall so you can, through your heart-centre, reason your way out of reincarnation and out of the effects of the Fall. Then the planet can be restored to its former purpose and you can be restored to your former heritage.

    Las Comunicaciones de Josef: Iluminación - Cambie; Cambie al Mundo

    Michael G. Reccia

    Las Comunicaciones de Josef:<br>Iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n – Cambie; Cambie al Mundo<br><br>El tiempo se est&Atilde;&#161; acabando, nuestro planeta se dirige al cataclismo. En este nuevo libro vitalmente importante, enriquecedor espiritualmente, el gu&Atilde;&#173;a espiritual, muy evolucionado, llamado Josef, revela c&Atilde;&#179;mo cada uno de nosotros puede, literalmente, cambiar el mundo… antes de que sea muy tarde.<br><br>Necesitamos cambiar y aceptar ahora nuestra responsabilidad personal, o como previene Josef s&Atilde;&#179;lo quedan tres generaciones por venir. &quot;El Campo&quot; (o la conciencia colectiva en la que vivimos) est&Atilde;&#161; tan contaminado por la energ&Atilde;&#173;a negativa de la raza humana y por las vibraciones bajas a trav&Atilde;&copy;s de los milenios, que el planeta no puede sostenerse por mucho tiempo m&Atilde;&#161;s… a menos que se introduzcan cambios en nuestro modo de pensar.<br><br>Es nuestra responsabilidad como co-creadores, de renovar el Campo infundiendo la conciencia colectiva con la Luz suficiente para corregir el equilibrio y devolver al planeta al para&Atilde;&#173;so que fue originalmente. Iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n entrega todas las &quot;herramientas&quot; para lograr tanto la iluminaci&Atilde;&#179;n personal como global al entregar al lector conceptos empoderadores, meditaciones inspiradoras y modos efectivos de dirigir la Luz para transmutar nuestra negatividad y sufrimiento en armon&Atilde;&#173;a, alegr&Atilde;&#173;a, amor, paz y progreso espiritual.<br><br>Todo lo que se necesita para salvar al planeta es reconectarse a la Luz interior y enviarla hacia esta ilusi&Atilde;&#179;n que nosotros llamamos &quot;realidad&quot;, pero existe una gran urgencia en las palabras de Josef, &quot;no tenemos un n&Atilde;&#186;mero infinito de ma&Atilde;&#177;anas en las cuales rectificar las cosas. Debemos comenzar ahora&quot;.

    The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity

    Michael G. Reccia

    The Joseph Communications: From Here to Infinity<br><br>Advanced Light-Living; Advanced Light-Giving…<br><br>…In this, the sixth book in the acclaimed Joseph Communications series, the highly evolved spirit Joseph, representing the elevated viewpoint of the group soul he belongs to, addresses such hugely significant earthly paradigms as Time, Space, Infinity, and the nature of the Divine.<br><br>Seeking to clarify and demystify these and other archetypes from a spiritual perspective, Joseph also reveals the phenomenal power for positive change each of us possesses and is capable of using; successive chapters explaining how we can transform and elevate our inner and outer worlds and infuse our lives and the matrix of the entire planet with the highest expression of Light.<br><br>Whether you&#39;re a metaphysical seeker already familiar with the Communications, or an advanced thinker wishing to learn more about the unseen vibrations and intentions that interpenetrate and influence our interpretation of &#39;reality&#39;, this volume is set to offer you spiritual liberation and to reunite you with your true spiritual potential, empowering you to make a real difference in this world by – literally – illuminating yourself, those around you, and the physical landscape you are currently a part of.<br><br>From Here To Infinity<br>Michael G. Reccia

    The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission

    Michael G. Reccia

    At twelve remarkable public trance demonstrations the highly evolved spirit Joseph revealed his global mission…<br><br>…Collected here for the first time is every word of his empowering, enlightening guidance for our age.<br><br>Trance Mission is a complete record of those meetings, expanding and reinforcing Joseph&#39;s message, answering a multitude of new questions and offering spiritual seekers the key to self-empowering personal and global transformation.<br><br>As with each Joseph Communications title, this book&#39;s contents are shot through with his refreshingly no-nonsense approach to spirituality, and constitute a vital blueprint to gently navigate humanity and our world through today&#39;s personal and planetary crises into a lasting state of peace, harmony, and spiritual understanding.<br><br>Highly illuminating, deeply spiritual and presenting practical information on every page, Trance Mission also gives a fascinating insight into Joseph&#39;s background and will immerse all who read it in the unique and irresistible atmosphere of his public trance appearances.

    The Joseph Communications: Illumination - Change Yourself; Change the World

    Michael G. Reccia

    Time is running out – our Earth is heading for cataclysm. In this vitally important, spiritually empowering new book the highly evolved spirit guide, Joseph, reveals how each of us can literally save the world …before it&#39;s too late.<br><br>We need to change and accept personal responsibility now – or Joseph warns there are only three generations left. &#39;The Field&#39; (or collective consciousness we live in) has become so polluted by mankind&#39;s negative energy and base vibrations over the millennia that the planet cannot sustain itself for much longer …unless radical changes are made to the way we think. <br><br>It is our responsibility as co-creators to renew the Field by infusing the collective consciousness with sufficient Light to redress the balance and return the planet to the paradise it originally was. Illumination provides all the &#39;tools&#39; to achieve both personal and global enlightenment by giving the reader empowering concepts, uplifting meditations and effective ways of directing Light to transmute our negativity and suffering into harmony, joy, love, peace and spiritual progression.<br><br>All that is needed to save the planet is for enough of us to reconnect to the Light within and to send it out into this illusion we call &#39;reality&#39;, but there is a great urgency to Joseph&#39;s words – we do not have an infinite number of tomorrows in which to put things right. We need to begin now.

    Las Comunicaciones de Josef: REVELACION. Quién es usted y Por qué está aquí

    Michael G. Reccia

    Este libro &Atilde;&#186;nico, con su enfoque revolucionario sobre qui&eacute;nes somos en verdad y por qu&eacute; estamos aqu&Atilde;&#173;, cambiar&Atilde;&#161; su punto de vista para siempre.<br><br>A trav&eacute;s de la mediumnidad de Michael G. Reccia, Josef &ndash;un esp&Atilde;&#173;ritu altamente evolucionado que est&Atilde;&#161; profundamente preocupado por el estado y el destino del mundo- entrega su mensaje de vital importancia para la humanidad y revela verdades sobre la vida y la realidad que no han sido escritos anteriormente.<br><br>Inteligente, que invita a reflexionar, no religioso y escrito en un lenguaje directo y, conciso, este libro extraordinario cubre una variedad de temas y responde de forma radical las preguntas que la mayor&Atilde;&#173;a de la gente se hace en alg&Atilde;&#186;n punto de su vida:<br><br>– &Acirc;&#191;Qui&eacute;n y qu&eacute; soy y cu&Atilde;&#161;l es el prop&Atilde;&#179;sito de la vida?<br>– &Acirc;&#191;Por qu&eacute; no puedo encontrar la verdadera felicidad?<br>– &Acirc;&#191;Existe Dios en realidad y si es as&Atilde;&#173; por qu&eacute; Es tan distante e indiferente al sufrimiento del mundo?<br>– Si Dios es ben&eacute;volo &Acirc;&#191;por qu&eacute; existe tanta violencia y discordia en el mundo?<br>&Acirc;&#191;Es que estamos destinados a destruir el planeta o existe algo que podamos hacer antes de que sea muy tarde?<br><br>Con su enfoque pr&Atilde;&#161;ctico de la espiritualidad, Revelaci&Atilde;&#179;n lo empoderar&Atilde;&#161; al develar la verdad esencial sobre usted y su herencia espiritual, haci&eacute;ndolo consciente de la parte activa que juega en la creaci&Atilde;&#179;n y las cosas milagrosas que es capaz de lograr.

    The Joseph Communications: Revelation. Who you are; Why you're here.

    Michael G. Reccia

    This unique book, with its revolutionary insight into who we really are and why we are here, will change your viewpoint forever.<br><br>Through the mediumship of Michael G. Reccia, Joseph &ndash; a highly evolved spirit who is deeply concerned about the state and fate of the world &ndash; delivers his vital message for mankind and reveals truths about life and reality that have never been written about before. <br><br>Intelligent, thought-provoking, non-religious and written in direct, concise language, this truly astonishing book covers a variety of topics and addresses in a revolutionary way the questions that most people ask themselves at some point during their lives: <br>– Who and what am I &ndash; and what is the purpose of life?<br>– Why can I never find true happiness?<br>– Does God really exist and, if so, why is He so distant and indifferent to the suffering in the world?<br>– If God is benevolent, why is there so much violence, illness and discord in the world?<br>Are we destined to destroy this planet or is there something we can do before it is too late?<br><br>With its practical approach to spirituality, Revelation will empower you by disclosing the essential truth about yourself and your spiritual heritage whilst making you aware of the active part you play in creation and the miraculous things you are capable of achieving.

    The Joseph Communications: Your Life After Death

    Michael G. Reccia

    Your Life After Death<br><br>The book that answers life&#39;s BIGGEST QUESTION …what happens to me when I die?<br><br>According to Joseph &ndash; the ancient, highly evolved spirit who has lived in an enlightened sphere of reality &#39;beyond the veil&#39; for thousands of years – there are countless opportunities and wonders awaiting you beyond physical &#39;death&#39;.<br><br>Communicated through respected trance medium, Michael G. Reccia, this unique book is arguably the most comprehensive account ever written of what lies ahead for you when you leave this world behind.<br><br>Whether you&#39;re a spiritual seeker or simply curious as to what comes next, this definitive guide to the afterlife will answer all your questions and be an essential source of comfort and inspiration <br><br>…read it and you&#39;ll never look at the next life, or, indeed, this one, in quite the same way again.<br><br>............................................<br><br>Joseph: &#39;Some of the concepts we will talk about are frightening and they should be in the public knowledge; some of them are uplifting and take souls to places beyond physical description in terms of beauty and love and ecstasy. The book will give people a better grounding on the subject of death and the afterlife than has been given before in many books.&#39;