
Различные книги в жанре Эзотерика

Year Zero

Kiara Windrider

Vision Quest

Jane Ramsey

Jane has one foot grounded in the rational world and the other in the ether. She yearns for wisdom; answers to life’s big mysteries; why are we here, and what is life about? Sudden retirement launches a year of profound reinvention. Jane pursues her lifelong dream of being an artist and wisdom-seeker. As a pupil, she studies beliefs about the soul, the laws of the universe, experiences a range of metaphysical readings; learns about synchronicity, quantum physics, different states of consciousness, archetypes, the study of happiness, mythology and shamanism. Jane studies with Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston, becomes a Chopra certified meditation teacher and begins to create life as she dreamed it could be. Through her daily journal, we join Jane on her voyage of discovery. As she evolves spiritually, real life continues. She travels; learns to be healthier; more balanced in mind, body and spirit. She de-clutters, falls more deeply in love with her husband, helps care for her troubled sister, raises a puppy and relishes the most deeply fulfilling time in her life. At the end of her journey, Jane realizes that it’s an inside job; the answers are always available when we tap into our inner wisdom.

The Path to Serendipity

Allyson Apsey

The best gift life gives us is the freedom to choose who you want to be and what kind of life you want to live. In The Path to Serendipity, educational leader Allyson Apsey offers a funny, genuine, and clever look at the fortunes we can gain from even our worst experiences. Through her personal, relatable stories, you will learn strategies for living a meaningful life regardless of the craziness happening around you.

Эссе и мысли

Олег Инсайт

Эссе и мысли на тему того, что есть человек. Автор говорит о том, что человек – это энергия, и проводит параллели между ним и звёздами во Вселенной. Звезда однажды потухает, но её свет продолжает своё путешествие по бескрайним просторам космоса. Точно так же и человек когда-то заканчивает свой земной путь, но его энергия оставляет свой след на Земле.

Крайон. Лунный календарь 2021. Что и когда надо делать, чтобы жить счастливо

Тамара Шмидт

Вас ждет год непростой, но полный возможностей. Да, всех нас ждут испытания, но эти испытания как раз и означают, что вы идете к свету. Они также означают, что битва еще не закончена. Тьма сопротивляется – она сопротивляется в том числе и внутри вас самих. Это она заставляет вас испытывать страх, сомнения, неуверенность. Не сдавайтесь. Помните о том, что судьба мира зависит от вас – от того, сможете ли вы удержать свой свет даже в самой непростой ситуации. Для этого вам в помощь даются настрои, практики и упражнения на каждый день лунного цикла; советы по планированию своей жизни в согласии с фазами Луны; послания Крайона, дарующие гармонию и пробуждающие в каждом из вас энергию творца.

Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts

Michael Maliszewski

Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts is a study of the meditative and religious elements that form the core of the great martial arts traditions.Unsurpassed in scope and detail, this martial arts book covers the spiritual beliefs and the practices of the fighting arts of India, China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, and the United States.Subjects discussed include:Bruce Lee's unique views on spirituality and meditationRituals used to induce altered states of consciousness in Indonesian Pencak-SilatThe unusual relationship of Korea's Hwarang warriors to Mahayana BuddhismThe importance of Buddhist ritual in Muay ThaiSpiritual practices in the Filipino martial artsThe significance of Zen and esoteric Buddhism to the SamuraiThe relationship of Indian martial arts to YogaThe impact of Daoist concepts on the Chinese martial artsPsychological development and martial arts training

Classical T'ai Chi Sword

Petra Kobayashi

Learn the art of T'ai Chi swordsmanship with this illustrated martial arts book. In T'ai Chi Ch'uan, exercising with a sword has developed into an important art. In accordance with the principles of T'ai Chi Ch'uan, the sword practice is an exercise for good health and meditation in motion as well as a method of self-defense. It promotes the development and the application of the inner energy ch'i. The study of the T'ai Chi sword is regarded as its own path which does not necessarily require the knowledge of the other forms of T'ai Chi. It offers a valuable source of concepts and new ideas for students of other martial arts, too, regardless of their backgrounds or current practice. Classical T'ai Chi Sword presents a clearly illustrated introduction into the sword practice complete with photographs, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions. This Tai Chi book is the first basic work on this subject covering all its important aspects. Classical T'ai Chi Sword features: A Brief History of the Chinese SwordAspects of T'ai Chi SwordThe History of Tai Chi SwordThe Taoist BackgroundImportant Principles of Tai Chi ChuanPracticing Sword as an Exercise for Good HealthMeditation; Posture; How to MoveEnergy—Ch'i Development; The Movement of Energy by Practicing the Sword FormHolding the SwordThe Techniques in the Sword Form SequenceRemarks about Sword FightingIndividual and Partner Exercises with the SwordSteps to Learning—Difficulties Faced by Beginners in Practicing the SwordComparison of Sword FormsList of the Positions in the Sword FormThe Presentation of the Sword FormAnd more!

Book of Six Rings

Jock Brocas

Learn the secrets of the spiritual warrior with this martial arts book. Survival in life, whether it's combat or everyday living, demands that you press every advantage—and what could be better than knowing what an aggressor will do before he or she does it, or learning how to make wiser life choices in order to live harmoniously? In The Book of Six Rings , internationally-renowned psychic medium and martial artist Jock Brocas leads you through the process of sharpening your intuitive senses. By learning to listen to the voice within, you'll be able to avoid unseen dangers, discern hidden intent, follow natural intuition, and evade attacks while building the life that you are meant to lead—not one you are forced to lead. This guide is for martial artists and spiritual warriors of all types. With The Book of Six Rings you'll learn about: The link between budo and psychic abilities The importance of meditation in developing spiritual abilitiesHow psychic development relates to martial arts practiceIntuition-strengthening tests and exercisesReal-life examples of the role of intuition in self-defense situations The Book of Six Rings is the perfect budo karate guide for those trying to survive life, whether it's combat or everyday living.

Feng Shui: The Living Earth Manual

Stephen Skinner

The ancient Chinese art of Feng-Shui, the basis of man's relationship with the land, has practitioners and followers throughout the Western world, from rural communities to big cities. Not just an Eastern practice any more, Feng-Shui can be found around the globe.Feng-Shui is an art that stresses the importance of living in harmony with nature. The Chinese believe that the earth has channels of energy known as 'dragon-lines', comparable with the meridians of the human body, and the buildings, towns and rooms should be designed and constructed so as not to obstruct these channels. According to the principles of Feng-Shui, living in harmony with the earth's field of energy will promote prosperity, peace and happiness.Living Earth Feng Shui is a fascinating book which outlines how Feng-Shui can be applied on a small or large scale, in the busiest cities or the smallest room. Author Stephen Skinner outlines its history and philosophy, clearly showing how it can be used to determine the site and arrangement of dwelling places in order to enhance the quality of life of the inhabitants. This is the perfect book for those new to Feng-Shui or someone who is interested in expanding their knowledge.