
Различные книги в жанре Философия

Сияние осознания. Осторожно! Книга содержит в себе знания!

Сергей Бордунов

Идея этого произведения в том, чтобы соединить философию магических искусств Карлоса Кастанеды с не менее глубокой философией легенд (и не только) русского рока, дополняя всё это, по мере возможности, своими комментариями и размышлениями. На мой взгляд слияние этих философий образуют гремучую смесь, способную глубоко проникнуть в подсознание и, затронув в нём невидимые струны, сыграть наконец-то симфонию пробуждения.

Счастье стоимостью в один цент

Александр Третяков

Одно из ключевых правил нормального человека – быть счастливым. Что такое счастье, откуда берется, из чего состоит? Общество навязывает шаблонные представления об идеальной жизни, к которой все должны стремиться. Но в этом ли настоящее счастье? Автор предлагает простые способы построить счастье, сохранить его и вернуть, если вы его потеряли. Неважно, что жизнь не складывается, и кажется, что ничего не изменить, всегда есть шанс собраться с силами и перестать откладывать свое счастье на потом.

Critical Thinking

Linda Elder

This introduction to critical thinking focuses on an integrated, universal concept of critical thinking that is both substantive and practical. It provides students with the basic intellectual skills they need to think through content in any class, subject, or discipline, and through any problems or issues they face. Now available from Rowman & Littlefield, Richard Paul and Linda Elder's Critical Thinking: Learn the Tools the Best Thinkers Use focuses on the most basic critical thinking concepts. It includes activities that allow readers to apply these concepts within disciplines and to life. An added feature to this brief book is a focus on close reading and substantive writing.Content highlights include: Think for Yourself activities Discovering the parts of thinking and the standards for thinking Learning to formulate clear and substantive questions Making the design of a course work for you Close reading and substantive writing Becoming a fairminded thinker

Aquinas on Virtue

Nicholas Austin, SJ

Aquinas on Virtue: A Causal Reading is an original interpretation of one of the most compelling accounts of virtue in the Western tradition, that of the great theologian and philosopher Thomas Aquinas (1224–1274). Taking as its starting point Aquinas's neglected definition of virtue in terms of its «causes,» this book offers a systematic analysis of Aquinas on the nature, genesis, and role of virtue in human life.Drawing on connections and contrasts between Aquinas and contemporary treatments of virtue, Austin argues that Aquinas’s causal virtue theory retains its normative power today. As well as providing a synoptic account of Aquinas on virtue, the book includes an extended treatment of the cardinal virtue of temperance, an argument for the superiority of Aquinas's concept of «habit» over modern psychological accounts, and a rethinking of the relation between grace and virtue. With an approach that is distinctively theological yet strongly conversant with philosophy, this study will offer specialists a bold new interpretation of Aquinas’s virtue theory while giving students a systematic introduction with suggested readings from his Summa Theologiae and On the Virtues .

Konfession - Bildung - Politik

Thomas Brose

Katholische und Evangelische Studentengemeinden in der DDR standen bisher kaum im Blickfeld wissenschaftlicher Aufmerksamkeit. Beide Konfessionen boten zwischen 1949–1989 Freiräume für Demokratiefähigkeit sowie für die Option im Sinn Charles Taylors, der repressiven Religionspolitik des vormundschaftlichen Staates eine Absage zu erteilen. In KSG und ESG wurden damit nach Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde Voraussetzungen geschaffen, die den Weg zur Friedlichen Revolution eröffneten. Diese Untersuchung verbindet Konfession und Politik durch Bildung. Darin kommt die Prämisse des Forschungsprojekts zum Ausdruck, wonach Religion in ihrer jeweiligen historisch-konfessionellen Ausprägung nach Hans Maier das Potential besitzt, zu einem zentralen Faktor kultureller Bildung zu werden.

Samson as Gods Adulterous Wife

M. Alroy Mascrenghe

Samson as God’s Adulterous Wife reveals striking parallels between the depiction of Samson in the Book of Judges and the prophetic literature’s metaphorical representations of Israel as an adulterous woman. This book endeavors to understand why Judges dwells on Samson’s sexual and romantic relationships while the personal lives of the other six judges are not afforded the same narrative attention. M. Alroy Mascrenghe compares adulterous Samson with idolatrous Israel and argues that Samson’s life is marked by the same cycles of adultery, bondage, crying out, and deliverance that structure the Book of Judges as a whole. Mascrenghe continues to pursue the theme of God’s adulterous wife through a comparison of the Levite-concubine story of Judges 19 to that of Hosea and Gomer. Samson as God’s Adulterous Wife demonstrates the author’s own method for recognizing intertextual narrative allusions. Drawing from a wide variety of disciplines—including narratology, sociology, and theological hermeneutics—Samson as God’s Adulterous Wife offers a fresh perspective on the role of the Samson story within the broader intertextual thematic space of the Hebrew Bible.

Little Essays on Love and Virtue

Havelock Ellis

First published in 1922, this book contains a collection of fascinating essays on the subject of love and sexuality, written by Havelock Ellis. Henry Havelock Ellis (1859–1939) was an English physician, writer, eugenicist and social reformer who studied human sexuality. Ellis was also an early researcher into the effects of psychedelics and wrote one of the first reports on a mescaline experience in 1896. Originally aimed at adolescents, these essays explore such topics as the moral value of sexual pleasure, reasons for marriage, and the advantages of understanding sexuality from a scientific perspective. A fascinating collection not to be missed by those with an interest in sexuality and the history and development of related ideas. Contents include: “Children and Parents”, “The Meaning of Purity”, “The Objects of Marriage”, “Husbands and Wives”, “The Love-Rights of Women”, “The Play-Function of Sex”, and “The Individual and the Race”. Other notable works by this author include: “A Study of British Genius” (1904), “The Dance of Life” (1923), and “Psychology of Sex” (1933). Read & Co. Great Essays is republishing this collection of classic essays now in a new edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.

The Cost of Comfort

John Lachs

<P><P>Philosopher John Lachs observes that humans today live lives of comfort but also sees that these comfortable lives come at a cost: our increasing unhappiness. In <I>The Cost of Comfort</I>, Lachs contemplates what humans need in order to live fulfilled lives in today's world. While comfort has not always reached everyone evenly, Lachs acknowledges that most of us who live in the US today reap the benefits of modern life. We live longer, we eat better food, we have access to good medical care, and we can stay in touch with loved ones who are far away. Lachs argues that this dizzyingly complex world often inspires isolation, but he believes that deeper engagement with it is required in order to dispel our growing psychic distance. Lachs advocates for mediation and champions education, advertising, openness, and transparency to help individuals understand the role they play in society and to nullify claims to blamelessness. Lachs suggests new rules for responsibility and argues that examining and understanding the consequences of one's actions is imperative to overcoming the ills and problems of the modern world.</P></P>

Fortress Britain?

Группа авторов

Immigration is a key concern in British society; however, the ethical implications of the issue are often overlooked. Produced by Theos, a leading Christian think tank, this collection of short essays explores the ethical issues surrounding immigration in a post-Brexit Britain with contributions from across the Christian and political spectrums. This timely collection considers the many issues surrounding immigration including economics, community, nationhood, sovereignty, and internationalism, and demonstrates the range of conclusions that can be drawn on this topic, with possible interventions from the Christian perspective. Insightful for policy-makers and politicians, as well as anyone looking for orientation on a complex subject, this book is also full of ethical questions and considerations for readers from any faith or background.