
Различные книги в жанре Философия

Hope on the Brink

Lewis Brogdon

African Americans have always wrestled with hopelessness. Yet in the face of hopelessness, African Americans fought for hope that America can be a land of equality, opportunity, and justice. The fight for hope has been difficult and has taken a toll on African Americans. Today the signs of hopelessness abound in black communities across the nation as an increasing number of leaders express concern about a pervasive problem that they could not identify. Beyond the continuing injustices and inequities linked to systemic racism, they recognize a growing internal apathy in African Americans. This internal apathy is nihilism, the embrace of nothingness, meaninglessness, and internalized oppression. Nihilism has been slowly emerging since the 1980s and is the reason there is an increasing number of blacks who turn to defeating and destructive behaviors that only worsen their plight. In nihilism's wake, leaders and communities are left trying to help people who have turned on themselves and abandoned hope that things can get better.
The first step toward hope requires an understanding of hopelessness. Only then can we step into a world that pushes people to the brink and hope to make a difference. Hope on the Brink offers an exploration into this hopelessness.

Miguel de Unamuno's Quest for Faith

Jan E. Evans

How can this life have meaning if at my death nothing of me remains? This is the essential question with which Miguel de Unamuno, the most accomplished Spanish man of letters of the twentieth century, struggled during his entire life. Unamuno's views have been the subject of vigorous debate: Was he a Catholic, a Protestant, or an unbeliever? Miguel de Unamuno's Quest for Faith seeks to appreciate and clarify Unamuno's faith commitments without diminishing or exaggerating them. His historical context pulled him to equate knowledge with science, but his existential angst told him humans must be something more than short-lived products of matter. He believed that his philosophy and the resulting faith that he held must have consequences for the choices he made to live out his life meaningfully. Jan E. Evans surveys what was at stake in Unamuno's desire to believe and the stance that he came to live with. That stance is contrasted with thinkers whom he read and admired: Soren Kierkegaard, Blaise Pascal, and William James. Ultimately, this book tests Unamuno's philosophy against his own criterion that demanded concrete actions that were motivated by principled passion. It draws new readers of Unamuno into his world and provides critical new perspectives for those who know Unamuno's work well.

Surviving Technopolis

Arthur W. Hunt III

Technopolis has no end in view other than bigger, faster, newer, and more. While giving us many material benefits–at least in the short run–in its wake are spiritual loss, alienation, and devastation. These essays not only evaluate Technopolis, but also seek wisdom to cope with our new human-made environments. Positively stated, they offer suggestions on how to bring us back into balance. Some of our best wisdom in analyzing Technopolis can be found in the voices of the Christian humanists. Unlike Enlightenment humanism, which tends to be human-centered, Christian humanism is concerned with the role of humankind within God's created order. G. K. Chesterton, T. S. Eliot, J. R. R. Tolkien, and C. S. Lewis represent this tradition. They, and others like them, understood that technological progress with no clear telos obscures what Eliot called «the permanent things.» Surviving Technopolis means restoring the things closest to us–those old identity-forming institutions of home, church, and community.


John Sallis

This excellent work… deserves the serious consideration of all who are interested in contemporary philosophy as well as those who concern themselves with ancient philosophy, especially Plato." —Review of MetaphysicsIn Chorology, John Sallis takes up one of the most enigmatic discoursesin the history of philosophy. Plato's discourse on the chora—the chorology—forms the pivotal moment in the Timaeus. The implications of the chorology are momentous and communicate with many of the most decisive issues in contemporary philosophical discussions.

The Way of the Platonic Socrates

S. Montgomery Ewegen

Who is Socrates? While most readers know him as the central figure in Plato's work, he is hard to characterize. In this book, S. Montgomery Ewegen opens this long-standing and difficult question once again. Reading Socrates against a number of Platonic texts, Ewegen sets out to understand the way of Socrates. Taking on the nuances and contours of the Socrates that emerges from the dramatic and philosophical contexts of Plato's works, Ewegen considers questions of withdrawal, retreat, powerlessness, poverty, concealment, and release and how they construct a new view of Socrates. For Ewegen, Socrates is a powerful but strange and uncanny figure. Ewegen's withdrawn Socrates forever evades rigid interpretation and must instead remain a deep and insoluble question.

Discord and Consensus in the Low Countries, 1700-2000

Группа авторов

All countries, regions and institutions are ultimately built on a degree of consensus, on a collective commitment to a concept, belief or value system. This consensus is continuously rephrased and reinvented through a narrative of cohesion and challenged by expressions of discontent and discord. The history of the Low Countries is characterised by both a striving for consensus and eruptions of discord, both internally and from external challenges. This interdisciplinary volume explores consensus and discord in a Low Countries context along broad cultural, linguistic and historical lines. Disciplines represented include early-modern and contemporary history; art history; film; literature; and translation scholars from both the Low Countries and beyond.

Ребёнок, один из главных смыслов заведения ребёнка

Сергей Борисович Иванов

Ребёнок, один из главных смыслов заведения ребёнка. Также описывается, в чём, наряду с заведением ребёнка, вообще кардинальный смысл на земле. Также описывается – в каких ещё условиях плюс и минус заведения ребёнка.

Душа России на распутье или в пути?

Юрий Витальевич Тамистов

Душа России, что стоишь в раздумье на перепутье? Зачем грустишь? Уже близко те провидцы и целители с чистой живой водой – молодые, азартные управленцы, вдохновлённые грандиозностью стоящих перед тобой задач, которым народ радостно скажет: «Здравствуй, племя младое, незнакомое!» – для которых твоё величие, Россия, в нерушимой братской общности твоих народов, в том, что станешь ты опорой для всех людей Земли свободных духом, с ясной непроржавевшей душой, не поражённой мерзостью стяжательства.

Добровольная простота

Дуэйн Элджин

Книга «Добровольная простота» – одно из самых ярких высказываний ХХ века об альтернативном образе жизни, о новом укладе, идущем в разрез с навязанными нам стереотипами общества потребления. Перестроивший свою жизнь на принципах добровольной простоты человек может изменить свою жизнь к лучшему, и, тем самым, немножко повлиять на весь мир. Добровольная простота – это выход из «беличьего колеса» и способ повернуться лицом к людям и стать самим собой.Издание адресовано широкому слою читателей.

ВДОХНОВЕНИЕ. Откровения бывшего поэта

Алексей Аимин

Книга-эссе о творческом развитии личности. Основана на жизни и творчестве великих поэтов и личных наблюдениях автора.Путь от дворового стихоплета до известного поэта у него составил 20 лет.По мнению автора, это и есть временной предел раскрытия таланта в жанре поэзии. Потом наступает кризис.Как избежать его?Можно ли развить свой талант?Где лучше ловить вдохновение?Книга-размышление на эти темы возникла из эссе с тем же названием, имевшим многочисленные отклики в социальных сетях.