Учебная литература

Различные книги в жанре Учебная литература

Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism

Holly Bridges

Outlining a new, optimistic way to understand autism, this concise and accessible book offers practical ideas to help children on the spectrum grow. The Polyvagal Theory suggests autism is a learnt response by the body – a result of the child being in a prolonged state of 'fight or flight' while their nervous system is still developing. This book explains the theory in simple terms and incorporates recent developments in brain plasticity research (the capacity of the brain to change throughout life) to give parents and professionals the tools to strengthen the child's brain-body connection and lessen the social and emotional impact of autism.

Dyslexia and Mental Health

Neil Alexander-Passe

Dyslexia is a complex condition that affects not only learning but every part of life. Experience or fear of social stigma can lead people with dyslexia to camouflage the difficulties they face, to withdraw and to adopt negative coping strategies, particularly if they lack adequate support, identification and intervention. This can have lasting impact on their emotional health. Neil Alexander-Passe is an experienced researcher and a special needs teacher in secondary mainstream education. He also has dyslexia. Neil uses his personal and professional experience to shed light on the complexities surrounding dyslexia and examines psychological theories such as ego-defence mechanisms and learned helplessness that reveal how people deal with its emotional impact. He offers guidelines and advice, illustrated with real life examples, about how to help people with dyslexia avoid harmful coping strategies and learn to deal with stress, anxiety and low self-esteem in more effective and psychologically positive ways. This book will help educational and clinical psychologists, teachers, mental health specialists, counsellors and therapists understand the emotional complexities of dyslexia.

Social Narratives

Sonia Morris

Social Narratives are a simple, evidence-based intervention to help children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental delays to understand appropriate social behaviours and overcome the anxiety associated with social situations. This practical guide explains how to create and use personalised Social Narratives with children aged 4+. Drawing on the latest autism theory and findings from research, the author provides step-by- step guidelines for writing and using Social Narratives at home or in the classroom. She describes clearly the key components of the approach, including incorporating the interests of the child, using literal and positive language and including visuals and comprehension questions to support learning. 27 sample Social Narratives are also included, to provide inspiration and useful examples of how Social Narratives can be used in practice. Perfect for improving social behaviour in children with ASD, this book will be a valuable resource for teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and educational psychologists, as well as parents.

Helping Foster Children In School

John DeGarmo

Helping Foster Children In School explores the challenges that foster children face in schools and offers positive and practical guidance tailored to help the parents, teachers and social workers supporting them. Children in care often perform poorly at school both in terms of their behavior and their academic performance, with many failing to complete their education. They will have often experienced trauma or neglect which can result in a number of developmental delays. By looking at why children in foster care do not perform as well as their counterparts, John DeGarmo, who has fostered more than 40 children, provides easy-to-use strategies to target the problems commonly faced. He emphasizes the importance of an open dialogue between teacher, parent and social worker, to ensure that everyone is working jointly to achieve the best outcome for the child. An invaluable resource for foster parents, social workers and educators alike, this book encourages a unified response to ensure foster children are given the best chance to succeed at school.

Understanding Dyscalculia and Numeracy Difficulties

Jane Emerson

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty that affects the acquisition of numerical skills. A far larger number of pupils, while not dyscalculic, fail to acquire the basic numerical skills required for everyday life. Whatever the cause of poor numeracy it is essential that these difficulties are identified and addressed. This book looks at how adults can help identify each child's specific areas of difficulty and describes a multi-sensory approach that can be adapted for the needs of each student to help them better understand numbers and apply that understanding to solve problems. It covers the origins of number sense and how the brain deals with numbers, assessment, planning intervention, what to teach and how to teach it, and how parents can help their children. This straightforward guide will be essential reading for any parent, teacher or education professional working with a child with dyscalculia or numeracy difficulties.

Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with Disabilities

Natalie Lackenby

This best practice guide provides a blueprint for managing seamless transitions between services for young people aged 16-25 with additional needs, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, complex health needs and sensory impairments. The authors cover a wide range of transitions, including moving from children's to adult's services, from school to college, leaving education and gaining work experience and employment and supporting young people to live independently. They include key information on policy and legislation, the statutory duty of local authorities and health, housing and education agencies, and describe the impact of the new Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans. With a wealth of practical, common sense guidance for navigating this complex area of work in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner, the book will guide practitioners and students step-by-step through the process of managing transitions, highlighting best practice and providing evidence-based models to ensure the best possible outcomes for service users and their families. An essential resource for all those involved in supporting young people with additional needs through transitions, including social workers and social work students, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, health professionals and special education teachers.

The Self-Help Guide for Teens with Dyslexia

Alais Winton

Gold Medal Winner in the Self-Help category of the 2015 Foreword Reviews' INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards As Alais Winton knows, having dyslexia doesn't mean you're not bright; like her, you might just need a different way of looking at things. In this book, she lets you in on the learning techniques which work for her, and which you may not be taught at school. Offering solutions to common problems students with dyslexia face, Alais describes tried-and-tested techniques for succeeding with reading, spelling, memorising information and time management, and even a simple method to ensure you never misplace your learning tools (such as pencils and books) again. The strategies are ideal for use in the run-up to exams, helping you to become more organised, less stressed and better prepared. This is a must-read pocket guide for students with dyslexia aged 11 to 18, and will also be a helpful source of ideas for teachers, SENCOs and parents of teens with dyslexia.

Restorative Practice and Special Needs

Margaret Thorsborne

Restorative Practice (RP) is an effective approach to discipline that has the potential to transform behaviour by focusing on building and restoring relationships. This practical guide explains how to implement restorative approaches with young people with special needs in educational or residential settings. The book explores how RP is being used in general terms and through a number of case studies looks at how RP needs to be adapted for those with additional needs including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability and communication difficulties. It includes guidance on particular issues such as staff facing crises, the issue of physical restraint and additional support parents require. The book will be of interest to restorative practitioners, educational professionals including headteachers, teachers and SENCOs in both special education and mainstream schools and residential care leaders and staff.

Educating Children and Young People in Care

Claire Cameron

Children and young people in care rarely match the academic achievements of their peers and policy and procedures to address this inequality have not yet remedied the problem. Drawing on ideas from social pedagogy, the authors present a new approach – learning placements and caring schools. They show that education and care must be considered integral to both out of home placements and schools. Packed with practice examples, it includes chapters on early childhood education and care, as well as alternatives to school and higher education, covering everything from birth up to the age of 25. It highlights the potential benefits of a range of learning opportunities, from drama and outdoor activities, to bedtime stories and mentoring as well as providing support for teachers in their role as carer. Chapters include key points, case studies, practice points and useful resources. This is a unique evidence-informed practical guide for students and professionals in the fields of social work, social care, psychology and education.

How to Create Kind Schools

Jenny Hulme

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Kidscape, the national charity that works to challenge and prevent bullying, this book offers readers an insight into a collection of innovative projects currently running in schools to promote inclusion, tolerance and kindness. From a gay role model to a peer mentor, a dance workshop to a gardening club, an autism ambassador to a travelling Gypsy theatre group, the ideas demonstrate how much we have to teach our children about inclusion, how much kindness matters, and how much of a difference schools can make to children who don't always feel they fit. Joining forces with well-known charities and celebrity supporters including Anthony Horowitz, Jamie Oliver, Michael Sheen and more, these accessible, fun and effective projects are tackling issues such as bullying, homophobia, racism, and truancy, are supporting pupils who may feel isolated and excluded from their peer group, and are helping whole schools become happier, more successful settings. This book will provide inspiration to all educational professionals, parents and volunteers looking for creative and practical ways to help individual children fit in and feel happy in their class.