
Различные книги в жанре Социология

One day this will all be over

Ross Parsons

Ross Parsons has been working with HIV-positive children in Mutare since 2005. As a child psychotherapist, he was interested in exploring how a therapeutic group, meeting regularly, might offer a way of elaborating and meeting their needs. His account of these experiences is presented as a rare blend of anthropological and psychotherapeutic approaches to the study of children, and he is candid about the close, even intimate, relationships that resulted: �I have crossed the classical ethnographic and psychoanalytic boundary of the cool observer. The therapist, while still awkwardly present, has also become an advocate in pursuit of the ethnographic.� The period of his research coincided with one of deep crisis in Zimbabwe�s economy: employment opportunities were few, public health and education services were in decay, and the prospects were grim for those on the margins of society. �In the course of my fieldwork I have attended too many funerals.� In the absence of state support, the poor look variously to international NGOs, and to the church. Parsons offers telling insights into the crossroads of donated pharmaceuticals and Christian faith, and is constantly alert to the place of traditional spirituality and ties of kinship.

Human Growth and Development in Children and Young People


Unparalleled in its coverage of concepts and themes, this textbook uses insights from across sociology, psychology, criminology and other areas of expertise to show how children and young people negotiate crucial challenges and transitions in their lives. It considers a wide range of theories, issues and practice dimensions and clearly shows how they connect, with fresh insights on topics including mental health, bereavement and disability in children. Foregrounding cultural diversity as a crucial dimension of sensitive practice and placing an emphasis on thinking critically and practicing reflectively throughout, this book also: • Includes helpful chapter introductions, summaries and annotated further readings • Features a range of case studies, linking theory to practice • Provides active learning exercises, enabling you to apply and consolidate learning With a partner volume that addresses human growth and development in adults, this is an invaluable tool for students as well as a useful refresher resource for experienced practitioners.

Human Growth and Development in Adults


Uniquely wide-ranging in its coverage of key concepts, themes and issues relating to human growth and development in adults, this textbook explores the crucial challenges and transitions that adults negotiate in their lives. It examines key topics and issues within professional practice with adults and their families, covering a wide range of practice areas and fusing essential theory and research with practical application. Drawing on insights and debates from across sociology, psychology, criminology and aligned disciplines, this textbook is thoughtfully structured to provide an accessible and supportive resource. Key features include: • Chapter-by-chapter summaries, case studies and practice examples • Active learning activities to consolidate knowledge • A broad range of tools to develop critical thinking and reflective practice. With a partner volume that addresses children and young people, this is an essential tool for students and a valuable refresher resource for experienced practitioners.

The Human Services Internship Experience

Marianne Woodside

The Human Services Internship Experience: Helping Students Find Their Way aims to help students in field-based courses bridge theory and practice during their internships. The goal is to show students how to apply their academic work in a real-world setting and to confirm and expand their identity as human service professionals. 

Aprendizaje extraordinario de Finlandia

Kirsti Lonka

Los resultados de Finlandia en el Informe PISA han despertado el interés mundial en sus escuelas y su formación docente. ¿Qué pasará después? Este libro presenta la ruta de Finlandia hacia las competencias del siglo XXI y el apasionante concepto del aprendizaje basado en fenómenos.
El camino hacia la globalización, la digitalización y la automatización está plagado por muchos desafíos compartidos por países de todo el mundo. La autora describe amenamente cómo —dando siempre prioridad a la alfabetización y la educación— Finlandia pasó de ser un país muy pobre a convertirse en un estado estable y rico. Actualmente, los finlandeses están llevando su sistema escolar a un nuevo nivel y estándar. Esto exige reformas intensivas tanto en la formación docente basada en la investigación como en las escuelas. Además del nuevo plan de estudios finlandés, el libro aborda los últimos avances en la educación, métodos pedagógicos innovadores, las tecnologías en la educación y los nuevos entornos de aprendizaje.

Strategie als Beruf

Maximilian Terhalle

Strategisches Denken und Handeln dient vitalen Interessen. Es verlangt den Blick auf die Macht – und in eine Zukunft, die diese vitalen Interessen entsprechend widerspiegeln soll. Dies gilt immer, besonders aber, wenn Weltordnungen im Umbruch sind. Strategie als Beruf widmet sich den zentralen Konzeptionen der hierzulande vernachlässigten, wiewohl von Deutschen mitgeprägten Strategic Studies und bietet strategischem Denken und Handeln damit erstmalig Grundlagen auf dem Stand der internationalen Forschung an. Konkrete Strategievorschläge sind integraler Bestandteil des Buches. Das Buch enthält deutsche und englische Beiträge.
"Terhalle's insightful, balanced, and perceptive essays bring the tools of strategic studies to bear on a range of current international issues. Theoretically sophisticated and empirically grounded, the analysis will be of great value to both the scholarly and policy communities." Prof. Robert Jervis, Columbia University, New York
"Maximilian Terhalle gehört zu den frühen Streitern für eine strategische Ausrichtung unseres internationalen Ordnungsdenkens und der deutschen Außenpolitik. Sein scharfsinniges Buch bietet eine klare Analyse der instabil gewordenen Welt. Und zieht daraus konkrete Folgerungen für die Verantwortung Deutschlands und seiner Partner für westliche Werte und Interessen." Prof. Matthias Herdegen, Universität Bonn
"Maximilian Terhalle is a refreshing independent voice on European and German security policy. There is a pressing need for systematic, clear-eyed, and realistic thinking about Germany's role in a rapidly changing world, and this wide-ranging collection of essays is an important contribution to a much-needed set of debates." Prof. Stephen Walt, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
"The Germans have, for very understandable historical reasons, long been reluctant to engage in the kind of strategic thinking that comes naturally to the Anglo-Saxon world. Maximilian Terhalle, who is one of the Federal Republic's most innovative experts in the field, is rightly dissatisfied with this opting out of the real world. His new book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand modern German strategy, or rather the lack of it, and the need for a National Security Council in the FRG." Prof. Brendan Simms, Cambridge University
"Drawing on wide reading and with a nod to Max Weber, this thoughtful collection of essays by Maximilian Terhalle demonstrates the importance of strategic thinking and how it can be applied to the big issues of war and peace in the modern world." Prof. Lawrence Freedman, King's College London
"Die NATO ist strategisch nicht hirntot. Vielleicht aber bald eines seiner Mitglieder. Wer auch immer Deutschland führen wird, täte gut daran, sich den von Terhalle vorgelegten strategischen Kompass sehr genau anzusehen. Die eventuelle Wiederwahl Trumps und der unwahrscheinliche Machtverzicht Putins und Xis bedürfen nicht nur einer erkennbar europäischen Hand im Kanzleramt, sondern auch eines völlig neuen, eben strategischen Mindsets. Terhalles Konzepte für Entscheider sowie seine konkreten Ideen für die Zukunft westlicher Sicherheitspolitik bieten genau das." Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Bundesminister a.D., New York/München
"Strategisches Denken fehlt im Land des Carl von Clausewitz in allen Bereichen. In der Politik, der Wirtschaft und der Entwicklung von Leitlinien, wie Europa in einer Welt im Umbruch gestaltet werden sollte. Prof. Terhalles Buch zeigt Grundlagen auf und gibt Anregungen in wesentlichen Feldern der Politik. Es sollte von Entscheidern gelesen und genutzt werden." General a.D. Klaus Naumann, ehem. Vorsitzender des NATO-Militärausschusses und Generalinspekteur, München

Bucaramanga al parque

Diana Marina Camargo

Producto de la ejecución del proyecto de investigación «Actividad física y parques en Bucaramanga, caracterización y factores relacionados con su uso», se presenta este libro dirigido a la comunidad en general y en especial a la bumanguesa, con el fin de proporcionar información de calidad, actualizada y útil, en términos sencillos, que contribuya al conocimiento de los parques de la ciudad, su importancia dentro del ecosistema urbano y la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes de la ciudad.

Análisis del discurso en las disputas públicas

Giohanny Olave

Tenemos una enorme capacidad verbal de lucha: nos involucramos a menudo en discusiones tensas; pero ignoramos profundamente la naturaleza de esos combates entre opiniones y voluntades opuestas. Tal vez porque nos arrebata, la lucha es misteriosa para la razón. Frente al espectáculo de las disputas verbales, la razón parece fruncir el ceño y elevar los ojos. La existencia de discusiones racionales en el ámbito público no ha anulado la aparición de otras interacciones, vehementes y radicales, que desbordan los límites del logos argumentativo y nos retornan a la lucha cuerpo a cuerpo.Esas interacciones apasionadamente indómitas tienen raíces culturales profundas. Desde la perspectiva adoptada en este libro, se requiere interrogarlas y ampliar el espacio que las teorías de la argumentación les han asignado a las discordias dominadas por el deseo de ver al enemigo morder el polvo. En otras palabras, esta obra se propone reactivar una materia más bien olvidada o marginada de las concepciones normativas del argumento y de la argumentación en las democracias, que aparece en el pensamiento occidental de manera intermitente y con el nombre propio de erística

Helping Relationships With Older Adults

Adelle M. Williams

Helping Relationships with Older Adults: From Theory to Practice  examines the fundamental theoretical perspectives of the aging process with an emphasis on the healthy aspects of aging. Taking a comprehensive approach, author Adele Williams addresses various therapeutic methods as she highlights the strengths and resiliency of the older population. Exercises and case studies demonstrate key concepts and promote skill development by allowing students to experience the various challenges in the lives of older clients.  

Property in Land

Henry Lewes George

A reprint of «The Prophet of San Francisco,» by the Duke of Argyll, from the Nineteenth Century for April, 1884, and of «The Reduction to Iniquity,» by Henry George, from the same magazine for July. The literary reputation and the high social and political rank of the Duke of Argyll have attracted unusual attention to his arraignment of Mr. George's doctrine as to property in land. Mr. George's reply is vigorous and aggressive.