
Различные книги в жанре Социология

Child Protection in Boarding Schools in Ghana

Prospera Dzang-Tedam

This invaluable book brings together a much needed analysis of the challenges and benefits of providing social work services in Ghanaian boarding schools. It examines contemporary issues affecting children and young people in boarding schools and outlines principles and strategies for addressing these issues in a holistic manner. The book concludes with suggestions about how boarding school leaders, policy makers and educationalists might develop child protection processes in schools or strengthen existing protocols.

The Art of War

Sun Tzu

Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) The world's most influential treatise on strategy
"The Art of War" is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC and is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare and it is commonly thought of as a definitive work on military strategy and tactics. It was placed at the head of China's Seven Military Classics upon the collection's creation in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of Song, and has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.

Desde el Estado hasta la ideología judicial

Andrej Kristan

Este libro trata de manera inusual seis temas cuya comprensión resulta imprescindible para quienes quieren mejorar el mundo del derecho contemporáneo.

Andrej Kristan (Kranj – Eslovenia, 19979) es doctor en filosofía del Derecho por la Universidad de Génova. Su trabajo doctoral fue galardonado por la Academia Europea de Teoría del Derecho con el European Award for Legal Theory.

Economía política de la pandemia

Juan Camilo Restrepo Salazar

Este análisis recoge veinte textos breves que el autor ha escrito durante los primeros dos meses (marzo-abril y mayo del 2020) que han transcurrido desde que estalló la tremenda crisis de salud pública, así como en el campo económico y social por el doble fenómeno de la estrepitosa caída de los precios internacionales del petróleo y la expansión de la pandemia del coronavirus en Colombia. Son textos escritos, pues, al calor de la llegada de las noticias, y cuando la profundidad de la crisis está aún por determinarse. Deben tomarse, en consecuencia, con cautela.Al momento de escribir estos textos los especialistas y los centros de investigación están produciendo todo tipo de proyecciones. Y todos los días las están cambiando. Hay, en efecto, cambiantes proyecciones sobre la duración que tendrá la pandemia, sobre la magnitud de sus efectos letales, sobre los mejores métodos para combatirla, sobre la destrucción de empleos que se va a generar, sobre la profundidad que tendrá el fenómeno de las quiebras empresariales por razón de la parálisis económica y mercantil que causa el «aislamiento social» al cual han recurrido casi todos los países, incluido Colombia. Asimismo sobre la ineludible caída que se registrará en las cifras del producto interno bruto (pib) del mundo y de los diversos países a lo largo del 2020, sobre el papel de los bancos centrales y de los organismos multilaterales, así como sobre el papel que deben desempeñar los bancos privados. Y, por supuesto, sobre los mecanismos de orden fiscal que todos los países deberán poner en marcha mediante ambiciosos programas de gasto público (financiados fundamentalmente con crédito público, o sea, con más endeudamiento) para recuperar –con una mayor presencia estatal que la tradicional– la economía y el empleo, que quedarán gravemente averiados con esta crisis.Aunque la profundidad de la crisis se desconoce aún al escribir estos textos, como queda dicho, existe ya un consenso suficientemente generalizado para poder afirmar que estamos frente a una crisis tan devastadora en lo económico y social como fue la recesión de los años treinta del siglo pasado. Quizás la recuperación tomará menos tiempo en esta ocasión que entonces. Es muy probable que a partir del 2021 empecemos a presenciar el efecto «rebote» del que ahora se habla. Pero no es menos cierto que el 2020 pasará a los anales económicos y sociales del mundo y de Colombia como uno de los años más oscuros y dolorosos de la historia."

First They Took Rome

David Broder

It is difficult for Italians to have much faith in the future. The last Labour Minister said it was a good thing if young people emigrated, to stop them ‘getting under our feet’; one recent Prime Minister said that young Italians should not invest their hopes in securing a stable job, for that would be ‘boring’, anyway. Examining Italy’s history since the end of the Cold War, Italy is the Future argues that its dismal situation should not be understood in terms of a stereotyped narrative of Italian chaos or backwardness. In a country that could once boast Europe's strongest Left, Italy today epitomises the crisis of democracy in the West. The scandals of Silvio Berlusconi’s rule, the pervasive corruption of public life and sky-high youth unemployment are indicators of a particularly sick society. Yet what is also apparent is the difficulty of any new force emerging to renew Italy's institutions, as its atomised citizens lose hope in political change. What has broken apart in Italy is not just its once-mighty Left but the very bases of social solidarity. The parties of the 1990s and 2000s directly express the social demolition wrought by neoliberalism, as isolated and endangered individuals face the consequences of the crisis alone. Not this or that political party, but public life itself, is in full-scale collapse.

The Future of Difference

Sabine Hark

The Future of Difference theorises contemporary regimes of power as engaged primarily in the violent production of difference. In this moment, the logic of ‘other and rule’ thoroughly permeates the social and the political; our contemporary condition is increasingly premised on endless subtle hierarchical distinctions, which determine whole populations’ attitudes, feelings and actions. Hark and Villa make a compelling case for the detoxification of public and political discourse, in favor of an ethical mode of living-with the world, that is, living with plurality and alterity.



Fascinating Canada

John Robert Colombo

Few people have read as widely in the field of Canadiana as has John Robert Colombo. The curiosity of this Toronto writer, editor, and anthologist knows few if any bounds when it comes to the lore, literature, history, culture, and character of Canada. He has an inquiring mind and he seems able to find national and even international twists to subjects of interest or importance. Fascinating Canada , his latest book, is the product of over half a century of research, reading, writing, and thinking. Some years ago the author produced a trilogy of question-and-answer books 1 ,000 Questions about Canada, 999 Questions about Canada, 1,000 Questions about Canada . The first two were published by Doubleday Canada, the third one in 2001 by Dundurn Press. The same format is adapted to the material in the present book, but this time the majority of the questions are short whereas a good many of the answers are quite long discussions of the subjects at hand: concise questions followed by considered answers. Here is a book about the Canadian past, present, and future. The information in Fascinating Canada is organized under four headings (People, Places, Things, Ideas) and there is a detailed Index for ready reference. This book may serve as a work of popular reference, but it has been written to stimulate inquiry and spark the sense of surprise in the minds of readers who know something about this amazing country but perhaps not as much as the author. Open this book and begin to read … and match wits with author and researcher John Robert Colombo.

A Man in a Distant Field

Theresa Kishkan

Short-listed for the 2005 Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize Declan O'Malley came to the coast of British Columbia because it was as far away from Ireland as he could possibly go. Haunted by memories of his family's death at the hands of the Black and Tans, Declan is unable to escape his grief. He immerses himself in a new life, seeking to produce a more perfect translation of Homer's Odyssey while at the same time becoming closer to the family on whose property he is living. But Declan cannot free himself from his past, and when Ireland beckons, he is drawn to his own history and to the opportunity for a happier future.