
Различные книги в жанре Социология

Community-Led Regeneration

Pablo Sendra

Through seven London case studies of communities opposing social housing demolition and/or proposing community-led plans, Community-Led Regeneration  offers a toolkit of planning mechanisms and other strategies that residents and planners working with communities can use to resist demolition and propose community-led schemes. The case studies are Walterton and Elgins Community Homes, West Ken and Gibbs Green Community Homes, Cressingham Gardens Community, Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Forum, Focus E15, People’s Empowerment Alliance for Custom House (PEACH), and Alexandra and Ainsworth Estates. Together, these case studies represent a broad overview of groups that formed as a reaction to proposed demolitions of residents' housing, and groups that formed as a way to manage residents' homes and public space better. Drawing from the case studies, the toolkit includes the use of formal planning instruments, as well as other strategies such as sustained campaigning and activism, forms of citizen-led design, and alternative proposals for the management and ownership of housing by communities themselves. Community-Led Regeneration  targets a diverse audience: from planning professionals and scholars working with communities, to housing activists and residents resisting the demolition of their neighbourhoods and proposing their own plans.

El oficio más antiguo del mundo. Secretos, mentiras y belleza de la política

Andrés Malamud

Este libro es un intento único por entender la política, captar sus posibilidades y limitaciones, descubrir sus secretos, develar sus mentiras y también iluminar su belleza. El oficio más antiguo del mundo recorre muchos de los temas que están en el centro del debate: el Estado y sus límites, Argentina y su relación tan particular con el pasado, la crisis de 2001 y sus efectos sobre los partidos, la integración latinoamericana como su sueño frustrado, el mito del ascenso de Brasil, la crisis del Primer Mundo.

La grieta desnuda. El macrismo y su época

Martín Rodriguez

La grieta desnuda explora el fondo de olla de una Argentina tan subejecutada como saturada de interpretaciones. Es un libro sobre la época, sus puntos ciegos y sus crujidos. Y sobre las obsesiones de los autores: el macrismo y la Historia con mayúscula, el Estado y la clase media, la desigualdad y la crisis, Cristina y el peronismo… Para escribir este libro, Martín Rodríguez y Pablo Touzon apelaron a sus mejores armas –la mirada sagaz sobre la coyuntura, la buena prosa y el diálogo entre amigos– haciendo honor a una de las más clásicas tradiciones nacionales: el ensayo para pensar la Argentina.

Digital Delta

Herlander Elias

"On the cover there is a subtle mixture of warm and cold colors. On the face of the humanoid figure there are warm tones and cold tones on one side that spread throughout his body and his aura. The coldness of the machines and the digital mix with the warmth of life and the human. And the simultaneity of these characteristics that belong to us, defines us. We are human in a paradoxical route: we live emotional relationships with immaterial information coming from digital media. This reality permeates our entire material body. Hot and cold. We are also hyperconnected with countless people and information but, at the same time, we are alone. We are individuals with no defined identity in an information network with various social networks whose appearance changes according to the presence we want to mark in these territories. The connections of this digital universe, these nodes that make up the links on the Internet, are like the synapses of our neurons that control our bodies. We are not androids, we are not human-machines, we are not cyborgs, we are only humans. Technology is not yet materialized in us, it is inscribed in our contemporary way of being. This constellation of digital information is tacitly imprinted on our bodies. We are digitally influenced and digital influencers. We have multiple identities. We are physically impermanent, but the information we share online has the possibility of being accessible for centuries or even millennia. Our assets in this digital logic have no mass; we cannot touch the subscriptions and files that we accumulate. Nothing is permanent and changes are inevitable. Even the speed at which transformations take place is not constant. That is why Digital Delta is an urgent and indispensable book to understand the changes that we are going through in this reality that is physically and digitally constructed."

Crunch Time

Aliya Hamid Rao

In Crunch Time, Aliya Hamid Rao gets up close and personal with college-educated, unemployed men, women, and spouses to explain how comparable men and women have starkly different experiences of unemployment. Traditionally gendered understandings of work—that it’s a requirement for men and optional for women—loom large in this process, even for marriages that had been not organized in gender-traditional ways. These beliefs serve to make men’s unemployment an urgent problem, while women’s unemployment—cocooned within a narrative of staying at home—is almost a non-issue. Crunch Time reveals the minutiae of how gendered norms and behaviors are actively maintained by spouses at a time when they could be dismantled, and how gender is central to the ways couples react to and make sense of unemployment.

Von Wegen

Niels Boeing

Nach dem Erfolg von «Gentrifidingsbums» das neue Standardwerk zur Debatte!
Ja, Sie lesen richtig: Es gibt eine Alternative zum urbanen Kapitalismus, die mit Mietenwahnsinn, prekären Dienstleistungen und Gated Communities brechen kann. Experimente dazu laufen allerorten. Der Weg zu dieser Utopie erfordert List und Entschlossenheit. Aber das Ziel lohnt: die freie Stadt der Zukunft, der Ort, an dem die Menschen gemeinsam ihre Angelegenheiten selbst in die Hand nehmen.
Die Zukunft des Kapitalismus entscheidet sich in der Stadt. Seit dem Crash von 2008 rennen immer mehr Menschen gegen die Zumutungen einer Stadt als Anlageobjekt an, die die urbanen Räume vollends in Profit- und Sicherheitsmaschinen verwandeln. Sie fordern: «Recht auf Stadt» für alle.
Gegen das «Gentrifidingsbums» setzen sie Versammlungen, Wiederinbesitznahme öffentlicher Räume, echte Beteiligung an der Gestaltung der Städte. Die Umrisse einer anderen Stadt zeichnen sich bereits ab. Niels Boeing, selbst Aktivist in den urbanen Auseinandersetzungen, beschreibt die Spielräume und gibt ihnen eine kluge und durchdachte Grundlage.
Aus dem Inhalt: Recht auf Stadt / Selbstverwaltung / Staat und Herrschaft / Wohnen / Produktion / Nachhaltigkeit / Kommen und Bleiben / Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft / Spielräume und Kampfzonen / Die freie Stadt der Zukunft