
Различные книги в жанре Социология

The Philadelphia Negro

W. E. B. Du Bois

In 1897 the promising young sociologist William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (1868-1963) was given a temporary post as Assistant in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania in order to conduct a systematic investigation of social conditions in the seventh ward of Philadelphia. The product of those studies was the first great empirical book on the Negro in American society. More than one hundred years after its original publication by the University of Pennsylvania Press, The Philadelphia Negro remains a classic work. It is the first, and perhaps still the finest, example of engaged sociological scholarship—the kind of work that, in contemplating social reality, helps to change it. In his introduction, Elijah Anderson examines how the neighborhood studied by Du Bois has changed over the years and compares the status of blacks today with their status when the book was initially published.

The Phenomenology of Pain

Saulius Geniusas

The Phenomenology of Pain is the first book-length investigation of its topic to appear in English. Groundbreaking, systematic, and illuminating, it opens a dialogue between phenomenology and such disciplines as cognitive science and cultural anthropology to argue that science alone cannot clarify the nature of pain experience without incorporating a phenomenological approach. Building on this premise, Saulius Geniusas develops a novel conception of pain grounded in phenomenological principles: pain is an aversive bodily feeling with a distinct experiential quality, which can only be given in original first-hand experience, either as a feeling-sensation or as an emotion. Geniusas crystallizes the fundamental methodological principles that underlie phenomenological research. On the basis of those principles, he offers a phenomenological clarification of the fundamental structures of pain experience and contests the common conflation of phenomenology with introspectionism. Geniusas analyzes numerous pain dissociation syndromes, brings into focus the de-personalizing and re-personalizing nature of chronic pain experience, and demonstrates what role somatization and psychologization play in pain experience. In the process, he advances Husserlian phenomenology in a direction that is not explicitly worked out in Husserl’s own writings.

Social Movements and the Collective Identity of the Star Trek Fandom

David G. LoConto

Since it first aired in 1966, Star Trek has led American television into a more progressive era by presenting a diverse cast interacting as equals, demonstrating expertise and efficiency as they lead a starship across the galaxy. To this day, the Star Trek franchise strives to inspire viewers to find beauty in diversity and progress. In Social Movements and the Collective Identity of the Star Trek Fandom: Boldly Going Where No Fans Have Gone Before , David G. LoConto explores the development of the Star Trek fandom from its uncertain beginnings in the 1960s, to the popularity explosion in the 1990s and its triumphant return in 2017. LoConto analyzes the cultural phenomena of Star Trek through a social psychological approach, using symbolic interactionist and strategic ritualization theories, as well as ideas from Habermas and Foucault to track the fandom’s movements, values, and evolution.

Spatial Social Thought: Local Knowledge in Global Science Encounters


Global, local, glocal – reflecting on the area of world social science seems to be above all a matter of space. In these spatial dichotomies the global has no location and locations seem beyond this world. Discourses about world social science thought not only distinguish social thought along spaces where they are created. Space has become an attribute of thinking when social scientists reflect on the world of social thought: Southern, Western and Northern knowledge, the location in which thoughts are created, is not only a hint about the address of a thinker, but about the theoretical perspective through which social science thinkers look at social reality. Social thoughts are imagined as imprisoned in the spatial context in which they are created, and social science thinkers are imagined as representatives of spaces, whether these are defined politically, culturally, or in any other context in which their thoughts must be rooted as if the product of human minds was nothing but a voicing of the nature of spaces. And should we imagine the world social science arena, the encounter of all these spatially bound thoughts, as the encounter of many parochial knowledges that never manage to arrive at shared thoughts unless they already share the same spatial context? Why should we then at all meet each other?
This book discusses examples of spatially constructed knowledges and the struggles these knowledges encounter as they seek to meet one another and escape from the mind prison of their spatial contexts. Or does the world social science arena after all only prove that the ‘Western’ dogma of contextualizing social thought is a dead end road for social thought – everywhere?

The Human Being in Balance

Martin Weber

Der Energie-Erfolgstherapeut der ÖSV-Sportler! Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die bereit sind, ihre Gesundheit eigenverantwortlich in die Hand zu nehmen und Neues zuzulassen. Konkret, mit Kompetenz und vielen praktischen Beispielen aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Energetiker, Querdenker, Visionär und Energietherapeut von Österreichs besten Sportlern wie Felix Gottwald, Michael Walchhofer, Hermann Maier, Rainer Schönfelder, Michael Gruber, Andreas Schifferer, Michi Dorfmeister, Gitti Obermoser und vielen anderen bringt Martin Weber in diesem Buch die Leserinnen und Leser einen Schritt näher zum Verstehen der wahren Mechanismen, die in jedem Menschen wirken.
Martin Weber kann im Verlaufe seiner Tätigkeit bereits auf spektakuläre Heilerfolge zurückblicken, die zu einem großen Teil dokumentiert sind und auch in den Medien für große Resonanz gesorgt haben. Die schnelle Heilung von Knochenbrüchen, Sehnenrissen und anderen Verletzungen macht ihn nicht nur bei Spitzensportlern zu einem gefragten Therapeuten. Nun gibt Martin Weber sein Wissen erstmals in Buchform an Menschen weiter, die an wirklicher Heilung – nicht Symptombekämpfung – interessiert sind. Er zeigt auf, dass Medikamente niemals zu wirklicher Heilung führen und dass vor allem nach Verletzungen oder Operationen der Körper wie ein sensibles Musikinstrument neu gestimmt werden muss.