Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

Claiming Colleen

Beth Kery

From Forbidden Crush… to Forever Love?Former small-town princess Colleen used to have it all and Eric was the outsider with his nose pressed against the glass. Then a sudden change in circumstance led to a reversal of fortune. Now Eric was a wealthy, successful, arrogant surgeon who rubbed the one-time golden girl the wrong way.When fate forces Eric and Colleen back together, the single mum finds herself drawn to the irresistible doctor despite their dark history. She’d felt something for Eric when they were teenagers, but those memories were long forgotten – or so she thought.It wasn’t long before he wooed her into his arms. But could their newfound passion lead to the happily-ever-after of their dreams?

Montana Dreaming

Nadia Nichols

She'll never abandon the landChronically low cattle prices and her father's skyrocketing medical bills may have forced Jessie Weaver to sell the ranch that's been in her family since the mid-1800s, but no way will she let developers wreak havoc with her glorious Montana mountains. So she writes conservation restrictions into the deed of sale–even though that means taking a huge loss in land value.Even though Guthrie Sloane, her boyfriend, thinks she's dead wrong and it will mean the end of them as a couple.He'll never abandon herHotheaded and old-fashioned, Guthrie may have disagreed with Jessie's dreams for her land and stormed off to Alaska in protest, but no way can he quit her.

Beyond Ordinary

Mary Sullivan

Can you outrun your past?Angel Donovan can't. The moment she crosses the town limits of Ordinary, Montana, she feels the weight of who she used to be looming.But there's one person who sees beyond her former wild-child self–Timm Franck. Too bad he's also the one person she's wary of…with good reason. Thanks to his journalistic skills, the private details of her scandalous upbringing are a matter of public record.Despite her efforts, avoiding Timm is an impossible task. The man has made it his business to stay close. To make amends?Or to give them a shot at a relationship they never had? Whatever his motivation, Angel can honestly say this is the last place she expected to find something–someone– so extraordinary.

Zoey Phillips

Judith Bowen

At their last reunion, they all accepted a challenge: look up your first love. Find out what happened to him, what kind of man he became.Since Zoey's spending the month before Christmas back in her old hometown–Stoney Creek, in British Columbia's interior–she decides she'll take the opportunity to search for Ryan Donnelly, the boy she'd loved with all the passion in her teenage heart.Zoey ends up visiting the Donnelly ranch, and she discovers that Ryan–who's still single–does seem interested in pursuing something with her. But what about his brother, Cameron? Cam Donnelly, successful rancher and single dad, is as remote and mysterious as Ryan is flirtatious and charming. Does he approve of her «romance» with Ryan or not? What does he think of her? Zoey's not sure why it even matters…and yet she knows it does.

Lydia Lane

Judith Bowen

Lydia Lane didn't take the girlfriends' challenge–to find her first love–seriously at all. But then, Sam Pereira finds her…or rather, his ex-wife does.Lydia runs a business called Domestica, organizing people's lives and teaching them household skills. Sam's ex figures he needs someone like Lydia to create order out of chaos–and Sam agrees.Back when Lydia first knew Sam, back when she was secretly in love with him, he was Trouble with a capital T. A sexy motorcycle-riding «bad boy.» Now he's a successful lawyer and a single father–but still sexy, still a rebel in his own way. Lydia knows she could fall for him all over again…and for his little girl!

Charlotte Moore

Judith Bowen

Charlotte's taken the Girlfriends' challenge: Find your first love. What's he doing? How's he doing? On a business trip to Prince Edward Island–searching for antiques and folk art–Charlotte doesn't have to look very hard to find Liam Connery. But he's not what she expected. Not at all….Instead of the pilot he wanted to be, he trains and raises dogs. He's a man living a secluded existence in a rambling country house. A man with secrets.And yet–like Jane Eyre, with Liam playing the Mr. Rochester role–Charlotte's powerfully drawn to him. Falling in love, dreaming of marriage and babies and the promise of forever. A promise Liam may not be able to make…or to keep.

Texas Dad

Roz Fox Denny

A Picture-Perfect Husband?Mack Bannerman is many things – a rancher, a father…a widower. His twelve-year-old daughter, Zoey, wants him to remarry, so she enters Mack in a magazine contest, hoping to find him a wife – and a mother for herself.Photojournalist JJ Walker is sent to Turkey Creek Ranch to take photos of him for the feature. But JJ and Mack have a past together. One full of mistakes and misunderstandings that left them both with broken hearts. When Zoey catches on that they used to be involved, she’ll stop at nothing to make them fall for each other again!

Good Medicine

Bobby Hutchinson

Jordan had tried to love and support her husbandEven after he'd cleaned out the apartment and sold many of their belongings for drug money. But when, as the doctor on call in the E.R., she'd been forced to treat Garry's overdose, it had nearly killed her, too. Knowing she couldn't survive much more, she left him and Vancouver behind. She hoped only to find peace as the new resident G.P. in the remote First Nations village of Ahousaht.She never expected to meet someone as gentle and nurturing as native healer Silas Keefer, a man who understands Jordan's need to escape her past. He'd done the same thing himself years earlier.Their love is unexpected and right, but can Jordan and Silas have a future if they cannot heal the past?

Wild Horses

Bethany Campbell

Not even wild horses…Nothing could make Michele Nightingale betray the only family she's ever known. So when Adam Duran shows up–an uninvited stranger bearing bad news–at the Circle T, she wants nothing to do with him. But he insists on speaking with ranch owner Carolyn Trent.Since Carolyn's away, Mickey has to play host. She's horrified to learn who Adam is and what he wants. But the more she gets to know Adam, the more his story touches her. She finds herself torn between her loyalty to the Trents and the sympathy–and undeniable attraction–she's beginning to feel toward Adam.And then there are the horses….

Honor Bound

Julianna Morris

Coming home should be simple.For Ben Santoni, however, it's anything but straightforward. Kelly Lawson isn't the sweet girl he remembers. She's tougher now, and her icy demeanor makes it clear she hasn't forgiven him. So, fine, he'll keep his distance even though her attitude challenges his role as police chief.But when a murderer strikes and Kelly is threatened, personal feelings can't come into play. It's Ben's duty to protect her, and that's what he'll do. As the case progresses, objectivity becomes impossible. Because suddenly, Ben wants far more than just to keep her safe….