Современные любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Современные любовные романы

Mountains Apart

Carol Ross

Winning this battle could mean losing it allSan Diego workaholic Emily Hollings doesn't eat fish, doesn't wear flannel shirts and certainly doesn't fraternize with the enemy. So why is she finding herself charmed by Rankins, Alaska—her company's next development target—and the leader of its hostile opposition, Bering James?She must be more burned-out than she thought. Her professional reserve is slipping. And she's starting to fantasize about a life beyond work…a life like Bering has here. Maybe they can put their professional differences aside and explore this…friendship. Or maybe she's just deluding herself. Because one of them has to win.

Dandelion Wishes

Melinda Curtis

Will Jackson was a control freak and a killjoy.He had been since they were kids. He’d made it his mission to come between Emma Willoughby and her best friend—his little sister—all their lives.But why?Until the day of the accident Emma had always thought of herself as adventurous, not dangerous…. And then her friend had almost died.She desperately needed to apologize, to try to explain, if she could.Will had managed to keep the two apart while Tracy was in the hospital, but now that she was home in Harmony Valley, the winemaker-wannabe had to understand that getting past this was the only way they could heal.And yet even if Tracy was able to, Emma wasn’t sure she could forgive herself.And Will had made it abundantly clear: he wouldn’t sleep until he’d found retribution.

Shenandoah Christmas

Lynnette Kent

Will Christmas come to Goodwill, Virginia, this year?Ten-year-old Maddie Tremaine is supposed to be the announcing angel in the town pageant this Christmas. But unless they can find someone to direct the show, Maddie's dream won't come true. Her dad's not much help. Ever since her mom went to heaven, he's been too sad to think about the holidays. He hasn't even met Miss Caitlyn, the new choir teacher, who'd be the perfect person to run the pageant.Then somehow–maybe because it's nearly Christmas–Maddie's wish comes true in the best possible way. Her dad and Miss Caitlyn are going to produce the pageant together. Suddenly her dad's smiling again. And her little brother–who stopped speaking after the accident–is beginning to talk.As for Maddie? She's going to be the best announcing angel Goodwill has ever seen!

The Partner

Kay David

One bullet changed her lifeIn a heart-stopping moment she'd never stop reliving, Risa Taylor lost everything–her partner, her friends, her career and her self-confidence. The family she was never close to has taken a step back and there's nowhere else to turn. Things can't get much worse.Except, of course, they can. Every officer-involved shooting is investigated by Internal Affairs, and the man in charge is Grady Wilson, who's known for his unorthodox methods and his unquestionable results. At first glance, the case seems like a slam dunk, especially when the ballistics report shows that the bullet that killed her partner came from Risa's gun. But a phone call from an anonymous informant, and the feelings he starts to have for Risa, have Grady looking a little deeper, determined to find out what really happened on that steamy night in Houston.

Navy Rules

Geri Krotow

Wounded during a military rescue, Commander Max Ford returns to a naval base on Whidbey Island to recover. And part of his treatment involves working with a therapy dog.Max is surprised to learn that the dog's owner is Winnie Armstrong, widow of his closest friend. She and Max were close in those months following her husband's death. But they drifted apart, until that one night two years ago. The night friendship turned to passion…Now he's even more shocked to learn that Winnie has been keeping a secret from him. A baby girl. His daughter. It's even more important he heal so he can be a part of his child's life–and Winnie's. Because all the attraction that pulled them together that one night is still there…only stronger.

Navy Rescue

Geri Krotow

She saved a baby, but can she save her marriage? Navy commander and pilot Gwen Brett is shot down in a disastrous mission–and survives six months in terrifying circumstances. She manages to escape with an orphaned baby she rescued and is determined to bring home.Devastated when she was presumed dead, her ex-husband, Drew, is overjoyed by her survival. He offers Gwen and the baby a place to stay, to recover. Gwen accepts, convinced their love is gone. But almost losing her for good makes Drew realize he wants her back–and Gwen feels the same…. However, this rescue might be the hardest one yet!

Navy Christmas

Geri Krotow

Home is where the love is. Especially at Christmas! Commander Jonas Scott got through a tough deployment by thinking about his family home on Whidbey Island. The same home his deceased stepmother, Dottie, had promised him. His Navy homecoming turns sour when he discovers that Dottie left his house to a stranger named Serena Delgado….Serena, an Army widow with a young son, is fixing up her house. But as Christmas approaches and she gets to know Jonas, Dottie's plan becomes clear. It wasn't about fixing up the house, it was about fixing up Serena and Jonas!

The Replacement

Anne Duquette Marie

Can the past be undone?Twins like Eric Kincaide and his sister, Naomi, know each other's every thought. But that closeness came between him and Lindsey Nelson, the woman he'd planned to marry, four years ago. When their wedding plans fell through, Lindsey ran as far and fast as she could.Now Eric heads a small team of winter rangers in Yosemite, a team that includes his twin sister. They're looking for a kidnapped child hidden somewhere in these snowy mountains. When one of his rangers dies in an avalanche, he needs a replacement, someone who specializes in handling search-and-rescue dogs. That someone is Lindsey Nelson.The hunt for a missing child brings her back to snowbound Yosemite, back to a place she wanted to forget. Back to a man she can't forget–and the twin she can't forgive.

Undercover Cook

Jeannie Watt

Detective Nick Duncan will do anything to crack his latest case. Even if it means engaging in some less-than-legal undercover work. When his grandfather begins taking cooking classes at a catering company suspected of laundering drug money, it's almost too easy!Until Nick meets Eden Tremont–his new cooking instructor and the suspect's sister. The bubbly blonde is a whiz in the kitchen…and with his old grandfather. And before he even realizes what's happening, Nick is ambushed by his feelings for the woman. It's been a long time since he's cared about anything other than his job. But his reckless deception may cost him more than his case.

Challenging Matt

Julianna Morris

She's putting him to the test As a researcher, Layne McGraw can handle tough situations. So when suspicions arise that her uncle may have been murdered, she won't let anything stop her from finding the truth. Not the risks, and certainly not party-boy philanthropist Matt Hollister.It turns out Matt is more irresistible than she expected. Not only has he reformed his wild ways, but as the new head of his family's charity, he has a lot to prove. And her quest seems to challenge his plans. She knows finding out what really happened could serve both their needs. All they have to do is control their attraction!