Религия: прочее

Различные книги в жанре Религия: прочее

Called to Serve

Margaret M. McGuinness

Winner, Conference on the History of Women Religious (CHWR) Distinguished Book Award Winner, 2014 Catholic Book Award in History presented by the Catholic Press Association For manyAmericans, nuns and sisters are the face of the Catholic Church. Far morevisible than priests, Catholic women religious teach at schools, foundhospitals, offer food to the poor, and minister to those in need. Their workhas shaped the American Catholic Church throughout its history. Yet despitetheir high profile, a concise history of American Catholic sisters and nuns hasyet to be published. In Called to Serve, MargaretM. McGuinness provides the reader with an overview of the history of Catholicwomen religious in American life, from the colonial period to the present. The earlyyears of religious life in the United States found women religious in immigrantcommunities and on the frontier, teaching, nursing, and caring for marginalizedgroups. In the second half of the twentieth century, however, the role of womenreligious began to change. They have fewer members than ever, and theirpopulation is aging rapidly. And the method of their ministry is changing aswell: rather than merely feeding and clothing the poor, religious sisters arenow working to address the social structures that contribute to poverty,fighting what one nun calls “social sin.” In the face of a changing world and shifting priorities, women religiousmust also struggle to strike a balance between the responsibilities of theirfaith and the limitations imposed upon them by their church. Rigorouslyresearched and engagingly written, Calledto Serve offers a compelling portrait of Catholic women religiousthroughout American history.

Blacks and Whites in Christian America

Jason E. Shelton

2012 Winner of the C. Calvin Smith Award presented by the Southern Conference on African American Studies, Inc. 2014 Honorable Mention for the Distinguished Book Award presented by the American Sociological Association's Sociology of Religion Section Conventional wisdom holds that Christians, as members of a“universal” religion, all believe more or less the same thingswhen it comes to their faith. Yet black and white Christiansdiffer in significant ways, from their frequency of praying orattending services to whether they regularly read the Bible orbelieve in Heaven or Hell. In this engaging and accessible sociological study of whiteand black Christian beliefs, Jason E. Shelton and Michael O.Emerson push beyond establishing that there are racial differencesin belief and practice among members of AmericanProtestantism to explore why those differences exist. Drawingon the most comprehensive and systematic empiricalanalysis of African American religious actions and beliefsto date, they delineate five building blocks of black Protestantfaith which have emerged from the particular dynamicsof American race relations. Shelton and Emerson find thatAmerica’s history of racial oppression has had a deep andfundamental effect on the religious beliefs and practices ofblacks and whites across America.


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In 2006, the contemporary American Pentecostal movement celebrated its 100th birthday. Over that time, its African American sector has been markedly influential, not only vis-à-vis other branches of Pentecostalism but also throughout the Christian church. Black Christians have been integrally involved in every aspect of the Pentecostal movement since its inception and have made significant contributions to its founding as well as the evolution of Pentecostal/charismatic styles of worship, preaching, music, engagement of social issues, and theology. Yet despite its being one of the fastest growing segments of the Black Church, Afro-Pentecostalism has not received the kind of critical attention it deserves. Afro-Pentecostalism brings together fourteen interdisciplinary scholars to examine different facets of the movement, including its early history, issues of gender, relations with other black denominations, intersections with popular culture, and missionary activities, as well as the movement’s distinctive theology. Bolstered by editorial introductions to each section, the chapters reflect on the state of the movement, chart its trajectories, discuss pertinent issues, and anticipate future developments.Contributors: Estrelda Y. Alexander, Valerie C. Cooper, David D. Daniels III, Louis B. Gallien, Jr., Clarence E. Hardy III, Dale T. Irvin, Ogbu U. Kalu, Leonard Lovett, Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Cheryl J. Sanders, Craig Scandrett-Leatherman, William C. Turner, Jr., Frederick L. Ware, and Amos Yong

How Can I Care for Creation?

Stephanie McDyre Johnson

• Primer for faithfully engaging in the care of creation • Accessible and useful for everyday life
Care and justice for all creation is a core value of The Episcopal Church and part of the Jesus Movement. As part of our baptismal covenant and our prayers, we are called to love and care for God’s creation. This book is a simple guide to caring for creation in everyday life.
The Episcopal Church has been engaged in environmental ministries for over four decades as a moral and ethical voice, encouraging a deep love of the earth. As climate change becomes an even more pressing issue and localized environmental injustices increase, how can we continue and strengthen this faith-based environmental effort as a central tenant of the Jesus Movement? This book is a short primer on how individuals can faithfully engage in care of creation. From suggestions for deepening spiritual practices to personal actions to advocacy in the public sphere, readers will be inspired and empowered to place the care of God’s earth at the center of their ministry.

Faith Born of Seduction

Jennifer L Manlowe

How do survivors of sexual and domestic violence relate to religion and to a higher power? What are the social and religious contexts that sustain and encourage eating disorders in women? How do these issues intersect? The relationship between Christian religious discourse, incest, and eating disorders reveals an important, and so far unexamined, psychosocial phenomenon. Drawing from interviews with incest survivors whose sexual and religious backgrounds are intimately connected with their problematic relationship with food, Jennifer Manlowe here illuminates the connections between female body, weight, and appetite preoccupations.Manlowe offers social and psychological insights into the most common forms of female suffering—incest and body hatred. The volume is intended as a resource for professionals, advocates, friends of survivors, and most importantly, the survivor of incest herself as she attempts to understand the links of meaning in her mind between her incest experience and her subsequent eating disorder.

Shout to the Lord

Ari Y. Kelman

How music makes worship and how worship makes music in Evangelical churches [b][/b]Music is a nearly universal feature of congregational worship in American churches. Congregational singing is so ingrained in the experience of being at church that it is often misunderstood to be synonymous with worship. For those who assume responsibility for making music for congregational use, the relationship between music and worship is both promising and perilous – promise in the power of musical style and collective singing to facilitate worship, peril in the possibility that the experience of the music might eclipse the worship it was written to facilitate. As a result, those committed to making music for worship are constantly reminded of the paradox that they are writing songs for people who wish to express themselves, as directly as possible, to God. This book shines a new light on how people who make music for worship also make worship from music. Based on interviews with more than 75 songwriters, worship leaders, and music industry executives, Shout to the Lord maps the social dimensions of sacred practice, illuminating how the producers of worship music understand the role of songs as both vehicles for, and practices of, faith and identity. This book accounts for the human qualities of religious experience and the practice of worship, and it makes a compelling case for how – sometimes – faith comes by hearing. How music makes worship and how worship makes music in Evangelical churches [b][/b]Music is a nearly universal feature of congregational worship in American churches. Congregational singing is so ingrained in the experience of being at church that it is often misunderstood to be synonymous with worship. For those who assume responsibility for making music for congregational use, the relationship between music and worship is both promising and perilous – promise in the power of musical style and collective singing to facilitate worship, peril in the possibility that the experience of the music might eclipse the worship it was written to facilitate. As a result, those committed to making music for worship are constantly reminded of the paradox that they are writing songs for people who wish to express themselves, as directly as possible, to God. This book shines a new light on how people who make music for worship also make worship from music. Based on interviews with more than 75 songwriters, worship leaders, and music industry executives, Shout to the Lord maps the social dimensions of sacred practice, illuminating how the producers of worship music understand the role of songs as both vehicles for, and practices of, faith and identity. This book accounts for the human qualities of religious experience and the practice of worship, and it makes a compelling case for how – sometimes – faith comes by hearing.

Der Himmel küsst die Erde

Karl-Heinz Fleckenstein

Maria, die junge Frau aus Nazareth, wird zum Liebling Gottes. Der Himmel küsst die Erde. Sie darf den Sohn des Allerhöchsten zur Welt bringen. Ein uralter Traum der Menschheit wird Wirklichkeit. Maria sagt Ja zu dieser unglaublichen Verheißung. Allerdings ist sie auf ihrem weiteren Lebensweg nicht gerade auf Rosen gebettet. Maria hat trotz vieler dunkler Stunden ihre ganze Existenz Gott überlassen. Aber nicht einfach passiv. Als eigenständige Person stellt sie Fragen. Sie geht Auseinandersetzungen nicht aus dem Weg. Sie versteht die Nöte der Menschheit. Das Buch lädt die Leserin, den Leser, dazu ein, im Dialog mit Maria den eigenen Lebensweg zu finden.

El Dios de los desposeídos

Jayakumar Christian

Jayakumar Christian sostiene que, para dar soluciones sustentables a la carencia de poder, la pobreza y la opresión que sufren los pobres, es fundamental cuestionar y redefinir el poder desde la perspectiva del reino de Dios. Solo cuando nos damos cuenta de que ante Dios todos estamos con «las manos vacías» o desposeídos, pueden ser restauradas las relaciones rotas.

Correr con los caballos

Eugene Peterson

Todos anhelamos vivir la vida de la mejor forma combinando la libertad y la espontaneidad con propósito y significado. ¿Por qué entonces, a menudo vivimos nuestras vidas de manera tan monótona, con poca aventura, o de forma tan rutinaria; y si no, de forma frenética, saturados de actividades, pero carentes de propósito? ¿Cómo aprendemos a tomar riesgos, a confiar, andar en integridad y excelencia? En este clásico espiritual, Eugene Peterson ofrece sus profundas reflexiones sobre la vida del profeta Jeremías expresadas en el idioma del mensaje, y situadas en un contexto contemporáneo. Estas reflexiones nos ayudan a comprender lo que significa ser plenos y auténticamente humanos.